Top News:
ev / Twitter Blog:
newtwitterceo — By all accounts Twitter is on a roll. We've redesigned our web site to great user feedback. Our user and usage numbers are growing at a rapid clip all around the world. We've launched an early, but successful, monetization effort. And, many top engineers …
Mashable!, TechCrunch, MediaMemo, Scripting News, Guardian, NY Daily News, Telegraph, Fortune, Romenesko, WebNewser, Media Money …, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, New York Observer, New York Times, Silicon Alley Insider, ClickZ, Fast Company, VentureBeat, broadstuff, SelectStart, paidContent, Gawker, The Wrap, New York Magazine, BlogPost, Brandweek, Engadget, Tech Daily Dose, DailyFinance and Search Engine Land, more at Techmeme »

Here comes Google TV — (Cross-posted from the Google TV Blog) — It's been almost five months since we introduced Google TV to the world at Google I/O, and today we're happy to give you an update on our progress. For those who haven't yet heard of it, Google TV is a new way to think about TV …
Staci D. Kramer / paidContent:
Google TV Readies For Launch; Deals With HBO, Turner, NBA, CNBC, Etc.
Google TV Readies For Launch; Deals With HBO, Turner, NBA, CNBC, Etc.
VEVO, AdAge, NetNewsCheck Latest, NewTeeVee, Variety, Multichannel and Talking Biz News, more at Techmeme »

A movie with its own backchannel: How “The Social Network” shows our reweaving of conversations — Many of the big-time reviews of The Social Network have focused on the film's characterization of Mark Zuckerberg, “the youngest billionaire in the world.” Is he an evil genius — or simply a genius?
The Big Picture, /Film, The New Yorker Blog and Silicon Alley Insider

Michael Wolff to Lead a Stable of Trade Magazines — Michael Wolff, the Vanity Fair columnist and troublemaker who seems to relish public feuds and collecting enemies as much as chronicling the folkways of the Manhattan media world, has agreed to become editorial director of a group …
AdPulp, The Wrap, MinOnline, Gawker, FishbowlNY, New York Observer, DailyFinance, Romenesko and The Wire

Here's a Story About Rupert Murdoch, the New York Post and Michael Wolff — In the trade, this is called a buried lede: At the bottom of today's item about media bomb-thrower Michael Wolff's new gig at AdWeek Media Group, the New York Times tells us something really interesting.

With Tagline, MSNBC Embraces a Political Identity — MSNBC, once the also-ran but now the No. 2 cable news channel, has a new tagline that embraces its progressive political identity. — The tagline, “Lean Forward,” will be publicly unveiled Tuesday, opening a planned …
The Huffington Post, Inside Cable News and New York Observer

Promoted Promotions — When we launched Promoted Tweets back in April, we said that we would be doing lots of experimenting and iterating, as is typical with everything else at Twitter. Since then, we've done and learned a lot - such as adding Promoted Trends to our suite of Promoted Products …
TechCrunch, MediaMemo, Silicon Alley Insider, VentureBeat, Lost Remote, ReadWriteWeb and Search Engine Land, more at Techmeme »

The New York Observer Is Close To Buying Dealbreaker, But Bess Levin Is Holding Everybody Hostage — Jared Kushner's newspaper, The New York Observer, is close to buying Breaking Media's Wall Street gossip blog, Dealbreaker. In fact, a source close to the deal tells us people at both companies describe it as “done.”
Felix Salmon, DealBook and Romenesko

Jon Stewart: The Most Trusted Name In Fake News — On Oct. 30, comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will host dueling rallies on the National Mall. Called “The Rally to Restore Sanity” and the “March to Keep Fear Alive,” respectively, the two rallies closely mimic Glenn Beck's recent …
Discussion: and Romenesko
Andy Plesser / Beet.TV:
Dailymotion Boosts Content Discovery with New “Hubs” — PARIS — Dailymotion, the big global video sharing site, has been developing tools for content discovery including “hubs,” areas of content around themes and personal interest. — Grandin Donovan, Product Manager, explain the development of tools around content discovery.

Online Ad Business Hopes a Logo Will Fend Off Feds, Privacy Problems — If the Web ad business really wanted to put an end to its simmering privacy problem, it could do so with one step: Make behavioral advertising opt-in only. — Which means it would allow publishers …
paidContent and MediaPost
Jason Deans / Guardian:
Top Gear's The Stig: BBC injunction denied as identity ‘had been revealed’ — Judge says former Top Gear driver's publication of book could not be blocked as his identity was disclosed in the media — The BBC was not granted an injunction blocking the autobiography by the man who was Top Gear's …
Mark Sweney / Guardian:
Fremantle takes majority stake in — The decision to buy part of the US-based production business is a diversification of revenue sources — Fremantle Media has taken a majority stake in US-based branded programming producer, the production business behind …
Zeke Turner / New York Observer:
Michael Freidson Leaving ‘Time Out New York’ — Time Out New York editor-in-chief Michael Freidson is leaving the magazine for a job in London. Mr. Freidson told The Obsever this afternoon that he had not been looking for a new job, but when another company approached him he couldn't turn down the chance to live abroad.

Two new social media tools to watch for use in Web journalism — By Robert Hernandez: Think about it. Two or three years ago most people had never heard of Facebook. Tweets still mainly were owned by birds, not limited to 140 characters. FourSquare was some vague game from elementary school.
Mallary Jean Tenore / Poynter Online:
BGov, New Bloomberg Site, Pairs Analysts & Reporters for Public Policy Coverage — Bloomberg Government, a new subscription-based news site in Washington, D.C., will take a unique approach to covering the federal government when it launches in January. In hiring subject-matter experts along …
The Corsair

Ad Group Unveils Plan to Improve Web Privacy — As the debate around online privacy and advertiser access to users' data continues, a group of the advertising industry's largest trade organizations was to announce on Monday the details of a self-regulatory program that would allow users …
AdAge, PC World, and Digits

Stephen Glover: The Guardian can't go on like this — Media Studies: The Guardian reportedly fielded 19 journalists at the Labour Party conference in Manchester — This column does not normally take much interest in motoring magazines, which may be a weakness.
Press Gazette and Guardian

Michael Ausiello Exits EW And Joins MMC — ADVISORY: I'm a huge fan of Michael Ausiello. More importantly, this is huge news for Deadline's parent company MMC and huge news for Deadline as well. Here's why: First, MMC is now going to own online TV reporting both in terms of trade stories …
Jon Friedman / MarketWatch:
Keith Kelly: scourge of media industry — NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Don't mess with New York Post columnist Keith Kelly, the scourge of the magazine industry. — Consider the time that the new public-relations man for a prominent newsweekly magazine called Kelly to introduce himself …
New York Observer, Runnin' Scared and Romenesko