Top News:

Traffic Bait Doesn't Bring Ad Clicks — Sure, articles about Lindsay Lohan's repeat trips to rehabilitation and Brett Favre's purported sexual peccadilloes generate loads of reader traffic, but do they actually make decent money for the Web sites that publish them? — According to a new analysis, no.

Miller security guards handcuff editor — The editor of the Alaska Dispatch website was arrested by U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller's private security guards Sunday as the editor attempted to interview Miller on camera at the end of a public event in an Anchorage school.
Peter Preston / Guardian:
We thought the internet was killing print. But it isn't — There is no clear correlation between a rise in internet traffic and a fall in newspaper circulation. Some papers are growing in both formats, others are succeeding in neither, according to new research — The woe, as usual, is more or less unconfined.
TechCrunch, Soup and Kirk LaPointe's …
Simon Dumenco / AdAge:
Why Do So Many New-Media Startups Ultimately Commit Suicide? — Life in the Fast Lane With VC-Enabled ‘Geniuses’ Who Do Themselves in With Not-So-Genius Moves — It's become accepted wisdom that many old-media companies are doomed; they're led by, the thinking goes, out-of-touch numbskulls.
Amir Efrati / Wall Street Journal:
Yahoo to Offer Media Links — Yahoo Inc. plans to mimic a strategy used by rival Facebook Inc. to help drive traffic to its site, people familiar with the matter said. — The Sunnyvale, Calif., company soon will roll out a feature called Y Connect to allow media publishers …

The Top 25 U.S. Newspapers According to Google — Clicks is one thing, credibility is another. When it comes to online credibility, Google PageRank rules over all. Few metrics illustrate true authority on the Web more than Google's PageRank. PageRank is the accepted standard for authority on the Web.

Simon Who? ‘Idol’ Spots Still Priciest in Prime Time — Ad Age's Exclusive Annual Survey of Broadcast TV Ad Costs Has Fox Sitting Pretty With Five of Top 10 Shows — What a spot costs — Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

One Quibble About the Best English-Language Magazine — Britain's Spectator stomps the competition for witty and erudite commentary, but its explanation of a re-design was gratuitous. — An editor of a magazine these days may receive no greater compliment than when a reader expresses …

The Quiet Mogul — What does it take to succeed in China or win as a venture capitalist or figure out a successful media strategy? For IDG's Pat McGovern, the answer to all three rests in trusting the people you hire. — Talking with Pat McGovern, you wouldn't automatically label him as a “media mogul.”
John Koblin / WWD:
Condé Nast Banks On Scott Dadich — CUTTING THE WIRE: Condé Nast “It” boy Scott Dadich has resigned as creative director at Wired to focus full time on his other gig as the company's executive director of digital-magazine development. Dadich got his corporate job back in July …
Romenesko and
Andy Plesser / Beet.TV:
HTML5 Video is Not Ready for the Web, W3C's Le Hegaret — CAMBRIDGE, Mass — Despite the growing demand for HTML5, and its deployment by many big online players, its commercial introduction is premature as there is no standard for the new technology, says Philippe Le Hegaret …
Lucia Moses / Mediaweek:
Daily Beast Still Reeling From ‘Brill-gate’ — In journalistic circles, the name Brill has come to be associated with comebacks—but it's also one that Tina Brown's The Daily Beast probably wishes would just go away. — This past week, a red-faced Beast added an unusually large number …
David Carr / New York Times:
When Salacious Is Irresistible — In the last week, I've gotten a very clear view of two things — the male physique purported to belong to Brett Favre and the inner workings of modern media. I wish I could un-see both. — First, an instant replay for nonsports fans: back in February …