Top News:

New York Post Political Editor Quits After Fight With Tyrant Boss — Gregg Birnbaum was the well-liked political editor of the New York Post, a 17-year veteran of the paper. Until yesterday, when he left abruptly. The reason, we hear: he got sick of NYP chief Col Allan's obnoxious behavior.
Media Matters for America and Poynter

At CNN, Talk Show Tensions — In one sweeping move, the 8 p.m. political talk show “Parker Spitzer” could have turned around CNN's flailing prime-time ratings, publicly rehabilitated the fallen New York governor Eliot Spitzer, and turned his co-host Kathleen Parker into a television star.
Company Town, The Wire, Chickaboomer, Yahoo! News,, Mediaite, TVNewser, The Huffington Post, Inside Cable News, On Media's Blog and New York Observer

Netflix signs new Disney-ABC deal, shows up doubters — Disney apparently doesn't think Netflix is a threat. The company has struck a deal to offer content via Netflix's streaming service. — Netflix has signed a new licensing agreement with one of the biggest Hollywood studios …
PR Newswire, MediaMemo, The Wrap, Mashable!, Post Tech and Tech Musings
Jeff Bercovici / Mixed Media:
News Corp. COO: Please Don't Associate Us With Our Newspapers — Rupert Murdoch may have printer's ink flowing through his veins, as is often said of the News Corp. chairman, but for his No. 2, president and COO Chase Carey, newspapers are more like an albatross around the neck.
Discussion: and Multichannel

LeWeb: The media and Wikileaks — Adrian Monck is chairing a media panel, and inevitably we're focusing on WikiLeaks. — We've always had leaks, says Julio Alonso of Weblogs S. “The WikiLeaks phenomenon is not new, but it has a different form. ” The closing of Amazon and PayPal accounts …
Emily Bell:
How Wikileaks has woken up journalism.
How Wikileaks has woken up journalism.
Discussion:, Gawker, The Nation, Boing Boing, New York Times, TechCrunch, Memex 1.1, News: News blog, The Atlantic Online, John Battelle's Searchblog, http://www.Stinkyjournalism …, Guardian, National Review, Crikey, TPMMuckraker, Salon, Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Media Diary and, more at Techmeme »

CBS Interactive Head Neil Ashe Stepping Down — Neil Ashe (pictured here), president of CBS Interactive, is stepping down from his post. — CBS confirmed the move after BoomTown made inquiries recently, after hearing of various executives who had been contacted by the media giant about the position.
paidContent, Company Town, WebNewser, Pulse2 and ClickZ, more at Techmeme »

Now Playing on #newTwitter: Embedded Music, TV Shows, Slides and More — One of the most popular features of #newTwitter is the ability to check out photos, videos, and music directly in the details pane. Click on a Tweet with a link to media, and the details pane on the right lets …
GigaOM, TechCrunch, Shaping the Future …, L.A. Times Tech Blog, The Wall Blog, paidContent, WebNewser and The Next Web
Patricia Cohen / Media Decoder:
Foer Steps Down at The New Republic — The New Republic is getting a new editor in the new year. Richard Just, currently the executive editor, is taking over Jan. 1 from Franklin Foer, who is stepping down after a five-year stint. — Mr. Foer, 36, who closed his last issue of the magazine on Tuesday …
New York Observer, Yahoo! News, Poynter, The Huffington Post and

ViKi Raises Millions for Web Video From Around the World — Problem: You want to watch foreign-language movies and TV shows on the Web. — But! You only know English. — Solution: ViKi, a site that shows videos from around the world and provides captions in 100 different languages.
TechCrunch and paidContent

Crunks 2010: The Year in Media Errors and Corrections — While you're here, please consider purchasing a copy of the Regret the Error book, which won an award for media criticism from the National Press Club, and also contains hundreds of hilarious corrections. You can learn more about the book and read some reviews here.

The Deal on DealBook — In the beginning, DealBook was a newsletter with links to that morning's Times, and then, when DealBook became a blog, it was a place for the newspaper to compete on news that broke during the day and would be too late for tomorrow's edition.
Discussion: and Poynter

Moonves to Google TV: Pay Up — If Google wants access to the broadcast networks' top prime-time shows for its fledgling Google TV product, they are going to have to cough up some cash. — At least, they will have to for CBS' shows. — According to CBS CEO Les Moonves …
Steve Buttry / The Buttry Diary:
News Foo Camp: Not fully open, but certainly not secret — I tweet a lot from journalism events. I think I can say that few people tweet as much about journalism as I do. I didn't tweet much from News Foo Camp last weekend. — But other campers and I tweeted enough that our tweeps wanted more.
Seth Godin / Seth's Blog:
The Domino Project — Book publishing is changing. It's changing faster than it has in a hundred years. I've been persistent enough to be part of that change, provoking and poking and wondering about what comes next. — Today, I'm thrilled to report on what's next for me.

Scripps Forecast: Modest 2011 TV Ad Growth, Newspapers Still Suffering — E.W. Scripps says its television stations will see modest advertising increases in the first half of 2011. — Television ad revenues will increase in the low- to mid-single-digit range — which comes on top …
Broadcasting & Cable