Top News:
Adweek Regrooves Adweek was started 33 years ago in a far, far different media world. Now it is remade for a new age and new opportunities. — Welcome to the new Adweek—not your father's trade magazine. — In fact, my dad was in the advertising business and pored over the ad trades.
Wall Street Journal, Gawker, paidContent, Media News International, FishbowlNY, MediaPost and MinOnline

Adweek editor: Michael Wolff ‘saved’ the magazine (but don't call it a trade) — On Saturday night, Michael Wolff, the pugnacious Vanity Fair columnist and editorial director of Adweek, hosted a dinner party for the magazine's employees and their loved ones at his swank apartment in Manhattan's East Village.
MediaPost and Runnin' Scared

WSJ Editor Preempts Pulitzers: We Aready Won ‘the Greatest Prize’ — Image by Getty Images North America via @daylife — Who needs a Pulitzer Prize? Not the Wall Street Journal's managing editor, Robert Thomson. In keeping with the anti-elitism of his boss, Rupert Murdoch …
The Wire and Talking Biz News
Roy J. Harris Jr / Poynter:
Handicapping the Pulitzers as prize season peaks with the top award
Handicapping the Pulitzers as prize season peaks with the top award
Gannett Blog

Has the Twin Cities' one-newspaper future finally arrived? — The future of newspapers in the Twin Cities could hinge on events in Southern California. Sound crazy? Let me explain. — One of California's largest newspapers, the Orange County Register, is for sale.
David Carr / New York Times:
A Native Son Revitalizes His Paper — In 2008, when I last saw Michael Klingensmith, he was sitting in a corner office on the 34th floor of the Time Warner building, one of three powerful executives who controlled Time Inc., the biggest magazine publisher in the world.
Simon / Bloggasm:
The New Yorker gains 16,000 new fans during Facebook experiment — A week ago, the New Yorker released a free Jonathan Franzen essay that would have normally resided behind its paywall. The only catch? You had to “like” its Facebook page and access the story through the social networking giant.
FishbowlNY and Poynter

Al Jazeera's Social Media Experiment “The Stream” Launches Online Today — Al Jazeera's aggressive expansion into cyberspace hopes to empower a new generation of newsmakers, impact the American news market, and capture the attention of young cable cutters. — Fresh off the wild success …
Reuters, The Politico, Poynter and Soup
CBS News:
Questions over Greg Mortenson's stories — He has written inspiring best sellers, including “Three Cups of Tea,” but are the stories all true? — Please note this story has been formatted transcript style. — Greg Mortenson is a former mountain climber, best-selling author, humanitarian, and philanthropist.
Julie Moos / Poynter:
Mirror Awards announce finalists for best media coverage — Syracuse University has announced the finalists for the fifth annual Mirror Awards honoring media coverage. Out of over 200 entries, judges selected articles from AJR, CJR, Nieman Journalism Lab, MediaShift, Gannett Blog and Poynter, among others.
Gannett Blog

Hey, Cancer: Go Stand in the Corner — NEWSWEEK's executive chairman received a dire diagnosis. In his own words, here's how he faced it. — Sidney Harman at the Newsweek Office, 2010. … I have just learned that I have acute myeloid leukemia, or AML.
Mediaite, FishbowlNY, Media Decoder, New York Magazine, The Atlantic Wire and The New Yorker Blog

Gannett's Digital Revenues Still Rising; UK Decline Drags Print Down — Gannett's ability to reach and retain profitability over the past year rested on two main things: the growth of digital revenues and its dedication to holding down expenses. While the McLean, Va.-based media company …

Flipboard: Threat and Opportunity — Every media company should be afraid of Flipboard. The Palo Alto startup epitomizes the best and the worst of the internet. The best is for the user. The worst is for the content providers that feed its stunning expansion without getting a dime in return.
Editors Weblog, Marshall Kirkpatrick …, FM Blog, @dannysullivan, Poynter and Future of Journalism, more at Techmeme »

‘Robot Journalist’ Out-Writes Human Sports Reporter … A while back, All Things Considered brought you the story of a breakthrough technology: the robot journalist. — Okay, so it's not really a robot. It's actually a software program. You feed it data, it processes that data …
Matters of Varying … and The Next Web
The Huffington Post:
PBS Legend Returns To Tell Personal Story About Autism — BOSTON — It's been 16 years since Robert MacNeil sat behind an anchor's desk and a decade since half of PBS's famous MacNeil/Lehrer news team did any street reporting. — It took a 6-year-old autistic boy named Nick to persuade MacNeil to work in front of the camera again.

ABC News gets into video books with new app — ABC News has rolled out a new iPad app that offers video books that combine text, photos and video from the network's archives. The ABC Video Bookstore app (iTunes), which is free, launched with two $7.99 books for sale: “A Modern Fairy Tale” …
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