Top News:
Jay Rosen / PressThink:
The Politico Opens the Kimono. And then Pretends it Never Happened. — “Think about what the Politico is saying: an experienced beat reporter would probably not want to ‘burn bridges’ with key sources by telling the world what happens when those sources let their guard down.”

Rolling Stone's McChrystal interview shows the magazine's nonmusical side — In the summer of 2008, Rolling Stone founder Jann Wenner ended an interview with Barack Obama — whose campaign he financially supported — by saying, “Good luck. We are following you daily with great hope and admiration.”
Mike Celizic /
Reporter believed McChrystal was ‘untouchable’
Reporter believed McChrystal was ‘untouchable’
Associated Press
Wall Street Journal:
Hulu Could Begin Testing Subscription Service This Month — Online video site Hulu is working to finalize agreements with content owners for a service in which consumers would pay to watch television shows, and a test could begin as early as later this month, according to people briefed on the plans.

Hulu's Subscription Service Could Come Next Week - For Some of You — Some of you may finally get a chance to pay for Hulu. The video web site is finalizing its plans to launch its subscription service, and people familiar with the company say a beta test of “Hulu Plus” could launch as early as next week.

EXCLUSIVE: Bob Greenblatt departing Showtime; David Nevins expected to take over — In a case of one former Fox executive-turned-producer replacing another former Fox executive-turned-producer, David Nevins (above, right) is expected to take the top entertainment gig at Showtime — replacing Bob Greenblatt (above, left).
John Koblin / New York Observer:
Gerry Marzorati to Step Down as Editor of The New York Times Magazine — The Observer has learned that Gerry Marzorati will announce in the next few days that he is stepping down as editor of the Times Magazine. He is expected to leave at the end of August.

Times paywall: initial data and analysis — Following months of speculation, News International has finally erected a paywall around the Times newspaper website. After a couple of weeks running two sites, ( and in parallel, visitors to the former site …

48 HR Magazine Will Cease Sales On June 27 — Last week, we brought you an update about 48 HR Magazine, which has been embroiled in a legal dispute with CBS over the trademark of “48 Hours” the TV show. — Basically, the 48 HR folks had agreed to change the name of the publication …
Jon Friedman / MarketWatch:
CNN's Spitzer move is totally inappropriate — Commentary: To him, it's all about cleaning up his image — NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — CNN's decision to hire disgraced ex-governor Eliot Spitzer is totally inappropriate. It's an embarrassment to broadcast journalism — and that's saying something — and to CNN itself.
Politics Daily
Dylan Stableford / The Wrap:
CNN's Jon Klein: We're Not Endorsing One Side or Another
CNN's Jon Klein: We're Not Endorsing One Side or Another
New York Post, Mediaweek, Media Analysis RSS, TVNewser, The Wire,* and Inside Cable News

Newsweek, brought to you by...China? — FORTUNE — China is no longer content to merely be covered by American media. It now wants to own it. — China-based Southern Media Group confirmed last week that it partnered with Chengdu B-Ray Media for a bid to buy Newsweek magazine from its owner …
John Eggerton / Multichannel:
FCC Stops Comcast-NBCU Shot Clock Again — Commission seeks do-over, says companies did not follow directions in data request — The FCC is stopping the shot clock on the Comcast-NBC Universal merger for a second time. Thursday, June 24, had been day 50 on what is an informal 180-day deadline for vetting the deal.

BP Sends PR Professionals To Gulf Coast To Pretend To Be Journalists — You know, a lot has been said about BP and its contributions to the natural beauty of the Gulf Coast states. But what we haven't heard as much about are BP's contributions to journalism, have we?
TPM LiveWire

Weinstein Debt Wiped Clean in Deal with Goldman, Ambac — Miracles happen. — The Weinstein Company got a new lease on life on Wednesday after a full restructuring agreement that leaves the independent film company free of its $450 million and with a new operating facility.

Global ad spend to be up 3.5% in 2010 — Global advertising spending in measured media is expected to increase 3.5% in 2010 to $451 billion, revised up from a projected 1% growth six months ago in the most recent 70-nation forecast report from GroupM. If achieved, the dollar total equals …

No End In Sight For Tribune's Bankruptcy Woes — Last spring, it looked as if The Tribune Company was nearly done with its year-long bankruptcy ordeal. But as a WSJ report shows, the newspaper and TV station owner has had its hopes of concluding its reorg any time soon.

Exclusive: Vevo's Location-Aware iPhone App Debuts in July [PIC] — Music videos are going to become a lot more accessible come July, as — Vevo will launch its official iPhone app during that sweltering month. We got a sneak peek at the upcoming toy. — Yesterday, I sat down with Rio Caraeff …
comScore, Inc.:
comScore Releases May 2010 U.S. Online Video Rankings — YouTube Streams All-Time High of 14.6 Billion Videos Viewed — comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released May 2010 data from the comScore Video Metrix service showing that 183 million U.S …
ReadWriteWeb, Inside Facebook, NewTeeVee, TechCrunch, PC World, MarketingCharts, Silicon Alley Insider, Online Video News and VideoNuze
Jon Lafayette / Broadcasting & Cable:
Sponsors Galore for 2010 ESPYs — Capital One, Castrol Edge to present July 14 ESPN awards show with raft of new sponsors. — ESPN said its ESPY Awards will be presented by Capital One and Castrol Edge. — Capital One and Castrol Edge will also co-present the ESPY nomination show and EPSY Voting …
Newsdesk / Tower Ticker:
Chicago Tribune, The Onion become partners — no joke — Looking to wring money from funny, the Chicago Tribune Media Group will take over ad sales, printing and distribution of The Onion in the Chicago market through a new partnership announced Thursday. — Onion Inc., parent of the satirical paper …
Ryan Lawler / NewTeeVee:
Fox Mobile Launches Its Mobile Hulu Lookalike, BitBop — Fox Mobile is rolling out its subscription mobile video service BitBop, making a wide range of TV content available on Blackberry mobile phones. The service, which costs $9.99 a month, includes full-length TV shows from a number …

Stats: Five Percent Of English Soccer Viewers Watched Match Online — Let's hope broadcasters have got their CDNs in order - this summer's World Cup is proving a genuine watershed for live online TV streaming. Look at these stats... — served a peak of 800,000 concurrent live …