Top News:

UK Times Goes Tentatively Paid From Friday At £1-A-Month — We've covered every step in Times Newspapers' conversion to paid websites - the initial plan, the confirmation, the blocking of stories from search engines and the launch in May of the two new websites behind a registration wall on a free preview basis.
Guardian, Bloomberg, Editors Weblog,, Company Town, Press Gazette, ResourceShelf, Jon Slattery and WebNewser
Media Week Customer Publishing:
News Int charges for Times online from today — The Times and The Sunday Times will charge for access to its digital journalism from today (2 July). — The Times: paywall comes in to play tomorrow — Online readers will be required to pay for access to …

Anderson Cooper is ‘Happy at CNN’ and Mad at ‘The Internet’ — CNN's star anchor Anderson Cooper responded to TheWrap's report of drama going down at the cable news network with an e-mail that's essentially just a long-winded version of the old “move along, nothing to see here” trick.
Michael Calderone / Yahoo! News:
Study: Newspapers stopped describing waterboarding as ‘torture’ during Bush years — Is waterboarding torture? If you picked up a major U.S. newspaper before 2004, the answer would likely be ‘yes,’ according to a new Harvard University study. — But in the post-9/11 world …
The Plum Line, The Daily Dish, Daily Kos,, Gawker, FishbowlNY, The Huffington Post, Romenesko and Mediaite

Pay Walls Debut at Three Gannett Papers Testing ‘Journalism as a Service’ — Gannett stepped into the world of paid content today with what it termed “a small-scale test” at the Tallahassee Democrat, The Greenville (S.C.) News and The (St. George, Utah) Spectrum. — screengrab/
Jim Romenesko / Romenesko:
Hearst's Houston, San Antonio papers to work even more closely together — Memo to Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News staffs — It was about a year ago when Steve Swartz at Hearst Newspapers urged us to accelerate the rate of exchange between our two newsrooms.

Tyler Brûlé, Media Maverick — Canadian-born Tyler Brûlé's magazine, Monocle, challenges just about every piece of received wisdom about what works in media these days — In a modest, terraced mews building beside Marylebone station in West London …
Charles Arthur / Guardian:
Eric Schmidt talks about threats to Google, paywalls and the future — Google chief Eric Schmidt tells Activate summit that the future of newspapers is online - and mobile — • Video: Eric Schmidt discusses newspapers and the web with Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger
Telegraph, The Register, MacStories, 9 to 5 Mac and Kirk LaPointe's …, more at Techmeme »

Proof that the New York Times is More Popular than the Wall Street Journal — Among Thieves — The Wall Street Journal is in a death-match with the New York Times to win the hearts and minds of New York's intellegentsia. But there is one crucial group to whom the Journal apparently doesn't appeal: thieves.

Groupon to Offer Exclusive Deals through Local Newspapers — The quickly growing deal-a-day site Groupon has entered in to a partnership with The McClatchy Company — owner of The Miami Herald, The Sacramento Bee and several other newspapers — to outsource exclusive Groupon deals to McClatchy websites in 28 U.S. markets.

Phone Your Blog — A broken telephone I saw while wandering around Bangkok — It's happened to all of us. The night starts off innocently enough with a little gin and tonic, maybe a mojito, then next thing you know you're doing tequila shots with the bartender and the girl from Brazil …

Marc Lasry's Avenue Capital Is Among Newsweek Finalists, Drasner Would Be A ‘Tough’ Owner — Here's what we know as the 5 p.m. July 1 deadline for final Newsweek bids approaches. — Chris Ruddy's Newsmax Media is out, as are hedge funders Thane Ritchie and Phil Falcone.
Joe Pompeo / The Wire:
Newsmax Media, Two Others Are Out Of The Running For Newsweek
Newsmax Media, Two Others Are Out Of The Running For Newsweek
FishbowlNY, Media Life Magazine, Folio, CNBC, Media Research Center, New York Post, The Wrap, New York Magazine, Romenesko and New York Times

JOURNOS' FAVORITE JUNKET — There are plenty of perks to being a reporter: free notepads, the occasional expensed source lunch and that whole “front-row seat to history” thing. — But, for a privileged few, there's one bonus that beats all the rest: A week of drinking top shelf booze, free of charge.
Clem Richardson / NY Daily News:
Kids are ‘raised by media’ - The Lamp examines messages beamed into our homes — Your average-sized son/daughter/cousin swears he's fat. Or maybe you think you've lost cool points because your cell phone is more than six months old. — Those ideas didn't just spring into children's heads.

BBC's new pay policy ‘could spark media war’ — Corporation may never be the same again if it reveals stars' salaries — When Sir Michael Lyons, chairman of the BBC Trust, told a broadcasting seminar in London on Wednesday night that the BBC should publish details of the salaries paid …

Revision3 is Achieving Unaided Advertising Recall of Up to 99% — When Revision3, the independent network of online video programs, has surveyed its viewers, it has discovered that 99% of them are able to identify at least 1 of its advertisers. That incredibly high level of unaided recall …

FBU spokesman fights tabloid fire with fire — The good thing about blogs is the way they give you many different angles on a story, not just from journalists but from those dealing with them or the people they are writing about. — Francis Beckett (pictured) is currently handling media relations …
Francis Beckett
China's Xinhua launches global English TV channel — China's state news agency Xinhua has launched a 24-hour global news channel in English. — Officials said CNC World would present “an international vision with a China perspective”. — The launch is being seen as an attempt by China …
Wall Street Journal Lets You Read Twitter In Daily Newspaper Form, Raises More Funding — Exclusive - SmallRivers, a fledging Internet startup based out of Switzerland that has developed a Web app called that basically lets you turn Twitter streams, tags and lists into daily online newspapers …