Top News:

SEARCH AND DESTROY — Nick Denton's blog empire. — For years after starting Gawker Media, the online publishing network, in 2002, Nick Denton ran the company out of his apartment, in SoHo. “He said, ‘If you run it out of your house, then no one expects anything,’ ” …
MediaMemo, Romenesko, VentureBeat, Guy Fawkes' blog, Runnin' Scared, The Wire, The Awl, DealBook, New York Magazine, Hit & Run, Spiersblr, New York Observer and Michael B. Duff
Felix Salmon:
Gawker's numbers — Ben McGrath's long-awaited New Yorker profile of Nick Denton is out, and it has (unsourced) numbers: … All of these numbers are lower than I would have expected. The Gawker Media Network gets 447 million pageviews per month, of which 320 million are in the U.S …

Arianna's $250K Bus to Jon Stewart Rally a ‘Shock’ at HuffPo HQ — Arianna Huffington's surprise gift to Jon Stewart — a convoy of shuttle buses to his “Rally to Restore Sanity” in Washington — was an even bigger surprise to the folks at the Huffington Post.
Mediaite, The Huffington Post and Romenesko
David Carr / New York Times:
A Vanishing Journalistic Divide — If you were going to pick an epicenter for mainstream media, The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz would not be a bad place to land. With his running scorecard on Beltway journalists, his interviews of other scorekeepers on his “Reliable Sources” show on CNN …
Romenesko, Thompson on Hollywood, New York Observer and LA Observed

After Building an Audience, Twitter Turns to Ads — Twitter at last looks serious about making money. — In the last two weeks, the company has introduced several advertising plans, courted Madison Avenue at Advertising Week, the annual industry conference, and promoted Dick Costolo …
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Poynter Online, Fast Company, Silicon Alley Insider and Lost Remote

Freed Journalist Laura Ling Will Host ‘E! Investigates’ — Laura Ling, who was detained in North Korea with a colleague from Current TV last year, is restarting her television career at a channel much closer to home — E!, the entertainment channel. — Ms. Ling has been hired to host “E! …
Multichannel, The Wrap, Hollywood Reporter and Perez Hilton
Robert Hernandez / Online Journalism Review:
Storify's Burt Herman on the evolution from reporter to entrepreneur — By Robert Hernandez: For this week's post, I sat down with Burt Herman (@burtherman), entrepreneurial journalist who is the CEO of Storify and founder of Hacks/Hackers. — NOTE: We did the Q & A-style interview …

New Web Code Draws Concern Over Privacy Risks — Worries over Internet privacy have spurred lawsuits, conspiracy theories and consumer anxiety as marketers and others invent new ways to track computer users on the Internet. But the alarmists have not seen anything yet.
Fast Company, New York Magazine and Editors Weblog

CBS Is a Network on a Roll — Three weeks into a new television season, the usual carnage is becoming apparent, with new shows collapsing and crises appearing all over network prime-time schedules. — Except in one place. — At CBS, a network that unashamedly embraces the supposedly dying notion …
Discussion:, New York Observer, Media Buyer Planner and The Huffington Post

The oversimplified coverage of ‘tough-talking’ Rahm Emanuel — Rahm Emanuel's candidate may have won the presidency, but that didn't dull Emanuel's serrated edge. — “He's a guy who stabbed a steak knife into the table at Doe's restaurant after Bill Clinton's election,” his former colleague Paul Begala recalls.

CNN Will Give ‘Parker Spitzer’ Time to Grow — Eliot Spitzer's debut on CNN's prime-time lineup has been greeted by tepid viewing and some scathing reviews. But the network plans to give the former New York governor time to build on signs of early growth, as producers hone the show's tone and format.
TVNewser, New York Observer, Romenesko, Company Town, Metropolis, Hollywood Reporter, The Wire, Chickaboomer and Inside Cable News
King Kaufman:
Watching a misquote in real time — Update Monday 11:20 a.m. PDT: Via Twitter, Mathai “clarified,” saying he'd misheard. He admitted Spikes had said the 49ers CAN turn it around. In reply to my tweet asking about an on-air or online acknowledgement of the error, Mathai tweeted that he'd “Also clarified on 11:30p show.”

Andrew Marr attacks ‘inadequate, pimpled and single’ bloggers — Andrew Marr, the BBC political presenter, has dismissed bloggers as “inadequate, pimpled and single” loners who rant about the world from the safety of their mothers' basements. — The so-called “citizen journalists” …
Guardian, iMediaConnection Blog, One Man & His Blog, Out With A Bang and
Alan Rusbridger / Guardian:
What is the future of the fourth estate? — Kicking off Cif's new series of long-form blogs, your thoughts, please, on the three-way split in today's news media — Natalie Hanman, the editor of Comment is free, is launching a new series of long-form blogs in which a writer is given space …