Top News:
Julie Moos / Poynter:
Amanda Michel joins Guardian's US operation — Huffington Post and ProPublica vet Amanda Michel is taking her community engagement skills to the Guardian's new U.S. operation. Michel, a member of Poynter's National Advisory Board, will be the site's Open Editor there, working on collaboration, transparency and crowdsourcing.
ProPublica and FishbowlNY
Steve Myers / Poynter:
Dallas Morning News publisher: No plans to discontinue printing daily — Earlier today I reported that Mark Medici, vice president for audience at The Dallas Morning News, said Monday during a session at the Inland Press Association conference that the newspaper won't be printed seven days a week in three years.
Poynter and @aenglish09

Viacom and Google Pick Up the Gloves, Again — They're back! — Viacom and Google, who have been tangling over copyright violations at YouTube since 2007, will be at it again today at a federal courthouse in New York. The two sides will start oral arguments for Viacom's appeal of the case …
Media & Entertainment, CNET News, WebProNews, paidContent:UK and Softpedia News, more at Techmeme »
Jeff Roberts / paidContent:
Appeals Court Cites ‘Many Hurdles’ In Viacom-YouTube Appeal
Appeals Court Cites ‘Many Hurdles’ In Viacom-YouTube Appeal
Plagiarism Today

New Knight study identifies 3 surprising keys to nonprofit news business success — The Knight Foundation has a new study out this morning examining the business models for seven locally-based nonprofit news sites in their drive to achieve sustainability. — Focusing on high-profile ventures …
Future of Journalism, Knight Foundation, Center for Sustainable …, Broadcasting & Cable, CJR and LA Observed

iOS magazine publisher sees Apple's Newsstand boost sales by 750% — Apple's successful launch of iOS 5 and selling more than 4 million iPhone 4S handsets in 3 days hasn't just benefited the Cupertino-based company, the sheer number of users utilising new applications and features has seen …
GigaOM and Business Insider
Jim Romenesko / Poynter:
U. of Virginia editor faces charges for telling readers about plagiarist on staff — Cavalier Daily editors at the University of Virginia discovered last month that they had a plagiarist on staff and reported the writer to the school's Honor Committee. They also published a Sept. 12 editorial …
The Cavalier Daily
Jim Romenesko / Poynter:
Boston Globe warns Occupy organizers about using its name — Occupy Boston hopes to raise $8,000 through Kickstarter to launch an Occupy Boston Globe newspaper. (There was $3,636 pledged at last look.) Steve Annear reports the Globe has told the group to stop using its name and nameplate.
NetNewsCheck Latest, MediaPost,, Occupy Boston and Media Nation

Adventures in self-publishing: Rejected from Google News! — Google, the search company that started as two guys at Stanford, openly discriminates against entrepreneurs. At least for its Google News product. — Not only is that silly and short-sighted, but it should go against everything Google stands for.
parislemon, Thanks:steverubel
Lucia Moses / Adweek:
‘Fortune’ Expands Editorial Franchise — Fortune magazine plans to double down on editorial franchises in 2012 as it tries to build on the popularity of its Fortune 500 list to appeal to readers and advertisers. — It's the latest example of how magazines, business titles in particular …
FishbowlNY, Poynter and Talking Biz News

AmEx, ‘Billboard’ Launch Facebook Entertainment Channel — American Express is joining with Billboard to launch an entertainment channel on its Facebook page that will provide cardmembers with exclusive ticket offers and other specials. — Consumers (including non-cardmembers) can “like” …
BtoB Magazine

Exclusive: Memo to Fox Business staff - don't copy Fox News — (Reuters) - Here's a novel idea: Fox Business Network should focus on covering business news. — At least that's what Kevin Magee, executive vice president of the News Corp-owned cable news network, is urging his staff to do.
Jim Edwards / The Tagline Blog| BNET:
Cruelty Rewarded: Michael Wolff Adds Adweek to His List of Failures — Michael Wolff would love this story, if only it were about someone else. The firing of Wolff as editor of Adweek has got all the ingredients he loves most: the proud rise and hubris-laden fall of a prominent media figure …
Cision, New York Times, Adweek and WWD Media Headlines

