Top News:

Why Heather Matters — TechCrunch CEO Heather Harde announced her departure today. — I'm so angry. — Drift back to the end of 2006. TechCrunch was a year and a half old. My hobby had turned into a business. Federated Media was selling our standard ads and sent a small check every month.
Business Insider, Change The Ratio, @sarahcuda and @paulcarr, more at Techmeme »

Erick Schonfeld / TechCrunch:
Goodbye, Heather — Heather Harde, the business brains behind …
Goodbye, Heather — Heather Harde, the business brains behind …
Business Insider, Future of Journalism, VentureBeat, parislemon, MediaPost, @arrington, Adweek and WebProNews

Digital Strategy Undid New York Times CEO — For Janet Robinson, Growing Impatience Over Company's Future Course; Controlling Sulzberger Family Looked for a Change — This week's resignation of New York Times Co. chief executive Janet Robinson caught even senior executives by surprise.
David Kravets / Threat Level:
Stop Online Piracy Act Vote Delayed — Rep. Jason Chaffetz. Photo J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press — (This post was updated at 2:55 p.m. EST to reflect new hearing date set for Wednesday.) — The House Judiciary Committee considering whether to send the Stop Online Piracy Act …
Adam Clark Estes / The Atlantic Wire:
Lawmakers Table SOPA and Say ‘Bring in the Nerds’
Lawmakers Table SOPA and Say ‘Bring in the Nerds’
MOTHERBOARD, Guardian, CNET News, TechCrunch, Techdirt and Adweek

Christopher Hitchens' Unforgivable Mistake — The outpouring of grief, goodwill, and teary encomia that has attended news of Christopher Hitchens' passing would—if he was anything like the persona he presented in print—have turned his stomach. He loathed sentiment, welcomed combat, and delighted in inflicting hard truths.
The New Yorker Blog, New York Times, Erik Wemple, The Huffington Post, ArtsBeat, Washington Post, Slate and The New Yorker Blog

Lessons From Serial Fabulist Stephen Glass On How Not To Reboot A Career — The writer who made up stories for The New Republic, Rolling Stone, Harper's and others (then tried to lie his way out) is fighting to become a lawyer in California. To the journalist who busted his original lies, Glass's tactics sound eerily familiar.
Brendan Nyhan / CJR:
When Newt Isn't Newsworthy — The problems with news pegs in campaign coverage — NEW HAMPSHIRE — Yesterday, former House speaker Newt Gingrich returned to New Hampshire for a foreign policy debate with former Utah governor Jon Huntsman. The trip marked Gingrich's first visit …

Defining journalism is a lot easier said than done — The ripples continue to spread from a recent Oregon court ruling involving a blogger who was sued for defamation, and argued she should be covered by the state's “media shield” law. The judge decided that she didn't qualify as a journalist …
Future of Journalism and Free Press

Getting Detained and Gassed — Nothing like getting pulled into a police car to glimpse, through a haze of tear gas, hints of a police state. — The royal family in this American ally of Bahrain deserves immense credit for turning a desert island in the Persian Gulf into a modern banking center.

10 Questions for Drew Magary, the Most Actually-Read Writer on The Internet* — Drew Magary, The Most Actually-Read* Writer On The Internet. It's true. … Congratulations Drew. You're the most actually-read “Read Later” author on the internet. How does this feel? — I FEEL SO PRETTY.

Secret Military Documents, Straight From an Iraqi Junkyard — BAGHDAD — Several weeks ago, we heard that a local businessman had purchased some trailers from a closing American base. — We were told the trailers were parked at a nearby junkyard, so one afternoon I headed out with our security team to find them.
New York Times

Why did Universal get this video yanked off YouTube if it doesn't have a copyright claim? — Universal Music Group recently had a video removed from YouTube because... Well, that's a good question, actually. The video was removed without notice and without any copyright violations …
Media Decoder and Threat Level
Alex Sherman / Bloomberg:
Cablevision COO Rutledge's Resignation Spurs Privatization Talk — Dec. 16 (Bloomberg) — Cablevision Systems Corp. may try to go private or seek a buyer following the resignation of Chief Operating Officer Tom Rutledge, analysts said. — Rutledge announced his exit yesterday, effective later this month.

News Analysis: For Cable TV Clients, a Steady Diet of Sports — Are you ready for some football? — You are paying for it regardless. — Although “sports” never shows up as a line item on a cable or satellite bill, American television subscribers pay, on average, about $100 a year …
Media Decoder