Top News:
Jeremy W. Peters / New York Times:
2 Suitors for Newsweek Are Said to Be Ruled Out — WITH a 5 p.m. Thursday deadline approaching for the final round of bids, at least two people were preparing to make offers for Newsweek while two others were told by the magazine's owners that their bids would not be considered.
Romenesko, Wall Street Journal, Media Research Center, New York Magazine and Tech Trader Daily

Newsmax Media, Two Others Are Out Of The Running For Newsweek — A spokesman for Newsmax Media just sent us the following statement about the company's failed bid to buy Newsweek: — Newsmax Media made a serious bid to acquire Newsweek, which we believe is an extraordinary publishing property …

Marc Lasry's Avenue Capital Is Among Newsweek Finalists, Drasner Would Be A ‘Tough’ Owner — Here's what we know as the 5 p.m. July 1 deadline for final Newsweek bids approaches. — Chris Ruddy's Newsmax Media is out, as are hedge funders Thane Ritchie and Phil Falcone.
New York Post
Michael Calderone / Yahoo! News:
Study: Newspapers stopped describing waterboarding as ‘torture’ during Bush years — Is waterboarding torture? If you picked up a major U.S. newspaper before 2004, the answer would likely be ‘yes,’ according to a new Harvard University study. — But in the post-9/11 world …
Glenn Greenwald / Salon:
New study documents media's servitude to government
New study documents media's servitude to government
Mediaite, Romenesko,, The Daily Dish, American Prospect, Chicago Reader, The Atlantic Wire and The Huffington Post

Groupon to Offer Exclusive Deals through Local Newspapers — The quickly growing deal-a-day site Groupon has entered in to a partnership with The McClatchy Company — owner of The Miami Herald, The Sacramento Bee and several other newspapers — to outsource exclusive Groupon deals to McClatchy websites in 28 U.S. markets.

UK Times Goes Tentatively Paid From Friday At £1-A-Month — We've covered every step in Times Newspapers' conversion to paid websites - the initial plan, the confirmation, the blocking of stories from search engines and the launch in May of the two new websites behind a registration wall on a free preview basis.
Guardian, Bloomberg, Media Week Customer Publishing, Press Gazette, Jon Slattery and WebNewser
David Zurawik / Z on TV:
Spitzer, King: Why changes at CNN matter so much — I had been questioning myself in recent days as to whether or not I was making too much out of the Eliot Spitzer hiring at CNN. Last night, as I was writing about Larry King stepping down, I decided I was not.

China Agency Nears Times Square — China's state news agency could soon be the newest Times Square neighbor of media giants Thomson Reuters and Conde Nast. — Xinhua, one of the Chinese government's main news outlets and propaganda arms, is finalizing a deal to move to the top floor …

Alex Bogusky Resigns From MDC Partners — Creative Legend to Focus on Projects Outside of Advertising and Marketing — NEW YORK ( — Advertising celebrity and MDC Partners' star employee Alex Bogusky has resigned from the holding company to pursue efforts outside the ad world.
Mike Fleming /
Larry King Heading Into Bagel Biz; Will He Have To Answer To Nate N' Al? — When Larry King steps down from his CNN gig later this year, he'll need something to fill his downtime. Bagels will play a role. Just before he announced his exit, King closed a deal to become a financial partner …
Joshua Benton / Nieman Journalism Lab:
When a journalism gig is paid for by outsiders — In the sea of good pieces last week about the Dave Weigel imbroglio, his own explanation of events stood out. And there was one paragraph that particularly interested me: … I was familiar with the Collegiate Network from my own college days …

A New Magazine for Terrorists — Blogs and Stories — The man who inspired the Fort Hood shooter, the Christmas Day attacker, and the Times Square bomber is launching an online magazine in English aimed at aspiring jihadists. Lloyd Grove on why it has American officials worried.

L.A. Times Sells King Kong a Mock Editorial Wrap-Around Section — The L.A. Times is at it again, allowing an advertiser to overtake an editorial section. — On Thursday, the paper published a fake four-page wrap-around advertising section designed to look like the paper's LATEXTRA section, which was buried inside.

BBC's Interactive TV Exec Chakkara Heads To TalkTalk — After Anthony Rose, another BBC iPlayer exec may be Canvas-bound for his next challenge. — BBC future media TV platforms controller Rahul Chakkara is leaving after six years with Auntie to be online director at TalkTalk.

Revision3 is Achieving Unaided Advertising Recall of Up to 99% — When Revision3, the independent network of online video programs, has surveyed its viewers, it has discovered that 99% of them are able to identify at least 1 of its advertisers. That incredibly high level of unaided recall …
Andrew Wilson / Media Week:
Apple launches iAds ad platform — Apple is to launch its iAds mobile advertising platform later today (1 July), as it seeks to attract advertisers to its range of products including the iPhone and iPad. — The system has already attracted some criticism, with rivals now urging regulators …

Spot.Us Lessons: Journalists Work in, and For, the Public — In a previous post I introduced the most significant findings from my recent case study of Spot.Us, a crowdfunding platform for journalism. In this post I discuss what my findings mean for journalism, and for the role and the work of a journalist.

Amazon Introduces 70% Royalty Option For Kindle Digital Text Platform — Right off the heels of announcing an expansion of its Kindle Digital Text Platform to authors and publishers around the world, Amazon announced back in January that it would introduce a new 70 percent royalty option …
Discussion:, Computerworld, Business Wire, Kindle Review, TeleRead and Poynter Online
Brad Stone / Bits:
Amazon Introduces a New Kindle DX With Lower Price — is not giving up on its large-screen Kindle DX. — The company introduced a new version of the black and white e-reader on Thursday morning, dropping the price to $379, from $489. — The device encloses the 9.7 inch display in a striking dark graphite frame.

Quora: A Technology Writer's Best Friend, For Now — Quora opened to the public last week, and it couldn't be better news for news-starved technology writers. — The site, which allows users to subscribe to topics and see publicly-asked questions and answers tagged with related subjects …

Warner's Latest Strategy Gives MTV New Clout in Online Video — MTV Gets Ad Sales Rights for Warner Music Videos All Over the Web — LOS ANGELES ( — MTV Networks may have given up on music videos as prime-time TV content years ago, but music video on the web is another story.

Extra! Extra! Google News redesigned to be more customizable and shareable — There's an old saying that all news is local. But all news is personal too—we connect with it in different ways depending on our interests, where we live, what we do and a lot of other factors.