Top News:
Josh Halliday / Guardian:
Sun's former head of features sues News Corp execs over sacking — Matt Nixson seeks £100,000 in damages after being abruptly fired from his job on 21 July — The Sun's former head of features, who was sacked in July, is suing News Group Newspapers and four members …
Sarah Lyall / New York Times:
British Tabloid Paper Portrayed as Prompting Suicides — LONDON — A lawyer representing 51 people who say they were victims of phone hacking and press intrusion told a hearing on Wednesday that his clients and their families had been followed, spied on, threatened, harassed, vilified …
Paul Sonne / Wall Street Journal:
Police, News Corp. Question U.K. Hacking Total — LONDON—Lawyers for the Metropolitan Police and News Corp. have disputed the suggestion, made at a public inquiry here Monday, that a private investigator's notebook identifies at least 28 employees of News Corp.'s U.K. newspaper unit as people …
Julie Moos / Poynter:
AP says safety concern was behind memo about journalists tweeting colleagues' arrest — AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll has sent a memo to all employees clarifying why staffers were cautioned Tuesday not to tweet about two journalists caught up in the Occupy Wall Street eviction from Lower Manhattan's Zuccotti Park.

Memo to AP: Twitter is the newswire now — It's a distributed digital-information network that gives subscribers short news updates in something approaching real time, whether on the web or a mobile device. If you said Twitter, you would be right. But that same description …
Mediaite, Forbes, Poynter, Mashable!, Future of Journalism, Anthony DeRosa, Gawker, Erik Wemple,, City Room, Rob Pegoraro, The Atlantic Wire, The Huffington Post and Slate
Ian Burrell / The Independent:
BBC aired documentary made by TV company in the pay of Mubarak — The BBC has admitted 15 breaches of its editorial guidelines and has bought documentaries for “nominal” fees aslittle as £1 from a company that was working to promote foreign governments such as the Egyptian regime of the now-deposed Hosni Mubarak.

Don't Be Too Disappointed By Google Music's Lackluster Debut — The web is less than enthused by Google Music, which made its debut today with the usual fanfare. The criticism is withering in its somewhat entitled way: “Where's the Spotify killer?” “Rdio already does this!” “So it's basically iTunes match?”
GigaOM and the Econsultancy blog, more at Techmeme »
Glenn Peoples / Hollywood Reporter:
Google Music Launch Unveils a Solid Competitor to Apple, Amazon, Spotify
Google Music Launch Unveils a Solid Competitor to Apple, Amazon, Spotify
New York Times, The Official Google Blog and PC Magazine, more at Techmeme »

Gawker Media's Nick Denton Wants Out of the Porn Business — Pssst. Hey. You. Want to buy a porn site? — Nick Denton has something for you: The Gawker Media owner is pawning off Fleshbot, the porn site he has operated for eight years in addition to sites like Gawker, Gizmodo and Deadspin.
Fleshbot, FishbowlNY, AVN and Medacity

How The Stop Online Piracy Act Could Impact Journalists — Unless you're wholly entrenched in the daily goings on of Internet and copyright law, SOPA might be one of those things you hadn't even heard of until this morning, when sites like BoingBoing and Tumblr and GigaOm launched posts explaining and condemning it.
Amy Thomson / Bloomberg:
Time Warner Cable's Marcus Sees HBO Go Agreement ‘Soon’ for Mobile Devices — Time Warner Cable Inc. (TWC), the second- largest U.S. cable-television provider, is nearing a deal with HBO to offer the HBO Go application to subscribers so they can watch shows on mobile devices, its chief operating officer said.
Alysia Santo / CJR:
Public Radio and the Freelance Journalist — Should the same code of ethics apply? — Caitlin Curran was a freelance web producer for WNYC/PRI's radio show, The Takeaway, which has been covering the Occupy Wall Street protests. After a picture of Curran holding a sign at a recent OWS protest went viral …
Lucia Moses / Adweek:
A Groupon for Newspapers? — Newspapers, in danger of having their advertising lunch eaten by Groupon and its ilk, have teamed up to form an online deals platform. — Eight publishing and media companies are launching the common digital shopping platform, called Find n Save.

AOL's Product Guy, Brad Garlinghouse, Heads For The Exit — AOL doesn't have a chief product officer, but if it did, that person would be Brad Garlinghouse, the president of Applications and Commerce who heads up AOL's Silicon Valley office. As has been widely reported, Garlinghouse has decided to leave AOL.
GigaOM,, Digits, L.A. Times Tech Blog and Bloomberg, more at Techmeme »
CBS News:
Cain campaign apologizes after reporter clothes-lined by security — CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. - Three members of Herman Cain's campaign team apologized Wednesday after man who said he was there to protect the Republican presidential candidate manhandled a reporter.
Washington Post

Can Twitter advertising really work for newspapers? — Remember when newspapers debated the value and merits of using Twitter? Well, there's a new question for news organizations to consider: Can newspapers use Twitter for advertising? — In the last few weeks, The Hartford Courant and The …
Greg Marx / CJR:
It Wasn't ‘Liberal Media’ That Froze Out Bachmann — And why the press is right to focus on the front-runners — Over the weekend, a media micro-controversy broke out: CBS News political director and Slate reporter John Dickerson wrote in an email that he'd rather book a guest …
Roy Greenslade / Guardian:
Regional publishers failed to invest in the future when flush with cash — Journalists across Britain toiling away on local and regional newspapers should read Neil Fowler's comprehensive report, Have they got news for you? — It's a comprehensive study of the industry's rise and fall …
This Is London

LoveFilm U.K. Signs Multi-Platform Streaming Deal with Warner Bros. … LONDON - The U.K. division of LoveFilm has signed a multi-year, multi-layer deal with Warner Bros. giving the Amazon-owned group streaming rights to titles including The Hangover, Gran Torino and Sex And The City 2.

HBO And Sports Illustrated Website To Build Buzz A Year Ahead Of TV Series — Time Warner (NYSE: TWX) siblings HBO and Sports Illustrated magazine are collaborating a on a multi-part documentary series entitled Sport in America: Our Defining Stories, that's set to air sometime in 2013.