Top News:
Jay Rosen / Pressthink:
The Politics of the New Huffington Post at AOL — Is ideological innovation possible in online journalism? I think it is. My suggestion: Drop the View from Nowhere and go with transparency throughout the reborn AOL. — These are the top five questions journalists have been asking …

AOL-HuffPo: Arianna And The Free Blog Economy
Mixed Media, FishbowlNY, New York Magazine, New York Observer, GalleyCat, The Evolving Newsroom and Techdirt
Emily Steel / Wall Street Journal:
Advertisers Weigh AOL, Politics
Advertisers Weigh AOL, Politics
The Wire and Fast Company

Curating the Revolution: Building a Real-Time News Feed About Egypt — Andy Carvin is a senior strategist at NPR working on digital media. He's known for putting together comprehensive and innovative packages around breaking news stories, and for the past three weeks …
Future of Journalism and ...My heart's in Accra
Tim Molloy / The Wrap:
BREAKING: After Rampant Resignation Predictions on Cable News, Mubarak Doesn't Step Down — UPDATE, 1:03 p.m.: Mubarak says he will remain in power through September. — News that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's resignation could be imminent filled the airwaves with questions Thursday …
Al Jazeera Blogs, The New Yorker Blog and @mlcalderone

On the ‘Craigslist Congressman’: Gawker licks many toads, but Chris Lee's a prince — The resignation of Rep. Chris Lee of Buffalo yesterday just three hours after Gawker broke the story of the congressman's internet transactions with a woman on Craigslist (in furtherance of which he took …
Politics Daily, Runnin' Scared and New York Observer
Brian Stelter / Media Decoder:
Gawker's Scoop Draws Eyes to a New Format — Representative Christopher Lee's sudden resignation on Wednesday was triggered by an article on Gawker, the Manhattan-based gossip Web site. — The story of the married “Craigslist Congressman” who evidently sought out a woman via …
New York Post, CJR, Gawker, News Desk,, Poynter, City Room, New York Times, Mediaite, The Empire, The Stir By CafeMom, Gawker, AOL News,, Piers Morgan, @jyarow and Swampland

Twitter as Tech Bubble Barometer — As Internet valuations climb and bankers and would-be buyers circle Silicon Valley in an increasingly frothy tech market, many eyes are on one particularly desirable, if still enigmatic, target: Twitter. — Executives at both Facebook Inc. and Google Inc. …
BoomTown, Deal Journal, Felix Salmon, Mixed Media, GigaOM, Guardian, DealBook, paidContent, SAI, Scripting News, Epicenter, CJR, Money & Company, The Atlantic Online, TechCrunch, ReadWriteWeb, C-Scape, Telegraph, Company Town, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Post Tech, Search Engine Land, Venture Capital Dispatch,, Digits, Future of Journalism, The Consumerist, The Next Web, L.A. Times Tech Blog, New York Magazine, Paul Kedrosky, Gawker and New Media Age, more at Techmeme », Thanks:jspepper

Yahoo Unveils ‘Livestand’ Tablet Newsstand And ‘Personalized News’ Focus — Yahoo (NSDQ: YHOO) revealed details of its mobile “personalization” initiative that were hinted at earlier this week. In a conference call led by Blake Irving, the company's chief product officer, Yahoo's The platform …
Yodel Anecdotal, VentureBeat, TechCrunch, Pulse2, SAI, MacStories, Shoutpedia, GigaOM, CNET News, Digital Daily, @caro and The Next Web, more at Techmeme »

Conan 2.0 — How a late-night Luddite accidentally fought his way back into bedrooms (and computers, smartphones, and tablets) across America. — By Douglas Alden Warshaw, contributor — Conan O'Brien is in his bedroom. It's a little bit past 11 p.m., and he's shyly, hesitantly, nervously attempting to do his first webcast.
The Wire, The Huffington Post, @iwantmedia, @romenesko, Mediaite and Moraes on TV

10 free and totally legal programs every multimedia journalist should have — Image credit: BinaryApe on Flickr — The multimedia journalist's toolbox is ever growing - and getting ever cheaper. — While some of the top flight bits of kit: Adobe After Effects, Final Cut Studio …
eMedia Vitals and The News About The News
Peter Kafka / MediaMemo:
More Subscriptions For Time Inc: Sports Illustrated/Google Deal Coming — Yesterday Time Inc. announced a deal to offer digital magazine subscriptions on Hewlett-Packard's new tablet. Tomorrow it will have a deal to announce with Google. — This one will be more limited than yesterday's announcement …
Editors Weblog, FishbowlNY, NetNewsCheck Latest,, Folio, eMedia Vitals, paidContent and Mediaweek

Can cable block the Google TV revolution? — Behind the scenes at the Federal Communications Commission, a quiet war is being waged over the future of television. It isn't getting as many headlines as net neutrality or the Comcast/NBCU merger, but the debate is nearly as important.

Virgin America on Why Twitter, Facebook Are More Important to Airline Than TV — Carrier's Top Marketer Porter Gale: ‘Other Airlines Should Recognize That Social Media Is Not Going Away’ — NEW YORK ( — While discussing the rewards that Twitter and Facebook have delivered …
The Daily:
The Nikki Enigma — Is this Nikki Finke, the most powerful - and elusive - woman in Hollywood?
New York Observer, The Wrap, Mediaite, The Wire, Gawker, Runnin' Scared, Yahoo! News, LA Observed, New York Observer, Runnin' Scared and Gawker

Mobile Insiders Say Apple's iAds Are “Hurting” — Apple's iAds are hitting a rough spot. Across the board, several developers I've spoken to confirm that “fill rates” for iAds dropped drastically after the New Year and have yet to recover. The fill rate—what percentage of the ad inventory …
MarketingVOX, MacRumors and MacStories

See an Error at the Washington Post? Now You Can Easily Report It — Beginning Monday, every new staff-written article on the Washington Post's website came with a prominent link labeled “YOUR FEEDBACK: Corrections, suggestions?” One click takes the reader to a form for reporting errors or providing other feedback to the newsroom.
Opinion L.A. and Future of Journalism

Despite Pushback From Pubs, Apple Will Make iTunes Subscription Billing Mandatory — When Rupert Murdoch's The Daily launched last week, Apple's VP Eddy Cue got on stage to announce one-click subscriptions for iPad publications through iTunes. The Daily already has the one-click billing option …
Voices on All Things Digital, Techland, Mixed Media and Tech Trader Daily
Byrne / majordojo:
How did WordPress win? — When we are passionate about something, it is sometimes hard for us to wrap our heads around why someone else might not be passionate about the same thing. You see this in the WordPress community often - fans and users of WordPress are often flabbergasted that someone might choose something else.
One Man & His Blog, Pulse2, PlagiarismToday, Gadgetopia and @mathowie