Top News:
David Carr / New York Times:
How Drudge Has Stayed on Top — For most big news Web sites, about 60 percent of the traffic is homegrown, people who come directly to the site by dint of a bookmark or typing in or The other critical 40 percent comes by referrals …
SAI, ZDNet, @carr2n, @carr2n, @bgrueskin, @scottkarp, @jwherrman, @jwherrman, @jeffsonderman, @dangillmor, @jayrosen_nyu, @mlcalderone and Future of Journalism

Gay CNN Anchor Sees Risk in Book — Don Lemon, the weekend prime-time anchor for CNN, was on the air on Sunday night this month when the news broke that President Obama would address the nation at the unusual hour of 10:30 p.m. — By the time the news network was confirming the reports …
The Huffington Post, The Atlantic Wire, Poynter, iCelebrity, @donlemoncnn, Mediaite, Inside Cable News and ShortFormBlog

Many Formats, One Price — More Publications Begin Bundling Their Digital, Print and Mobile Subscriptions — Magazine and newspaper publishers are reorienting themselves around a business model that has taken hold in other media: the bundle. — The result is a new ecosystem of pricing …
Jean-Louis Gassée / Monday Note:
Dangerous Blend — Last week, the Columbia School of Journalism released “The Story so Far” (PDF here). For news zealots, this is tantamount to the Vatican publishing a sex manual. Still, this work is one of the best reports ever written on the state of modern journalism.
paidContent, The Wire, On Media's Blog and Guardian
Steve Grove / The Official Google Blog:
Remembering fallen journalists on video — We live in a world that feels smaller every day. As we become accustomed to nearly ubiquitous coverage of the news and events unfolding around the world, it's easy to forget the price that is sometimes paid to obtain quality …

Is Thomas Drake an enemy of the state? — Is Thomas Drake an enemy of the state? — Drake, a former senior executive at the National Security Agency, faces some of the gravest charges that can be brought against an American citizen. Photograph by Martin Schoeller.
David Kaplan / paidContent:
NYTCo's Nisenholtz On Fixing It's All About The Guides — Last week, following three consecutive quarters of declining revenues at its About Group unit, the New York Times Co. (NYSE: NYT) decided it was time for a change at the top and dismissed CEO Cella Irvine.
Future of Journalism

How Viral PDFs Of A Naughty Bedtime Book Exploded The Old Publishing Model — The party line on piracy is that it's bad for business. But what to make of the case of “Go the F**k to Sleep,” the “children's book for adults” whose viral-pirate PDF launched the book to the number-one spot on a month before its release?
Boing Boing, more at Techmeme »

Emily Nussbaum on the New Interactive Showrunner — When I was a child, in the halcyon seventies, I loved to watch TV. It wasn't an easy hobby: I had to get up each time I changed the channel. Cable barely existed (I was 15 when “Video Killed the Radio Star” launched MTV).

Ad Pages Haven't Followed Tina Brown to the ‘NewsBeast’ — ‘Tina Touch’ Brings New Editorial Voice, But Business Upside to Fused Online/Print Venture Still Unclear — “We're not rushing to put money into Newsweek,” one ad buyer said recently. “They have their work cut out for them.”
The Daily Beast and eMedia Vitals

In This Sky, the Planes Fly Alone — BOULDER, Colo. — A father of five and a professed geek, Chris Anderson, editor in chief of Wired magazine, is always looking for child-friendly activities that could, he hopes, inculcate his children with techie sensibilities. — Multimedia
Alex Knapp /
What Do Writers Owe Their Audiences? — I'm going to digress a little from my usual beat here and talk about the new media and what it means for both writers and their audiences in the Internet era. — My colleague, Susannah Breslin, recently wrote a post about the rather, ahem …

AOL attempts to resurrect itself as the oldest startup in silicon valley — It's a three story glass and steel building, similar to a dozen others that line Page Mill Road in the heart of Silicon Valley. It could be HP, which is next door or any one of the established offices …