Top News:
Michael Calderone / The Huffington Post:
WikiLeaks' Guantanamo Bay Documents: The Backstory On News Outlets' Race To Publish Them … NEW YORK — On Sunday night, more than a half dozen major news organizations in the United States and Europe began publishing shocking new revelations from a long-rumored WikiLeaks trove of documents about prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay.
Telegraph, The Firewall and MyFox New York
New York Times:
A Note to Readers: The Background — The articles published today are based on more than 700 classified files on past and present detainees at the Guantánamo Bay prison, including the government's assessment of the dangers the individuals represent. The files are from February 2002 …
New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, Aljazeera, The Daily Beast, CNET News, Hillicon Valley, Boing Boing, Mediaite, Mother Jones, @chanders and The Nation

At Last, Couric Is Expected to Say She's Leaving CBS — This week, Ms. Couric is planning to acknowledge one of the worst-kept secrets in television: that she is leaving the “CBS Evening News” after five years. Then, as soon as she returns from London, where she will be anchoring …

Filtering the Social Web to Present News Items — SAN FRANCISCO — News events as varied as the commercial jet landing in the Hudson River and the uprisings in Egypt have demonstrated that people armed with cellphones — not professional reporters — are often the first source of breaking news …
Lost Remote and NetNewsCheck Latest
Jim Romenesko / Poynter:
Zeller quits NYT to become HuffPo energy/environment reporter — Romenesko Misc. — Tom Zeller says “it's been a source of great pride for me to walk through the doors of The New York Times every day ... but I also think it's critically important that we continue developing and nurturing …

Demand Builds for TV Ad Time — Forecasters See Solid ‘Upfront’ Market for Commercial Sales, Although NFL Dispute Hangs Over Talks — As rising gasoline prices and stubbornly high unemployment hold back the U.S. economy, one marketplace still appears to be as hot as ever: TV advertising.

War, in Life and Death — Tim Hetherington was a war photographer in every regard. Tall, brutally handsome and modest, he had a British accent plucked from a Graham Greene novel and the body fat of a Diet Coke. — When I met him last summer, he had finished co-directing “Restrepo,” …

A Tale Of Two Timeses: A New York Meter, A London Wall — They may share both a name and new online fees, but onlookers shouldn't confuse the new access models of The New York Times and Britain's The Times. Though each is historically the “paper of record” in their respective countries …

An Appreciation: Thirty-one Down — After three decades-plus of puzzle-making, Maura B. Jacobson is retiring. — Truth is, New York Magazine hired Maura Jacobson by accident. It was 1980, and New York, looking to expand its culture coverage, had bought and absorbed a listings magazine called Cue.
Eric Pfanner / New York Times:
In Slovakia, News Outlets Take Cue From Cable — PARIS — The newspaper industry is in trouble; cable television, despite the same challenges, is thriving. Could newspapers learn something from the cable guys? — In tiny Slovakia, publishers want to find out.

The Onion Fools The New York Times — You may have been surprised to see President Obama's smiling face on the cover of Tiger Beat in last week's The New York Times article about the “original teen-girl tabloid.” Your surprise was not unwarranted, as the Times admitted today: More »

Q&A With Survivor Host Jeff Probst On Surviving Social Media — This Q&A with Survivor host Jeff Probst was conducted by guest writer Narendra Rocherolle, CEO of The Start Project. He and his partners hold the curious distinction of selling their company, Webshots, twice.
Future of Journalism