Top News:

CNN got Spitzer cheap — Eliot Spitzer was so desperate to be on TV, he accepted a contract from CNN for less than $1 million to host a prime-time, 8 p.m. show. A source says he's making closer to $500,000 than $1 million, as is his co-host, Kathleen Parker.
Pablo Chavez / Google Public Policy Blog:
Business problems need business solutions — Today we submitted comments with the Federal Trade Commission in reaction to the Staff Discussion Draft about the future of journalism in the age of the Internet. — We agree that the Internet has posed challenges as well as opportunities for publishers.
MediaMemo, Romenesko, BuzzMachine,, PC Magazine, Fortune, Silicon Alley Insider and GigaOM, more at Techmeme »
Chris Crum / WebProNews:
Google Tells FTC a Hot News Doctrine Would Hurt Journalism — Google Submits Comments on FTC's Potential Policy Recommendations — Last month the Federal Trade Commission published its staff discussion draft of potential policy recommendations to “support the reinvention of journalism.”
Joshua Green / The Atlantic Online:
The Breitbart Circus — Awhile back, particularly during the Clinton administration, the media would flagellate itself every so often for rushing, lemming-like, to cover some story or other that was being touted on the Drudge Report, and then, after a period of reflection, deciding that it shouldn't be.

Real Editors Ship — tl;dr: needs editing. — There's a useful dialogue making the rounds. A man named Tom Taylor wrote about shipping product (I picked that up off Waxy Links). He's shipped good work himself, and makes the point that getting stuff out the door is a noble thing. I agree with that.

Intrigue at The Times Magazine: Marzorati's Departure Followed Soured Morale and a Controversial Deputy — Just over four years ago, The New York Times' magazine empire was getting bigger and richer, and a reward was in order. In March 2006, executive editor Bill Keller announced …

Meet Flipboard: Mike McCue Talks About Stealth “Social Magazine” Start-Up That Just Nabbed $10.5 Million in Funding — Today, BoomTown gassed up the MINI and headed down to see one of the more innovative new start-ups I have encountered of late. — That would be a new social magazine …
Scobleizer, Bits, Mashable!, All Things Digital, Fast Company, AdPulp, the Econsultancy blog, The Next Web, and GigaOM, more at Techmeme »

Who Will Replace Bill Baldwin As Forbes Editor? — In the wake of yesterday's news that longtime Forbes editor Bill Baldwin will step down from his top-of-the-masthead role on Sept. 1 to become a columnist and features writer for the magazine, the question of who will replace him lingers.

What the politics Web site deletes from its articles without telling anyone. … - Pause and Shed a Tear for the Investment Banker- Why Is Mel Gibson Still Allowed To See His Daughter? - A Review of the Droid X, — Wr item on the D rod X- What's the Best Way to Smuggle an Endangered Species?
Andrew Sullivan / The Daily Dish:
The Corruption Of Journo-list — The latest revelations from Journo-list are deeply depressing to me. What's depressing is the way in which liberal journalists are not responding to events in order to find out the truth, but playing strategic games to cover or not cover events and controversies in order to win a media/political war.
The Atlantic Online, Salon, The New Republic, Hot Air, FishbowlDC, Chickaboomer, Reason, Politics Daily and The Corner on National …
Marc Ambinder / The Atlantic Online:
The Ideology of Journalists: A Response to Jay Rosen — Here is my first attempt at responding to Jay Rosen's advice to journalists. I largely agree with his basic points. But I propose an additional distinction between ideological polemics and journalism.

The Times Gives iPad Readers Another Free Month — Times Newspapers in the UK is giving its early iPad customers a free one-month subscription for the second time in as many months, in an attempt to migrate readers to a more stable version of the app. — In an email to customers …

Online Ad Spend Resumes Rapid Growth — Online advertising spending will resume double-digit growth in 2010, reaching $61.8 billion worldwide, according to eMarketer. — Unlike other major media, online advertising spending increased in 2009, growing 2 percent to $55.2 billion, the research firm reported.

