Top News:

The Newsonomics of Apple/Press+/Google's pay-for-all — Editor's Note: Each week, Ken Doctor — author of Newsonomics and longtime watcher of the business side of digital news — writes about the economics of news for the Lab. — We could call this week a paid content free-for-all, but that's self-contradictory.
Reflections of a Newsosaur,, Voices on All Things Digital and Garcia Media

Dueling Paywalls: Brill & Crovitz's Journalism Online vs. Google's One Pass
Joseph Tartakoff / paidContent:
With Google's One Pass, Two More Newspaper Chains Join The Paywall Brigade
With Google's One Pass, Two More Newspaper Chains Join The Paywall Brigade
Burst Media Company Blog, Media Buyer Planner and NetNewsCheck Latest
Jeremy W. Peters / Media Decoder:
Time Inc. Chief Executive Jack Griffin Out — Time Inc.'s chief executive, Jack Griffin, is leaving the company after less than six months on the job — forced out because of what one Time Inc. executive said was a widespread realization that his management style was not a good fit for the company.
MediaMemo, Poynter, The Wrap, AdAge and The Huffington Post
Bahrain Protests: At Least 2 Dead in Crackdown; ABC's Miguel Marquez Roughed Up — “There was a canister that looked like — No! No! No! Hey! I'm a journalist here!” he yelled. — “I'm going! I'm going! I'm going! I'm going!,” he said. “I'm hit. ”
The Atlantic Wire, The Daily Caller, The Huffington Post, Hot Air, The Wire, Gawker, New York Magazine, TVNewser, FrumForum and Runnin' Scared

How I Survived an Attack in Cairo
Mediaite, Inside Cable News and TVNewser
Hamilton Nolan / Gawker:
Is It Possible to Make Dangerous Reporting Safe?
Jim Romenesko / Poynter:
Tech firms help news sites with Mobile World Congress expenses — Romenesko Misc. — ReadWriteMobile discloses that “the author's travel, hotel and conferences expenses were paid for by Qualcomm. They did not request this coverage, it's just interesting.”
Upside Potential and ReadWriteWeb

How public is public data? With Public Engines v. ReportSee, new access standards could emerge — A recently settled federal court case out in Utah may affect the way news organizations and citizens get access to crime data. — Public Engines, a company that publishes crime statistics …
Rem Rieder / American Journalism Review:
Reporting to Conclusions — Journalists shouldn't shrink from making judgments about factual disputes. Posted: Wed, Feb. 16, 2011 — Rem Rieder ( is AJR's editor and senior vice president. — When Larry Platt took over as editor of the Philadelphia Daily News on January 31 …

Wired will add iPad subscriptions ‘as soon as we can’ — It's been three days since Apple debuted its digital-subscriptions iPad app for periodical publishers. And in that time, handful of iPad-equipped magazines have signed up for it, even though Apple's agreement involves several major concessions …

Thumbs up for Roger Ebert's new revenue model on Twitter — Six weeks into what some have billed “the year of paid content,” the most interesting ideas I've seen so far have less to do with corporate policy than they do with personal enterprise. — My colleague, Mallary Tenore …

Vogue Uses Lady Gaga to Hatch its iPad Egg — Vogue launched its first iPad application on Thursday. — The app, called “Vogue Cover Exclusive,” is just that: extra content featuring the cover subject — videos, interviews, audio, etc. — not found in the magazine or online.
Discussion:, New York Observer and Speakeasy

THE FUTURE OF NEWS: FLIPBOARD VS. THE DAILY — Taking a stance on Flipboard vs. The Daily, two iPad applications which supply news content to their audiences, highlights the friction between old media and new and distinguishes the ways two companies are bringing information to users.
The Huffington Post
Peter Kafka / MediaMemo:
Stephen Colbert Rips Rupert Murdoch, Rips Off Arianna Huffington — If you like metamedia criticism and Web media, then last night's “Colbert Report” was for you. At least twice! — Colbert started out with an entire segment on the Daily, Rupert Murdoch's new iPad newspaper.
The Huffington Post,, Mediaite, Mixed Media, Digital Trends, New York Observer and TPM LiveWire

Tweetminster prepares to move beyond politics - relaunches as a ‘News Platform’ — Tweetminster, which we've been describing as a UK politics tracker powered by Twitter, has undergone another revamp today with the launch of the Tweetminster News Platform, which will replace the current version of the site.

Next New Networks SEC Filing Pretty Much Confirms YouTube Buyout — While Google's YouTube is reportedly in talks to buy Web content producer Next New Networks, the New York-based startup has just filed with the SEC in relation to $19.4 million in equity financing.
paidContent and
Google Digitizes Back Issues of ‘Spy’ Magazine … Spy magazine, the defunct satirical publication that launched a thousand magazine careers and dodged a thousand lawsuits, is now available digitally — thanks to Google. — digital life — The defunct satirical publication is now available digitally — thanks to Google.
@wired and Runnin' Scared

Borders' Bankruptcy Shakes Industry — After Borders, the 40-year-old retail chain that helped define the age of the book superstore, filed for bankruptcy protection on Wednesday, the struggling book industry was left wondering what was next — and maybe even who was next.
Gothamist, Fortune,,, … and Tech Trader Daily

Talking Points Memo editor moves to Raw Story — Megan Carpentier to lead Raw Story, Raw Replay — Raw Story is pleased to announce that Megan Carpentier, an editor with Talking Points Memo and the former politics and news director at Air America Radio, has been selected as the company's new executive editor.