Top News:

Read all about it: The secret dossier of lawbreaking that spells trouble for Rupert Murdoch...and David Cameron — Rebekah Brooks was among journalists who used a private detective who was later convicted — The News of the World paid a private detective to provide hundreds of pieces …
New York Magazine
Rupert Murdoch and the future of British media — As angry MPs agree witnesses should be called to account over the phone-hacking affair, Henry Porter and Will Hutton examine the wide influence of the media empire behind the scandal — The malign influence of Rupert Murdoch on British life
Press Gazette

The Death Of The RSS Reader — A weekly look at a story that is defining the news. — IAC (NSDQ: IACI) notoriously let Bloglines deteriorate since buying it five years ago; the company outsourced the RSS reader's engineering team to China several years ago and by the time it made the announcement today …

Football's Media Scrimmage — THE N.F.L.'s regular season started on Thursday, a welcome relief for football fans who spent the last month suffering through dull preseason matchups, which serve largely as ways for coaches to evaluate which players will be cut and which will get to sit at the end of the bench.
Runnin' Scared
Nine years of insanity, and journalism shares the blame — It is nine years now since the day America lost its mind. Since the day a small band of hate-filled terrorists opened the door to madness, and our nation walked right through. Since the day when the entire world was moved to stand as one …
The Daily Beast, City Room, Anil Dash, Mediaite and New York Times
Keith J. Kelly / New York Post:
Glitch for CTO at Condé — Tweet — Viacom, which filed suit to prevent its former chief information officer, Joe Simon, from jumping to Condé Nast, has come to an agreement with the media giant. — In early August, Condé Nast made a big deal about signing Simon as its first-ever chief technology officer.
Tom Lowry / Variety:
Media congloms: once burned, twice shy — Congloms wary, but climate could spur new wave — The bruising recession of the past two years clearly has left its imprint on the entertainment business, with spending going from profligate to prudent. Companies are hoarding unprecedented amounts of cash …
NPR's On the Media:
New and Old Media in Post-Katrina New Orleans — Five years ago, Hurricane Katrina wreaked profound devastation on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. The Times-Picayune and other outlets were praised for their coverage of the aftermath, but with countless government meetings and public forums to cover …

Revealing Little, and Hoping It Will Make Viewers Want More — HARDLY a weekday goes by without a Twitter message or a Facebook post from Blair Underwood, one of the stars of “The Event,” NBC's single greatest hope for the fall television season. — The actor — or his digital assistant …
Ian Fullerton / Chicago Reader:
Everybody's a Reporter — The city makes it easier for journalists of all stripes to get to where the action is. — What does it mean to be a journalist? That's a complicated question these days, but in Chicago for decades there's been a rule of thumb.

Posterous' Sachin Agarwal: In Search of ‘the Easiest Way to Publish Online’ — When Sachin Agarwal wanted to publish content online, he found that sites like YouTube and Flickr only took him part of the way. They did their jobs well, but there was no site offering a way to integrate photos, text and video into a single product.

“Roger Ebert presents At the Movies” — “Roger Ebert Presents At the Movies,” a weekly half-hour film review program, was announced today by its producers, Chaz and Roger Ebert. The program continues the 35-year-old run of a reviewing format first introduced by Gene Siskel and Ebert and later by Ebert and Richard Roeper.