Top News:

The Sad, Bulls**t Story of Washington Post Blogger Dave Weigel's Resignation — The Sad Story of Dave Weigel's Resignation — Anti-Gay Activists Outed by Supreme Court — The Plight of the Single... Eligible Bachelor Alert: Prince Harry Hits NYC — By Jen Doll — Second Chances

Who Smeared Dave Weigel? — Yesterday afternoon, The Washington Post's conservative blogger, Dave Weigel, resigned. This was following the leak of some emails detailing his personal political views to a DC hack-gossip named Betsy Rothstein and bowtied blowhard Tucker Carlson's website, The Daily Caller.
Ross Douthat:
The Shame of JournoList — When the intra-liberal e-mail round-robin known as JournoList first attracted attention early last year, it seemed significant primarily as a milestone in the emergence of a kind of “movement liberal” mentality among certain media personalities — a team-player spirit …
Conor Friedersdorf / The Atlantic Online:
The Binary World of The Washington Post — Over at The Washington Post, ombudsman Andrew Alexander opines on the resignation of blogger Dave Weigel. The piece is so perfect a distillation of the flawed value system that governs newspaper journalism that it is worth a close read. — Let's jump right in:
Julian Sanchez / The Atlantic Online:
Weigel, WaPo, and the Tracy-Flickization of Public Life
Weigel, WaPo, and the Tracy-Flickization of Public Life
BuzzMachine, Venture Chronicles, Vanity Fair, Yahoo! News, Big Journalism, Ezra Klein, Salon and Hot Air
Greenville News:
A new business model for our journalism — Beginning July 1, we will introduce a new model for our subscribers to access and pay for our valuable content. This new model reflects the advancements being made in the electronic world and the resulting redefinition of our news and information service.
Pasadena Star-News Most Viewed:
Larry Wilson: The journalist and the Texas cattleman — Twenty-one years ago, Janet Malcolm ticked off the entire reporting community with the now-famous first sentence of her book “The Journalist and the Murderer”: “Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice …
Brian Lowry / Variety:
Wackadoodle demo widens — More cable nets targeting viewers who believe in conspiracies, alien abductions, etc., — The proliferation of cable channels has seemingly offered dedicated locations for every age group, interest and niche — which might explain why TV has begun reaching out to the wackadoodle demographic.

Magazine Writers Are Slow to Take Up Multimedia — An ideal pitch for a magazine story today would seem to require great possibilities for text and for multimedia. Freelance magazine writers, one would think, would be honing their multimedia skills so they could pitch well-rounded stories …
Judith Thurman / The New Yorker Blog:
Debenedetti Confesses! — Last April, in a Talk of the Town piece, I broke the story of a literary hoax perpetrated by an Italian freelancer, Tommaso Debenedetti, who, it transpired, had published interviews invented from whole cloth with Philip Roth and John Grisham.
The Book Bench
Paul Bond / Hollywood Reporter:
News Corp. unloads Beliefnet — Website carried religious, spiritual content — News Corp. said Friday it has sold Beliefnet, a website it purchased three years ago that caters to a community seeking spiritual content based on a large number of religions and even atheism.

AOL's Armstrong, ‘Content King,’ wears heavy crown — AOL turned 25 this Spring. To celebrate, the internet giant has been throwing a series of diverse events. In New York at the end of May, AOL's pop culture blog Urlesque threw a party on the Lower East Side at local bar Sweet and Vicious.
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