Top News:

Times's Online Pay Model Was Years in the Making — The discussions played out over most of 2009 amid the hum of the third floor newsroom and in the executive suites high above Times Square, consuming what seemed like countless meetings and consultants' recommendations.
Media Decoder, Business Week, @stevebuttry and @dangillmor
What the NYT Pay Wall Really Costs — New York TimesFinally delivering on a long held promise, The New York Times announced yesterday that it would debut a ‘pay wall’ around its digital products, first immediately for users in Canada and then at the end of the month for the U.S. and other countries.
GigaOM and @tummler10

How The NYT's Paywall Compares To Those Of Other Big Papers — When the New York Times puts up its paywall later this month, it will be the fifth newspaper among the top 50 by circulation in the U.S. to charge for online access; a sixth, its sibling Boston Globe, is expected to do so later this year.
Peter Preston / Guardian:
Paywall or no paywall, print is still what pays — The New York Times's model for online charging will no doubt be widely copied. But according to one analyst, print will still be providing 86% of UK newspapers' revenues even in 2017 — So, at long, long last, we have the paywall policy …

At Thrillist, Mingling Commerce and Content — The Web site Thrillist publishes daily e-mails aimed at a young, male audience, with tips about activities in various cities. But along with that content, it offers separate e-mails selling clothes and deals at local businesses …
Jonathan Wolman / Detroit News:
Publisher's note: Reviewers' independence key — To our readers: — I want to share with you an episode that occurred last week which has sparked a vigorous discussion in our newsroom about the need to ensure the independence of our reviewers. Indeed, I owe our readers an explanation …
USA Today, Talking Biz News and Kirk LaPointe's …

What's wrong with the BBC? All its old bosses are eager to tell you — Every former director general and chairman seems to have a problem with the corporation it was once their job to defend. But the BBC doesn't always help itself when it's under attack

Why I Won't Pay For “The Daily” and I Will Pay For The Digital New York Times — I wanted to love The Daily, the first news source from a mainstream media company designed purely for the IPad, a platform I love. I couldn't wait for it to get launched. I told everyone I knew in the business …
Arthur S. Brisbane / The Public Editor's Journal:
Additional Letters: Too Little Information — Following up on the reader letters that appeared in my print column for this week, here are some additional letters via e-mail to my two columns, An American in Pakistan and Business News You Didn't Read Here. — Dear Mr. Brisbane:
New York Times

Libya: Mohammed “Mo” Al Nabbous, founder of Benghazi webcast “Libya Alhurra TV,” killed in firefight — Watch live streaming video from libya17feb at — Via and via the Twitter updates from NPR's Andy Carvin, terrible news that the brave citizen journalist …
The Evolving Newsroom, Guardian, Committee to Protect …, Toronto Star, Guardian, Gawker, @acarvin, Libya February 17th, The Daily Dish and The Daily What
James Robinson / Guardian:
Met must hand over phone-hacking evidence — Police must pass documents seized from Glenn Mulcaire to lawyers representing growing number of people suing paper — The growing number of public figures suing the News of the World won a major high court victory when a judge said Scotland Yard must hand …

The Groupon phenomenon: beautiful deconstruction of an old media model — Groupon — and all it means — is here to stay. How did the newsmedia industry not see it coming? And what do we do about it now? — TAGS — In case you haven't noticed, media companies have changed their strategy of charging for advertising.