Top News:

Fox News Chief Blasts NPR ‘Nazis’ — Roger Ailes slams Jon Stewart as a conservative-basher, explains why he rode to Juan Williams' rescue—and sees NPR as taxpayer-funded propaganda. Part II of Howard Kurtz's interview. — When Jon Stewart was appearing on the O'Reilly Factor a few weeks back …

Fox News chief apologizes to ADL for ‘Nazi’ remark — Fox News chief Roger Ailes apologized Thursday to Abraham Foxman, national director for the Anti-Defamation League, after calling NPR executives “Nazis” in an interview with The Daily Beast. — Ailes, in a letter, began by following up on …
The Big Picture, Gawker, The Awl and New York Magazine
Ken Doctor / Nieman Journalism Lab:
The Newsonomics of news anywhere — [Each week, our friend Ken Doctor — author of Newsonomics and longtime watcher of the business side of digital news — writes about the economics of the news business for the Lab.] — Facebook isn't trying to replace Gmail or Yahoo Mail …
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost:
Comcast-Controlled NBC Names Starting Management Lineup — Just like Fox did the day before, the new Comcast-controlled NBC Universal decided to stay inside when it came to promoting its advertising executives in the newly formed company. — Longtime senior ad sales executive Marianne Gambelli …
Andrew Wallenstein / paidContent:
NBC Universal Reorg Gives Bond, Zalaznick New Digital Duties
NBC Universal Reorg Gives Bond, Zalaznick New Digital Duties
Media Decoder, Company Town, Mediaite, and Broadcasting & Cable

Let the tablet wars begin — Samsung's new Galaxy Tab is the first serious competition to Apple's iPad, and it's about time — I just bought my first touch-screen computer that's bigger than a phone. It's the Samsung Galaxy Tab, a device with a seven-inch screen running the Android operating system …
Robert Andrews / paidContent:
FT Gives Its Staff A $480 Bonus To Buy An iPad; CEO's Memo
FT Gives Its Staff A $480 Bonus To Buy An iPad; CEO's Memo
Romenesko, MediaPost, MediaFile, SlashGear, Engadget, SAI, Poynter Online, WebNewser, Talking Biz News and

A Trailblazer With Her Eye on the Bottom Line — She grew up sheltered and privileged, in a middle-class Irish enclave of Chicago at midcentury, attending Catholic schools and riding horses at a country club where blacks and Jews were not allowed. Yet from age 28, she blazed a trail for working women …
City Room and New York Magazine

A new breed of journalist fits right in at Forbes — I've called myself a journalist for decades. I've worked for the best and learned from the best. I've spent exhilarating nights in the newsroom — at newspapers, magazines, TV and a web portal. I've even been lucky enough to watch and edit Pulitzer prize winners at work.
John Koblin / WWD.COM:
Rupert Murdoch Does Another Daily — NEW YORK — Some of us count sheep, but Rupert Murdoch spends his sleepless nights dreaming up media properties. It was late May, around 2 a.m., and Murdoch was in his New York penthouse on Fifth Avenue having a tough time falling asleep when a vision came to him …
Chadwick Matlin / CJR:
A Faustian Bargain — Slideshows are the scourge, and the savior, of online journalism — In May 2009, was shouting into the void. Slate's business site was eight months old, but it was still averaging only 50,000 page views a day, well below The Slate Group's goal.

Fair use: how much is too much? — Fair use: how much is too much? — Reactions: 8 — Page view “journalism” and content aggregation are the cornerstones of the explosive growth of Gawker, Huffington Post and slews of other blogs, but does that growth come at the expense of the publications who conducted the original reporting?
Laurie Sullivan / MediaPost:
Click-Through Ad Rates Level Off — The debate over whether click-through rates capture the full influence of online display advertising continues to remain top-of-mind for ad executives. Most believe this is only a partial measurement of online ad success.
George Winslow / Broadcasting & Cable:
ORMMA Pushes Open Standard for Mobile Ads — Initiative backed by the Weather Channel, Crisp and TringApps — The Open Rich Media Mobile Advertising initiative has unveiled rich media advertising specifications and code that can be used by any publisher looking to serve rich ads across all mobile platforms and devices.

“60 Minutes” iPad App Debuts — New App Features Hard-Hitting Reports, Interview and Features Seen on Broadcast And More — (CBS) “60 Minutes,” America's number-one news program, is now available on iPad - the first prime time news magazine to have its own stand-alone application for the hand-held device.
Information Architects:
News on iPad, the Obvious Way — November 18, 2010 by Oliver Reichenstein. Average Reading Time: about 6 minutes. — Today our first news project for iPad went online and we are proud like kids. Technically, it's “just” an HTML5 optimization, but it has been a demanding design process …
Poynter Online
Nat Worden / Wall Street Journal:
Cable Provider Offers Bare-Bones TV Package — Time Warner Cable Inc. is rolling out a lower-priced cable TV package called “TV Essentials” that excludes major cable networks like ESPN, Comedy Central, TNT, Fox News, MSNBC, Fox regional sports networks and MSG.
CNET News, paidContent, Company Town, Time Warner Cable Untangled and GigaOM

Crunching Denton's Ratio: What's the return on paying sources? — There was a lot of buzz on Twitter yesterday about Paul Farhi's piece in The Washington Post on checkbook journalism — in particular the way a mishmash of websites, tabloids, and TV news operations put money in the hands of the people they want to interview.