Top News:
Amanda Chang / Inside Search:
Highlighting content creators in search results — Many of you create great content on the web, and we work hard to make that content discoverable on Google. Today, we will start highlighting the people creating this content in search results. — Why?
Nieman Journalism Lab, CNET News, Search Engine Land, SEO, Softpedia News, It's All Tech, eMedia Vitals, Editors Weblog and Engadget
Frederic Lardinois / SiliconFilter:
Google's Search Results Now Highlight Content Creators
Google's Search Results Now Highlight Content Creators
The Official Google Blog, more at Techmeme »

Jill Abramson's First Task: Stop the Times Defections — When Jill Abramson replaces Bill Keller at the end of the summer, she will not only be the first female executive editor to run the Grey Lady, but the first Times editor who will have to really sweat keeping the paper's talented journalists from jumping ship.
FishbowlNY, Yahoo! News, The Wire, On Media's Blog and The New York Observer
Joe Pompeo / Yahoo! News:
Chris Suellentrop joins Yahoo! News blog network from New York Times Magazine
Chris Suellentrop joins Yahoo! News blog network from New York Times Magazine
The Huffington Post, FishbowlNY, Adweek and Poynter
su2011: New online open newsroom a hit for Swedish newspaper — A pioneering Swedish newspaper that involves its readers in the daily editorial decision-making process says the new approach has been a massive hit with users and advertisers. — Norran, a large regional daily in the north of Sweden …

Twitter's Real Lesson for Newsrooms — The Chapter Missing From Twitter's New Newsrooms Guide … #Enrage — We know that a core part of your day is spent wallowing in a deep depression, brought on by the collapse of your profession's business model and the realization that you'll soon …
Kat Stoeffel / The New York Observer:
Awl Publisher David Cho Heeds the Call of Grantland [Updated] — David Cho is stepping down from his position as publisher of The Awl. He is relocating to Los Angeles on Sunday to work for Bill Simmons at Grantland, he told friends in a mass e-mail. — Mr. Cho did not specify whether the position is business side or editorial.
FishbowlNY and The Wire
Jim Romenesko / Poynter:
Fark creator: 'MSM is still in the driver's seat' — Romenesko Misc. — I recently noticed from Facebook status updates and Foursquare check-ins that Fark creator Drew Curtis was spending some time at UC Berkeley. I asked him about his recent travels away from Fark's headquarters (Curtis' home) in Lexington, Kentucky.
su2011: Forget hyperlocal, the future's ‘hyperpersonal’ — A new era of online publishing where readers are served ‘hyperpersonal’ news directly linked to their interests is taking shape, according to a consultant for world publishing body WAN-IFRA. — Stephan Minard told …
Steve Buttry / The Buttry Diary:
Confessions (strategies) of a branded journalist (or a journalist with a reputation, if you prefer) — Update: Joe Grimm is leading a workshop on building your personal brand. — Much of last week's discussion of journalistic “branding” focused on whether journalists should engage in something that sounds so much like marketing.
Editors Weblog and the Econsultancy blog

5 Ways the Advertising Industry Is Preparing for a Digital Future — Chris Schreiber is director of marketing at social video advertising company Sharethrough. A leading expert on social content strategy, Chris recently presented a two-hour workshop on viral video at the Cannes Lions festival …

Daily News firings fuel white knight rumors — While the Daily News com pleted its move to new and nicer facilities downtown in recent weeks, that hasn't stopped some familiar themes from emerging: longtime executives are still getting whacked and the ever-present rumor mill is churning …

The Voice steps up social media for final shows — NBC's The Voice has been airing live episodes (East Coast) as it nears its season finale this Wednesday night, and the show is featuring a social media room to shine a spotlight on live Twitter reaction. Hosted by “social media guru” …

The Gaga Effect Spreads to Tumblr — Is there any technology platform that Lady Gaga, the eccentric and entertaining pop songstress, can't dominate? She's already appeared in a commercial for Google Chrome, debuted her own game on Farmville, crashed Amazon's servers and partnered with companies …
Betabeat, Rolling Stone and

How to Be a Journalist in 2011 — Earlier this month, I offered one young female journalist $100 to write a guest post for this blog. Out of nearly 50 story pitches, I chose Lauren Rae Orsini, 24, a Washington, DC-based multimedia journalist, geek blogger, and web designer who covers anime, geekdom, and fandom.