Top News:
Arthur S. Brisbane / New York Times:
Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante? — I'm looking for reader input on whether and when New York Times news reporters should challenge “facts” that are asserted by newsmakers they write about. — One example mentioned recently by a reader: As cited in an Adam Liptak article on the Supreme Court …
Jack Shafer, Online Journalism Review, The Huffington Post, The New York Observer, Boing Boing, Washington Post, @lheron, Vanity Fair, National Review, The Atlantic Wire, The FJP, Mediactive, Gawker, Business Insider, Just Well Mixed, Gothamist, Mediaite, New York Magazine, Media Matters for America, Kirk LaPointe's …, American Journalism Review, The Awl, JIMROMENESKO.COM, FishbowlNY and Daring Fireball
Jim Romenesko:
NYT public editor on reaction to Truth Vigilante post — What I was trying to ask was whether reporters should always rebut dubious facts in the body of the stories they are writing. I was hoping for diverse and even nuanced responses to what I think is a difficult question.
The Huffington Post, Poynter and FishbowlNY
Arthur S. Brisbane / The Public Editor's Journal:
Update to my Previous Post on Truth Vigilantes — I have appended a note statement from Jill Abramson, the executive editor, responding to this post. — First, though, I must lament that “truth vigilante” generated way more heat than light. A large majority of respondents weighed in with …
The New York Observer
Jay Rosen / Pressthink:
So whaddaya think: should we put truthtelling back up there at number one? — Somewhere along the way, telling truth from falsehood was surpassed by other priorities to which the press felt a stronger duty. Arthur Brisbane, public editor of the New York Times, was unaware of this history …
Steve Myers / Poynter:
Keller: 'I wonder if Art hasn't confused matters a bit' — It's ironic that one of the examples New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane used in asking whether reporters should be “truth vigilantes” has already been fact-checked. — In March 2010 PolitiFact ruled that it's not true …

Journalists incredulous as Times public editor asks: ‘Should the Times be a Truth Vigilante?’ — New York Times Public Editor Arthur S. Brisbane is attracting attention and derision for his latest blog post, “Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante?” — “I'm looking for reader input on whether …
Future of Journalism
News Corp. Tells Judge About Tabloid Editor's $1,150 Bribe to Prison Guard — News Corp. (NWSA) for the first time publicly detailed bribery by a journalist at its now-defunct News of the World, telling a court that a former editor agreed to pay a prison guard to get a story about a child killer.
@lisaocarroll,, FishbowlNY and The Huffington Post

‘Daily Express right to quit PCC because it failed to stop McCann libels’
Discussion: and Press Gazette
Andrew Pugh / Press Gazette:
Express continued to use convicted PI Whittamore
Express continued to use convicted PI Whittamore
Guardian, Press Gazette, Press Gazette, @dansabbagh, @benfenton and Guardian

Newsweek Reviving Its 1960s Design for ‘Mad Men’ Issue, Down to the Ads — Effort Marks Season-Five Premiere of AMC Show — Newsweek is planning an issue marking the return of “Mad Men” this March by adopting the magazine's 1960s design throughout — all the way, it hopes, to the ads.
FishbowlNY, PopWatch, Gothamist and Newsweek

Homeland Security watches Twitter, social media — The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's command center routinely monitors dozens of popular websites, including Facebook, Twitter, Hulu, WikiLeaks and news and gossip sites including the Huffington Post and Drudge Report, according to a government document.
Big Journalism, The Atlantic Wire, Techland, The Volokh Conspiracy, MediaFile and WebProNews

Jodi Kantor gets a grilling from Upper West Side Barnes & Noble Patrons about her book, ‘The Obamas’ — It's been a busy, rough week for Jodi Kantor, the New York Times reporter whose new book about the first family, The Obamas, entered the world on Tuesday to mixed reviews and controversy …
BuzzFeed, Politico, Globe and Mail, Erik Wemple, Politico, The Huffington Post, CBS News and Associated Press

Chris Hughes, Facebook Co-Founder, Interested In Buying The New Republic — NEW YORK — Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes is a candidate to buy the New Republic, according to sources familiar with the matter. A deal has not yet been reached. While Hughes has made his fortune in the tech world …
Business Insider
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
New Republic owner quashes reports of liberal journal's sale
New Republic owner quashes reports of liberal journal's sale
The Huffington Post

James O'Keefe's Weak New Hampshire Exposé Could Get Him Arrested — The Alfred E. Newman of investigative journalism, James O'Keefe, staged his latest undercover video at the New Hampshire primary, where members of his team attempted to expose voter fraud by obtaining ballots for dead people.

Amazon Kindle Owners Are “Borrowing” Nearly 300,000 Electronic Books A Month — Amazon is releasing new data on its Kindle Lending Library, which the e-commerce site says now has over 75,000 books. The Kindle Owners' Lending Library is a collection of books that Amazon Prime members who own …
Business Wire, MediaFile, paidContent, VatorNews, Future of Journalism, GalleyCat and ZDNet, more at Techmeme »

CNN Reporter Becomes Target Of Ron Paul Supporters — A group of Ron Paul supporters are calling on CNN to remove the correspondent covering the candidate from her assignment, claiming that she is too biased against Paul. Dana Bash aroused the ire of the pro-Paul brigade on Monday …