Top News:

Market Ills Give CNBC a Bounce — When Nik Deogun was running the financial coverage of The Wall Street Journal during the crisis in 2008, he kept a constant eye on CNBC as the events played out on television. “It was news being made, all the time, in real time,” he said.
TVNewser, Gawker, Inside Cable News and The Big Picture
Felix Salmon:
Whither the M&A scoop? — You've heard it here and everywhere: Google is buying Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion. But here's the media twist to the story: you didn't hear it anywhere first. — Deal scoops are the most basic currency of business journalism.
AllThingsD, TechCrunch, The Official Google Blog, Business Wire and paidContent:UK, more at Techmeme »
How the internet has all but destroyed the market for films, music and newspapers — The author of Free Ride warns that digital piracy and greedy technology firms are crushing the life out of the culture business — For most of the 80s and 90s, NBC dominated US television: Miami Vice, The Cosby Show, Cheers, Seinfeld, Friends.

On Porous Paywalls — Felix Salmon has a couple great posts on the New York Times' paywall. He notes that it has been successful and explains why. Felix says: … I've been a fan and a proponent of porous paywalls since studying the FT's model a few years back and was very pleased to see the NY Times go with the FT's model.
Felix Salmon and PSFK
Mathew Ingram / GigaOM:
The NYT doesn't have a paywall; it's a line of sandbags
The NYT doesn't have a paywall; it's a line of sandbags
bijan sabet and Felix Salmon, Thanks:mathewi

Does Cinemax's iPad app violate Apple's no-porn policy? — Anyone who's ever subscribed to Cinemax knows that one of its biggest draws is not the availability of Hollywood movies, but the softcore movies and TV shows available on the network. With the recent launch of its iPad app …
Digits, CNET News, Guardian, PC Magazine, Electronista, Gizmodo and 9to5Mac, more at Techmeme »
Eric Pfanner / New York Times:
Source Sought for False Story on French Bank — PARIS — Misunderstandings between the French and visiting British vacationers are a traditional feature of summers in France. But did a British malentendu over another French summer staple — a fictional series of articles in Le Monde …
Regret the Error
Jim Romenesko / Poynter:
Brady named Journal Register Company editor-in-chief — Jim Brady will orchestrate Journal Register Company's daily news coverage and will directly oversee all newsgathering operations, says a release. The former executive editor and general manager joined Journal Register …
Journal Register Company

AOL Growth Comes at a Cost — After Acquisition Binge, Internet Company Faces Fierce Competition for Ad Dollars — AOL Inc. has no shortage of websites, with more than 800. They range from hundreds of little hometown-news sites in the Patch network to its 37 bigger-name properties …
Street Fight

The Elusive Big Idea — A senior fellow at the Annenberg Norman Lear Center at the University of Southern California and the author of “Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination.” — THE July/August issue of The Atlantic trumpets the “14 Biggest Ideas of the Year.” Take a deep breath.
The Chutry Experiment,, Jared Bernstein, Bit of Tech and Mother Jones, more at Techmeme »
Maryanne Wolf / Guardian:
Will the speed of online reading deplete our analytic thought? | Maryanne Wolf
Will the speed of online reading deplete our analytic thought? | Maryanne Wolf
Future of Journalism

Painful Profits From Web Video — Media companies are starting to cash in on Internet video. But that new money could be coming at a cost as fewer young people watch traditional television. — That battle between the old and new ways of watching TV is putting networks and studios in a tricky position …
Betabeat, more at Techmeme »
Time Warner Cable Is Said to Be in $3 Billion Talks for Carlyle's Insight — Time Warner Cable Inc. (TWC), the second- largest U.S. cable-television operator, is in advanced talks to buy Carlyle Group's Insight Communications Co. for about $3 billion, said people with knowledge of the matter.
Forbes, New York Times, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Reuters, Globe and Mail and, more at Techmeme »

Gunning for the Copyright Reformers — Going after copyright reformers is risky business. To digital zealots, defending copyright is like advocating the return to the typewriter. (I personally like typewriters; I own several and I recommend a wonderful 1997 Atlantic piece on them at

Decoded: How Many Readers Really Use Magazine Ads' 2-D Barcodes — Among Readers Who Saw Ads with Codes, 4% Snapped a Picture, Gfk MRI Starch Research Says — As quickly as interactive 2-D barcodes and symbols have spread through magazines — check out Glamour's September issue …
J. David Goodman / New York Times:
Comedy Podcast Inside News Corp. Feasts on a Scandal — Sitting in a windowless London recording studio at the start of the phone hacking scandal that engulfed Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, Chris Skinner faced a dilemma. — Multimedia — The Bugle, a news satire podcast …

Megyn Kelly on Good Looks, Fox News & Jon Stewart — None of Fox News' anchors compete for airtime quite like her. We caught up with the 40-year-old mother of two, just back from maternity leave, for a chat about her controversial boss and famously short hemlines.
The New York Observer and TVNewser