Top News:

Jack Anderson's Nixonian tactics — There was a time in Washington when Jack Anderson was a hero, the columnist who kept unearthing Richard Nixon's dark secrets, a Pulitzer winner who revealed the administration's secret tilt toward Pakistan in its war against India.

Michael Eisner and the L.A. Times—A Marriage Made in Heaven? — Michael Eisner running to the Tribune Company, the man in charge of the Los Angeles Times? That seems to be the word - and, actually, it does make perfect sense. After all, more than most companies what does a newspaper need to thrive?
The Wire

Civil Rights Photographer Unmasked as Informant — ATLANTA — That photo of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. riding one of the first desegregated buses in Montgomery, Ala.? He took it. The well-known image of black sanitation workers carrying “I Am a Man” signs in Memphis? His.
Joel On The Road,, New York Magazine and Boing Boing

Disney's Iger aims to put ABC back in game — Tweet — Bob Iger is marking his fifth anniversary as CEO of the Walt Disney Co. with an extreme makeover of ABC — in an attempt to save the network from falling into last place among the nation's Big Four broadcasters.
Company Town

The Future of Social Media in Journalism — This series is supported by Gist. Gist provides a full view of the contacts in your professional network by creating a rich business profile for each one that includes the most news, status updates, and work details. See how it works here.
The Next Web and Kirk LaPointe's …

Armstrong to the Rescue! — (NEW YORK) It's a bird! It's a brain! It's AOL execu-hunk Tim Armstrong! Fresh from planet Google, he wants to turn the Web's first megaportal into the world's largest content creator. The best part? He needs your help to do it. Is this the hero we've been waiting for?
Hollywood Reporter, Romenesko, Silicon Alley Insider, the Econsultancy blog, Gawker and New York Magazine
Jay Rosen / PressThink:
The Virtual Assignment Desk and The Launch of the Local East Village — Today The Local East Village launches. That makes it a big day for me and the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at NYU. And for Studio 20, which developed for the launch a new piece of software: the Virtual Assignment Desk.
MediaShift, Romenesko, New York Times and Rebooting The News
Melvin Felix / NYU Local:
NYU, NYTimes Launch Hyper-Local News Blog for East Village
NYU, NYTimes Launch Hyper-Local News Blog for East Village
Editors Weblog,, Gawker,, Lost Remote and The Next Web

Twitter queen Susan Orlean on the mini-medium, the interactive narrative, and the writing persona — Susan Orlean is proof that being the consummate narrative journalist doesn't conflict with becoming the consummate Twitterer. In her feed, currently 78,000-plus followers strong …
eMedia Vitals
Robert Hernandez / Online Journalism Review:
Online Journalism or Journalism Online? There is a difference — By Robert Hernandez: [Editor's note: Robert Hernandez of the USC Annenberg faculty will be posting frequent commentaries to OJR about online journalism this academic year.] — I'm a journalist, first and foremost.

Bebo's Back. And They Plan To Have A Plan (Video) — Bebo is like a bad case of herpes - it just keeps coming back. They sold to AOL for $850 million in 2008. Then AOL, under new management, sort of just shut it down for tax purposes, selling it for next to nothing to Criterion Capital Partners.

A welcome and a look back — The Reader team was saddened to hear that Bloglines will be shutting its doors on October 1. Bloglines was a pioneer in the feed reading space, and for Web 2.0 in general. — We know that nothing will be quite like Bloglines in the hearts of its users …
paidContent, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim and GigaOM

The Reign of King David — How's life in the Hearst Tower? — The combination of the people, the products, and the openness to new ideas makes my 60- and 70-hour weeks a lot of fun. There is so much change facing the industry, and the companies that are going to be the most comfortable facing it are going to win.
Marc Fest / Knight Foundation News Releases:
Locally Focused Foundations Increase Support for Community News and Information Projects — Nineteen Ideas Receive $3.14 Million In Matching Funding from Knight Foundation — To help ensure that communities are informed on key issues, 19 locally focused foundations will support local news …
paidContent, WebNewser, Romenesko, News for Digital Journalists and KnightBlog
Keach Hagey / On Media's Blog:
Brauchli's restless troops — Scott Sherman has an exhaustive look - not yet online — into the Marcus Brauchli era of the Washington Post in the lastest Columbia Journalism Review, and the take-away is that his situation is a bit like Obama's at the moment: He was served a no-win economic situation …