The death knock — My nine-year-old nephew Jamie Bray died in a tragic accident last week, getting caught in a rope swing in his garden, breaking his neck in the fall and ending up hung by the rope. — Since then I have had to deal with the press. Being a journalist on the receiving end of journalism is an eye-opener.

Shutdown of Blogging Site Sparks Dispute — A free blogging site,, went dark less than two weeks ago, and its disappearance is stirring controversy about the obligations of Internet services and threats to free speech on the Web. — Visitors to Blogetery …
Peter Osnos / The Atlantic Online:
What Is Google Editions? — Someday soon—later this summer perhaps—there will be a major new development in the evolution of e-books: the launch of Google Editions. The initial success of Amazon's Kindle, Apple's iPad, and the e-book runners-up like Barnes & Noble's Nook and the Sony Reader …

Yahoo! Media Chief Says Content Farms Won't Kill Journalism As We Know It — In a quest for page views, advertisers and identity, Yahoo! plunked down nearly $100 million in May to buy Associated Content, a heavily trafficked and highly controversial start-up that uses search data and user contributions to build content.
MG Siegler / TechCrunch:
With Traffic Surging, SB Nation Buys One Blog And Starts Another — To use a sports analogy, sports blog network SB Nation has been racking up a lot of singles. The service's initial funding and launch, single. A deal with the NHL, single. The SportsStream, single. The 20 regional sites, single.
David Teicher / AdAge:
Why Media Agencies Don't Need Separate Units For Social Media — Interpublic's Universal McCann, Publicis' Vivaki Are Building Out Separate Units for Social Media. Should They? — As marketers shift budgets from traditional media that they buy through advertising to the more labor …
Brian Stelter / Media Decoder:
PBS Ombudsman Criticizes Shultz Series — A three-part PBS series about the Reagan-era Secretary of State George Shultz has come under scrutiny in recent days for its financing ties to his friends and associates. — Michael Getler, the PBS ombudsman, sided with the critics …
New York Observer:
Paper Cub — As a teenager, Taylor Plimpton went clubbing in New York when he returned home to East 72nd Street on breaks from boarding school. “Back then, one of the first clubs I went to was Limelight, which was just a totally crazy scene,” said Mr. Plimpton, recalling his introduction to nightlife in the early 90s.

Dick Zanuck tells all about the great Hollywood merger that never happened — I love having lunch with Dick Zanuck, since it's hard to find anyone who's had a better perch to watch the unfolding Hollywood history, Son of fabled Fox studio chief Darryl Zanuck and a Fox boss himself …
Stealing Our Stories Just Got Easier — With the redesign of our site, we've made it even easier for you to reprint our stories for free. Now all you have to do is click the “Republish” button below each story headline and follow the instructions. — When you click on the button …
Invisible Inkling

Black is back - and he's got scores to settle — Ian Burrell expects the disgraced media baron to come out of prison fighting — Conrad Black could be back, sooner rather than later. He may have raged against the “xenophobia” he found in Britain, its “back-scratching” media and …
James Rainey / Los Angeles Times:
On the Media: How many more Bells are out there? — A shrunken Los Angeles Times still had the resources to unearth outsized official salaries in the small, working-class city, but more persistent journalistic voices closer to home are needed all over L.A. County.

4chan Hackers Attack Gawker Again — Anarchic internet hangout 4chan sent a little more hate Gawker's way today, launching a denial of service attack against our website, spamming our email accounts and even trying to bother one staffer's spouse. All so we'd stop talking about them.

48 HR Magazine Gets A New Name That CBS Can't Sue Them Over — Here's an update to the story of the small experimental magazine that set out to do something new and different, and the big bad mainstream media company that tried to ruin all their fun. — 48 HR magazine, so-named for the amount …
Reyhan Harmanci / Bay Citizen:
From Ashes of 48 Hour Magazine Rises Longshot Media
From Ashes of 48 Hour Magazine Rises Longshot Media
Media Decoder