Top News:
2011 Pulitzer Prize Winners — Winning photographs and cartoons, and bios and photos of winners, are available by clicking the links below. Links to winning stories are provided when available. Journalism PUBLIC SERVICE - Los Angeles Times BREAKING NEWS REPORTING - No Award INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING …
New York Times, Mixed Media, The New Yorker Blog, CNN, The Atlantic Wire, @tcarmody,, @ap, @koblin, @jennydeluxe, @emmagkeller, On Media's Blog, Felix Salmon and Gawker
Paul Steiger / ProPublica:
A Note on ProPublica's Second Pulitzer Prize — ProPublica reporters Jesse Eisinger and Jake Bernstein have been awarded a Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting for their stories on how some Wall Street bankers, seeking to enrich themselves at the expense of their clients and sometimes even their own firms …
Felix Salmon, Talking Biz News, Guardian, The New Yorker Blog, @propublica and Runnin' Scared

Big year for business journalism in Pulitzers — Four winners and five finalists of the Pulitzer Prizes announced Monday are forms of business journalism, from investigative pieces to commentary to editorial writing about business and economics news and issues.
Online NewsHour, CJR, New York Magazine and The Awl
Al Tompkins / Poynter:
Few entries, no consensus, no Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Reporting — The Pulitzer Prize jury that reviewed the Breaking News Reporting category recommended three finalists to the Pulitzer Board. But for the first time ever, no entry won the category that recognizes local coverage of breaking news events.

Another online milestone for the Pulitzer Prize — It's prize season for journalists, and today came the biggest of them all: the Pulitzer Prizes. And the trend toward online-only news organizations playing a part in what has traditionally been a newspaper game continues.
Tower Ticker, The Huffington Post and Riptide 2.0

BREAKING: No Breaking News Merits Pulitzer this Year — No Pulitzer Prize was awarded for breaking news this year. We're thinking we, the media, blew it by incorrectly breaking the death of an elected official and outsourcing our breaking news to entire nations-in-revolt of citizen journalists.

WSJ Editor Preempts Pulitzers: We Aready Won ‘the Greatest Prize’
Poynter, Poynter, The Wrap, @nyt_jenpreston, …, Speakeasy, Yahoo! News, The Wire, Talking Biz News, and Poynter

Roger Ailes Caught Spying on the Reporters at His Small-Town Newspaper — The small-town newspapers in New York's Hudson Valley that Fox News chief Roger Ailes owns with his wife Elizabeth are in a staff revolt after employees caught Ailes spying on them with News Corp. security goons. More »
The Wire, Salon, Yahoo! News, New York Magazine, Mediaite, The New Republic, The Atlantic Wire and FishbowlNY

The ‘New’ Adweek: Bigger, Bolder And Reaching For Relevance — When the new issue of Adweek is laid out with the other trade magazines in the reception areas of advertising agencies, TV networks and media companies this week, even the most casual readers will certainly notice a number …
Wall Street Journal and Adweek
Joe Pompeo / Yahoo! News:
Adweek editor: Michael Wolff ‘saved’ the magazine (but don't call it a trade)
Adweek editor: Michael Wolff ‘saved’ the magazine (but don't call it a trade)
Media News International, The Wire, Runnin' Scared, MediaPost and Gawker
Simon / Bloggasm:
The New Yorker gains 16,000 new fans during Facebook experiment — A week ago, the New Yorker released a free Jonathan Franzen essay that would have normally resided behind its paywall. The only catch? You had to “like” its Facebook page and access the story through the social networking giant.
Poynter, Betabeat, FishbowlNY and eMedia Vitals
Gabriel Beltrone / Adweek:
Auletta's Gmail Hacked ‘Googled’ author's account fires off scam SOS to his contacts — Ken Auletta, author of best-selling book Googled and venerable media columnist for The New Yorker, fell victim to a common digital crime Monday morning: His Gmail account was hacked.

Thousands protest Spotify's new music limits — The backlash against Spotify's changes to its free service appears to be growing by the hour. More than 5,300 comments have been left on the company's blogpost announcing that it would halve the 20-hour listening limit and impose a five-play cap on each individual song.

Dan Gillmor Excited by Experiments by Entrepreneurial Journalists — Business content on MediaShift is sponsored by the weekend MA in Public Communication at American University. Designed for working professionals, the program is suited to career changers and public relations …

The layered look: How Google News is integrating the social web — While many have been closely following the news of new social network projects from Google — whether it's Google Wave, Google Buzz, or a rumored project reportedly called Google Me — the search giant has been rolling …
The Wrap:
Where Will Television Be in 2020? — So where will television be in 2020? Seems an appropriate question with the annual NAB Show winding down. And also the subject of a panel I led last week in Vegas with execs from DreamWorks, Sony Electronics, Starz, Nielsen and Technicolor.

Privacy Legislation's Potential Impact on Online Media — Last week, the bipartisan Kerry-McCain bill proposed legislation on a Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights that would put the Federal Trade Commission in charge of policing the online collection, sharing and use of personal information.

Wisdom of the (developer) crowd: Key lessons from news organizations using open APIs to ramp up R&D — Editor's Note: At the International Symposium on Online Journalism earlier this month, one of the most interesting papers was by our own Seth Lewis, who's now teaching at the University of Minnesota …

Another One Bites The Dust: Yahoo To Kill Buzz On April 21 — We knew this was coming, but Yahoo has announced that it will not longer support Yahoo Buzz, its a Digg-like product where users can rank stories from publishers. — According to a message on the Buzz website: Yahoo! Buzz will be discontinued as of April 21, 2011.
Mashable!, VentureBeat, SiliconANGLE, BetaNews, Light Reading and PC Magazine
David Hirschman / Street Fight:
Topix CEO Chris Tolles: Community Over Content — When hyperlocal news and community site Topix was founded in 2004, the company's plan was to take all the local news out there and aggregate it into niche news Web pages around hundreds of thousands of topics.

Al Jazeera's Social Media Experiment “The Stream” Launches Online Today — Al Jazeera's aggressive expansion into cyberspace hopes to empower a new generation of newsmakers, impact the American news market, and capture the attention of young cable cutters. — Fresh off the wild success …
Poynter, Lost Remote, Reuters, The Stream, The Politico, @magicandrew, Media Matters for America and Soup
Analysts: The New York Times Paywall Must Pay With fierce competition for digital ads, the paywall is necessary for revenue By Katie Feola — Thanks to a flurry of stop-gap grabs for capital, the New York Times Company has emerged from the recession with enough cash to disprove predictions of its imminent demise.