Top News:
This sunday will be last issue of News of the World — News International will close the News of the World after this weekend's issue, bringing an end to its 168 year history. — Full statement from News International: — News International today announces that this Sunday, 10 July 2011 …

News of the World closes - live coverage — The News of the World is to close, James Murdoch has announced. It follows a series of revelations that the paper illegally hacked into phones, and amid calls for Rebekah Brooks to resign. The News International chief executive is said to retain the support of Rupert Murdoch
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News of the World to close amid hacking scandal — This Sunday's issue of the News of the World will be the last edition of the paper, News International chairman James Murdoch has said. — In the past few days, claims have been made that the paper authorised hacking into the mobile phones …
Amelia Hill / Guardian:
Andy Coulson to be arrested tomorrow — Second former senior News of the World journalist to also be arrested after leaks from NI force police to speed up plans — Andy Coulson has been told by police that he will be arrested on Friday morning over suspicions that he knew about …
Mixed Media, Adweek, New York Magazine, Reuters, The Wire, BBC, MediaFile, Dow Jones Newswires, The Independent, Mediaite, Press Gazette, NetNewsCheck Latest and
Alison Frankel / MediaFile:
Is Murdoch free to destroy tabloid's records? — The views expressed are her own. — Here's some News of the World news to spin the heads of American lawyers. According to British media law star Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent (whom The Times of London has dubbed “Mr Media") …
Murdoch Folds NOTW Over Phone Hacking — This Sunday's News Of The World will be the last ever issue of the tabloid, News International chairman James Murdoch has announced. He said the final edition would not run any commercial adverts - with the advertising space to be donated to causes and charities.

News Corp. Closes News of the World as Scandal Threatens BSkyB Deal — Newspaper's 200 Employees Can Apply for Jobs Elsewhere at Company — Britain's best-selling newspaper, the News of the World, is to close in the wake of a scandal over allegations that the paper hacked the phones …
Guardian and Future of Journalism
Nick Davies on phone hacking, Murdoch and News of the World - video — The investigative journalist on how the phone-hacking scandal has escalated, leading to News of the World's announced closure
Future of Journalism, Media Matters for America, The Wrap, ProPublica and ProPublica

News of the World Down, News Corp. Stock Up
AllThingsD and Mediaite
New York Times:
The Murdoch Style, Under Pressure
The Murdoch Style, Under Pressure
Guardian, Clusterstock, @davidfolkenflik, Reuters, DealBook, City Room, Online NewsHour, The Awl, CJR, On Media's Blog, News of the World, and The Lede
Peter Oborne / Spectator:
What the papers won't say — The omertà of Britain's press …
What the papers won't say — The omertà of Britain's press …
CJR, Crikey, BBC, Reuters, FleetStreetBlues, Telegraph and Future of Journalism
Jim Romenesko / Poynter:
AP warns staff about expressing opinions on social networks — Associated Press journalists have tweeted opinions about the Casey Anthony trial and the New York Senate vote on gay marriage, says Tom Kent, AP Deputy Managing Editor for Standards and Production.

Elizabeth Smart, Network Pundit? — Amid the Casey Anthony frenzy, ABC News is close to unveiling its latest contributor. Howard Kurtz reports exclusively on the kidnap victim's new career. — Elizabeth Smart first came into our consciousness nearly a decade ago as a 14-year-old girl kidnapped from her Salt Lake City bedroom.
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
Ubiquitous ‘tiny belly’ online ad part of scheme, government says — It might be the ad that ate the Internet. — “1 Tip for a Tiny Belly” reads the headline, rendered in what appears to be hand-lettered type and positioned above a crudely animated drawing of a woman's bare midriff.
Gawker and The Hairpin

MSNBC Nixes Chris Matthews's Cameo in Aaron Sorkin's Pilot About Cable News — While he was writing the pilot script for his new HBO project More As This Story Develops, Aaron Sorkin reportedly spent some time on the set of Hardball With Chris Matthews. Makes sense, since Develops is a behind …
Gawker, MediaPost, The New York Observer, Company Town and Glittarazzi

Former Top Editor Makes Another Talent Raid on AOL's Engadget for New Competing Gadget Site — I love the smell of blog wars in the morning! — Acting as Facebook often does to Google, a new site started by former Engadget editor Josh Topolsky just hired away yet another passel …
This is my next, more at Techmeme »
Ben Sisario / Media Decoder:
Internet Providers to Help Thwart Online Piracy — In a deal with the major entertainment media companies that has been years in the making, the leading Internet service providers have agreed to a uniform procedure for notifying customers about repeated instances of digital copyright infringement.
PC Magazine, Company Town, Multichannel, Hillicon Valley, Home Media Magazine, The Consumerist and CNET News