WSJ Gets Personal With Gravity — The Wall Street Journal quietly enabled a personalization feature today (or at least this is the first time I've noticed it). Articles are now automatically sorted based on what they think you'll like to read. It's powered by Los Angeles based startup Gravity.
Talking Biz News

Missing journalist's family return to Costa Rica for anniversary — The family of British journalist Michael Dixon have returned to Costa Rica two years after he went missing, saying they have been forced to fend for themselves in their search — The family of a British journalist …

Hearst Corp. Opens a Corporate Office in Beijing — China, which was a “Red Menace” at the end of William Randolph Hearst's long life (1863-1951), now has full-time presence of Hearst Corp. with opening of a corporate office in Beijing. Announcement by CEO Frank Bennack, Jr. …

In E-Reader Battle, a Superhero Slugfest Among Booksellers — The tablet wars have begun. Superheroes are the prize — or perhaps the victim. — Amazon, seeking to make its coming Kindle Fire tablet as appealing as possible, negotiated a deal with DC Comics for the exclusive digital rights to a hundred popular graphic novels.

Natalie Morales Latest NBCer to Join ‘Rock Center’ Roster — NBC's upcoming primetime newsmagazine “Rock Center with Brian Williams” continues to add high-profile contributors. The latest addition is NBC “Today” news anchor and third hour co-host Natalie Morales.

Demand Media Just Made It Almost Impossible For 75% Of Its Writers To Get Work — On Monday night, Demand Media's SVP of editorial Jeremy Reed sent an email to all the writers announcing the creation of the “First Look” program. — The program gives writers with a “structure” …
WebProNews and Medacity

Mail and Mirror face contempt action over Milly Dowler coverage — Attorney general says prejudicial reporting of Levi Bellfield's conviction meant further charge could not be considered — The attorney general has launched contempt of court proceedings against the Daily Mail and Daily Mirror …

New life in television's evening news — NEW YORK (AP) — There's new life in broadcast television's evening news shows, in part because of forces such as 24-hour cable news that were once thought ready to kill the genre off. — Despite repeated death knells for the ABC …
Company Town

VandeHei Voices Disdain for Habitual Tweeting — Mark McKinnon, political communications strategist and columnist for The Daily Beast, chatted with Politico's Executive Editor Jim VandeHei over the weekend at the Shorenstein Center's 25th celebration at Harvard Kennedy School. What emerged might surprise you.

Zachary Quinto Inspires ABC News Anchor to Come Out on Air — Dan Kloeffler, one of the anchors of ABC's World News Now, the zany 3am news program that most people only see when they wake up on the couch to shut off the TV, came out on the air early this morning. And it's all because of Zachary Quinto.
TVNewser, Lifestyle, Softpedia News, The Wrap, The Huffington Post and On Media's Blog Overtakes Yahoo Sports for First Time Since 2008 — Attributes Record Unique Visitors to More Content, Improved Products and Grantland — The self-proclaimed Worldwide Leader in Sports hasn't, in fact, been the leader in online traffic in quite some time.
Discussion: and Business Insider

Clear Channel And LivingSocial Team Up To Bring Daily Deals To Radio — Media company Clear Channel Radio and daily deals service LivingSocial are today announcing an agreement that names LivingSocial as the sole daily deal provider for over 500 Clear Channel-owned radio stations across 90 cities …

Member of S4C launch team returns as chief executive — Ian Jones, currently managing director of content distribution and commercial development at International for A+E Television Networks in New York will return to S4C as chief executive by April next year

Charting WSJ Europe's Circulation Over The Last Decade — Our analysis shows how The Wall Street Journal (NSDQ: NWS) Europe, which is being investigated for an alleged circulation “scam”, doubled its subscription sales to offset diminishing single-copy circulation.
Media Matters for America, Talking Biz News and Future of Journalism

GigaOm's Michael Wolf Launches Digital Publisher BSTSLLR — In a move he describes as akin to “having your own minor-league baseball team,” Michael Wolf, GigaOm's VP research, is launching his own digital publishing imprint, BSTSLLR. (In response, several minor-league baseball teams are dropping all vowels from their team names.)