Top News:

In the Living Room, Hooked on Pay TV — It is a fantasy shared by many Americans: dropping cable television and its fat monthly bills and turning instead to the wide-open frontier of Internet video. — Some are finding that the reality is not that simple.
Claire Atkinson / New York Post:
While you're watching, TiVo watches you — As Hollywood and Madison Avenue debate how best to measure traditional TV and online viewing, TiVo plans to roll out new research that combines both. — Next month TiVo will begin tracking how much time users spend watching Web content …
CNET News, MediaPost, Hollywood Reporter, Media Buyer Planner and Multichannel
Brian Stelter / New York Times:
Dish Network Is Joining Other Carriers in Offering Its Content for Online Viewing — The Dish Network this week will begin offering a video portal called, becoming the latest distributor to provide online benefits to paying subscribers. — All the major cable and satellite carriers …
FierceIPTV, NewTeeVee,, WebNewser, The Toybox Blog and Engadget

Buzz Kill — Something happened tonight that made me question everything I've done with social media since I first joined Twitter in late 2006. — You know me - I'm a complete web whore. I sign up for every site, try every web app, use every service I can find. It's my job, but I also love doing it.
Newsosaur / Reflections of a Newsosaur:
Flagship newspapers wane in audience mix — The flagship newspaper produces barely half of the weekday audience delivered by some major metro publishers, according to an analysis of data recently issued by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. — While papers like the Kansas City Star continue …
Tower Ticker

Harman Ready to Become ‘Institution Builder’ at Newsweek — As founder of the stereo-equipment company that bears his name, Sidney Harman turned a $5,000 investment into what is now a $3-billion-a-year business. Now, at 92 years old, he is attempting what may be an even more difficult feat: reviving Newsweek.
National Media, Romenesko, MarketWatch, Gawker, New York Magazine, On Media's Blog and The Atlantic Online

How The Seattle Times Is Using Mobile Video, Twitter to Report News Fast — As consumers migrate from the desktop Web and toward mobile apps and devices, media organizations are rushing to figure out what these new tools mean for their operations. — The Seattle Times has been experimenting …
Lost Remote

How WikiLeaks Keeps Its Funding Secret — The controversial website WikiLeaks, which argues the cause of openness in leaking classified or confidential documents, has set up an elaborate global financial network to protect a big secret of its own—its funding.
Harper's, Politics Daily and Cryptome

Murdoch's Times Misses A Third Month Of iPad Income — If editions on tablets like iPad are the “game-changer” which may help “transform” newspapers, as Rupert Murdoch put it, then Murdoch and his News International CEO Rebekah Brooks must be pretty upset by progress The Times is making in that regard.
/ Caroline McCarthy:
A Hack's Life — Some thoughts on the odd social position of the journalist, which I've been thinking of putting together for some time now: — As a young business reporter, particularly one covering an industry staffed with interesting and often like-minded people from your set of peers …

Snoop Dogg Mafia Wars Promotional Stunt Breaks Ustream Record With 2 Million Views — One of Zynga's newest game titles, Mafia Wars Las Vegas, kicked off with a bang last week as rap star Snoop Dogg blew up a 4-ton armored truck in the middle of the desert in Nevada.
Seth Godin / Seth's Blog:
Moving on — Linchpin will be the last book I publish in a traditional way. — One of the poxes on an author's otherwise blessed life is people who ask, “what's your next book,” even if some of them haven't read the last one. (Jeff did, of course). To answer your question, this book is my next book.
GigaOM, Jacket Copy, New York Observer, GalleyCat, Fast Company and

The Ad/Edit Wall Worn Down to a Warning Track — Two Sides Quit Bickering and Seek Ways to Navigate New Reality — NEW YORK ( — What wall? The question for print has become less about whether to cross the boundary between editorial and sales and more about how best to do it.
FishbowlNY and eMedia Vitals
Dru Sefton /
Buyer will take Nightly Business Report to ‘a new level’ — WPBT sells to entrepreneur with history of legal disputes — Mykalai Kontilai, whose NBR Worldwide this month purchased Nightly Business Report, a staple of public TV carried five nights a week on 250 stations …

Top AOL Media Exec Marty Moe To Depart (Other Rumors of David Eun Ankling Not So Much) — According to sources close to the situation, one of AOL's top, longtime media execs, Marty Moe (pictured here), is leaving the company. — Sources said the reasons were personal and Moe was not currently taking another job.
paidContent and Silicon Alley Insider
Steve Buttry / The Buttry Diary:
A public-relations rookie's handling of the TBD launch — In the days of my callow youth, I remember referring to journalists who ventured into public relations as having “sold out.” — Never mind that many in PR toiled for pay as low as many journalists. Never mind that PR ethics also insist on getting the facts right.

Twitter Hires Adam Bain Away From News Corp. As President Of Revenue — Twitter has hired Adam Bain as head of all revenue for the company, we've heard from multiple sources. His title will be President, Revenue and he'll be reporting to COO Dick Costolo.
BoomTown, paidContent, WebNewser and lalawag, more at Techmeme »

What Happens When Facebook Trumps Your Brand Site? — ‘Like’ It or Not, Trend Serves as Another Telling Sign of Social Media's Growing Dominance — BATAVIA, Ohio ( — While the tech world obsessed about when Facebook would turn on location and morph into a “Foursquare killer,” …

Exclusive: Caroline Little Out as CEO of Guardian Media North America — Caroline Little confirmed to TheWrap late Sunday that she was stepping down as chief executive of Guardian Media, and was “not sure” who her replacement would be. — “I have nothing but good things to say about the Guardian,” Little said in an interview.
FishbowlNY and Guardian

Cautionary lessons on innovation for newsrooms from Digg — Digg, the crowd-sourced news aggregation site that was once a Web 2.0 darling, is on the cusp of a dramatic overhaul of its site. — I've been playing with the “new” Digg for a few weeks now, which is still officially in an invite-only alpha.

Exclusive: Backstage drama erupts at HBO's showbiz-themed ‘Tilda’ as showrunner exits — The future of an HBO project that's loosely based on Hollywood's irascible blogger Nikki Finke is in doubt after an on-set blowout that's strikingly similar to some of the juicy posts that can be found on
Gawker,, TV Squad, New York Magazine and Movieline