Top News:

News Corp executives at risk of US prosecution for ‘willful blindness’ — American anti-corruption law holds company chiefs culpable for consciously avoiding knowledge of corrupt deeds at News Corp — News Corporation executives could be vulnerable to individual prosecution …
The Huffington Post, Law Blog,, The New Yorker Blog and Wall Street Journal

News Corp. Without Newspapers Would Be Addition by Subtraction — One of the luxuries Rupert Murdoch's unchallengeable control of News Corp. affords him is not having to justify himself. That's convenient because it's become painfully obvious of late that there's no way to justify his continued attachment to newspapers.
AdAge, Forbes, Company Town and Wall Street Journal
AP Sues Meltwater News Claiming Copyright Offense — NEW YORK (AP) — The Associated Press is suing a digital news distributor, claiming it infringed on AP copyrights. — The complaint, filed Tuesday in New York federal court, alleges that Meltwater U.S. Holding Inc. and its Meltwater News Service …
Glenn Garvin / Miami Herald:
The profound lies of Deep Throat — Kids say the darndest things. Speaking to a college journalism class last week, I learned the students had recently seen the All The President's Men, the film noir tale of the Washington Post's pursuit of the Watergate scandal.

Hearst to Link Digital Editions With Amazon — Is it a magazine—or catalogue? — Magazines have been increasingly blurring the line between editorial and commerce, lending their names to products and shopping sites. Now, computer tablets and e-readers are making it more tempting to bridge that gap.

Hit men, click whores, and paid apologists: Welcome to the Silicon Cesspool — It's tough being a journalist, especially if you're covering technology and living in Silicon Valley, because it seems as if everyone around you is getting fabulously rich while you're stuck in a job that will never, ever make you wealthy.
ZDNet, Uncrunched, broadstuff, parislemon, TechCrunch and parislemon, more at Techmeme »
Ben Parr / Ben Parr's Entrepreneurial Musings:
Tech Blogger Catfight! Why Bloggers Attack Bloggers
Tech Blogger Catfight! Why Bloggers Attack Bloggers

Oprah Apologizes for Tweet Encouraging Nielsen Viewers to Tune In — Oprah Winfrey apologized on Monday for publishing a message to Twitter that encouraged people counted in Nielsen ratings to watch her cable channel, potentially influencing the ratings. — “Every 1 who can please turn …
Discussion:, Digital Media Wire, The Huffington Post, Softpedia News, ABCNEWS, TVbytheNumbers and The Jane Dough

Julian Assange might want to trademark his face after seeing this Taiwanese advert... Last year we reported that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was seeking to trademark his name. But after seeing these images recorded by one eagle-eyed Asia-based blogger, he may want to trademark his face too.

Does it matter if journalists don't get the top jobs at cable newschannels? — When I talked to MSNBC president Phil Griffin about his channel's recent habit of hiring anchors of color who are not journalists for high profile jobs, he took issue with a central notion:
Poynter and The Maynard Institute

Free Interactive E-Book Publishing Platform—From Inkling, Not Apple — Startup iPad publisher Inkling is launching a free, cloud-based, interactive e-book publishing platform, Inkling Habitat. That may sounds a bit like iBooks Author, but a preview of the program suggests that it is indeed …
AllThingsD and GigaOM

Barry Diller Gets Into the “Cord-Cutting” Business — When last we heard from Bamboom, it was an interesting and also sort of confusing service that promised to let you watch TV — but only some TV — on your iPad or any other Web-connected device. — Now Bamboom is called Aereo …

Twitter and the incredible shrinking news cycle — In the not-so-distant past, news generally tended to travel in a few well-worn paths. It was reported by a newspaper, it appeared on television at noon or 6 p.m. or it was mentioned on a drive-time radio show — and those involved usually …
eMedia Vitals, CNN, Softpedia News, Compete Pulse, Digital Spy, The Atlantic Online and The Wall Blog, Thanks:@mathewi

Conservatives At CPAC Search For The Right's Woodward And Bernstein — WASHINGTON — While Republican candidates score points slamming the media from the stump, prominent conservatives, gathered in Washington D.C. for the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, were busy encouraging young attendees to pursue journalism.
Andrew Beaujon / Poynter:
At CPAC, plenty of lefty media, but campaign finance reporters left out
At CPAC, plenty of lefty media, but campaign finance reporters left out