Washington Post to start running front-page ads — Washington Post readers in the D.C.-metro area probably noticed a Capitol One-sponsored advertisement wrapped around Sunday's paper. The removable wrap, which covered half the front page and all of the back page, was an advertising first for the newspaper.
The Huffington Post, On Media's Blog, Romenesko and Guardian

Techmeme Turns 5: Interview With Founder Gabe Rivera — This week, leading tech news aggregator Techmeme turned 5 years old. The service launched in September 2005, under the name tech.memeorandum, and ReadWriteWeb was one of the first media publications to review it. — In 2005, tech.memeorandum mostly tracked blogs.
New York Times:
Times Appoints Ad Vice President — The New York Times announced Friday that Kerrie Gillis had been named a vice president for advertising. — Ms. Gillis, 54, who joined The Times in 1985, was most recently the advertising director, corporate, for The Times and as the advertising director …

Disney Hates On HTML5 — Disney-ABC EVP Albert Cheng told a crowd at the Appnation conference today that HTML5 video is “not ready” for ABC. — He gave two reasons: — No room for ads. Without the ability to insert ads, Disney-ABC has little interest in moving towards HTML5.
Jon Lafayette / Broadcasting & Cable:
Oprah Sends Fans to Australia in Season Opener — Surprises audience of 300 during farewell season premier show — In the premiere show of her farewell season, Oprah Winfrey surprised an audience full of 300 of her biggest fans by telling them she was flying all of them to Australia.
Media Decoder

Life After Luxury Advertising at Condé Nast: Bon Appétit, Carol Smith — On Sunday afternoon, Carol Smith was thinking about what to order for lunch, but she already knew. She was sitting on the booth side of a table facing the center of the dining room that was set up in Avery Fisher Hall for Fashion Week.

A Suspicious Hunger for ‘News’ — News consumption is finally growing again, according to a new study, thanks to growing internet use. Sadly for the beleaguered makers of news, many Americans have simultaneously redefined “news” to include friends' status updates and Justin Bieber tweets.
Guardian, Mashable! and The Now/ledge

Scribd Redesign Is An Attempt To Become A “Social Network For Reading” — Reading isn't a particularly social activity, but talking about reading and sharing books, articles, and other documents is highly social. Book clubs are so popular because people identify with other people who share the same reading interests.

EXCLUSIVE: HBO subscribers dwindling — DirecTV deal impasse just part of the problem — The channel that turned vampire killers into hit television is quietly facing the draining of its own lifeblood: subscribers. — 2010 would seen have the makings of a big year for HBO given …
Thompson on Hollywood, NewTeeVee and Multichannel News

How to reboot RSS — I was not able to influence the VCs who started the RSS companies — famous companies like Newsgator and Feedburner, and not-so-famous ones. Like most VCs they thought they understood better, so they went their own way and most of their companies flopped.
TechCrunch and Scobleizer, more at Techmeme »

An Anchor Drops the Tie — David Ushery has boldly gone where no male anchor on a local newscast in New York seems to have gone before, at least not in the studio: into the uncharted territory beyond the jacket-and-tie look. Into tie-lessness. — Mr. Ushery, an anchor on the Saturday night newscasts …
New York Times

CBS Abandons U.S. Open Final Mid-Match — The men's final is currently in a rain delay here in Queens with the rain expected to conclude sometime in the next 30 minutes. — But in a stunning move, CBS has decided to abandon its coverage of the Men's Final in order to maintain its primetime lineup …
Multichannel News