Top News:

Amazon Low Prices Disguise a High Cost — The Justice Department finally took aim at the monopolistic monolith that threatened to dominate the book industry. So imagine the shock when the bullet aimed at threats to competition went whizzing by Amazon — which not long ago had a 90 percent stranglehold …
New York Times and Digital Book World
Charlie Stross / Charlie's Diary:
What Amazon's ebook strategy means — It seems to me that a lot of folks in the previous discussion don't really understand quite what makes Amazon so interesting—and threatening, for that matter—to the publishing industry. — So I'm going to take a stab at explaining.
Baldur Bjarnason, Beyond Search, Jeff Jarvis and Forbes

George Zimmerman Trial Could Start a News Swarm — The Orlando Sentinel's Twitter account for the Trayvon Martin case is up and running. So, too, is its topics page, with links to all the newspaper's articles about Mr. Martin and the man who shot and killed him, George Zimmerman …
Media Decoder and Inside Cable News

The Life and Death of Andrew Breitbart — ON the last night of February, Arthur Sando was having a drink at the Brentwood Restaurant and Lounge in Los Angeles when a bearded silver-haired man took a seat next to him, ordered a glass of pinot noir and began typing into his BlackBerry.
The Daily Caller, @antderosa and @romenesko

Scarborough Evening News to go weekly in latest round of Johnston Press cuts — Scarborough, Northampton, Peterborough and Halifax are among the titles switching to weekly in ‘platform-neutral’ publishing move — The NUJ say they will defend members at JP titles ‘in every way we can’
Press Gazette, Guardian, Press Gazette, Scarborough Evening News and Jon Slattery

The News Cycle, From Fireworks to Fizzle — I DON'T remember how old I was when I first climbed up to the roof of my family's home in suburban Maryland. Eleven, maybe? Twelve? But I do remember what I saw up there. It was the night of the Fourth of July, and it was turning dark enough for the fireworks.
@jonathanwald, @chanders, @chanders and Forbes

Mika Brzezinski Refuses to Perk It Up — When I told my wife I was interviewing you, she said, “I like Mika because she's ornery, and all the other women on TV in the morning are so damn chipper.” — I proudly own that. I spent 20 years trying to be perky like the beauty queens on TV, and none of it ever worked.

E-Books Are Easier to Borrow, Just Be Prepared to Wait — As a technical matter, it's remarkably easy to borrow an e-book from your local library. But not if you want to take out the best-selling biography of Steven P. Jobs, the hero of the Internet age who helped lure tens of millions …

Fox News Mole Tells Howard Kurtz He Wanted To Leave But Got ‘Blackballed’ At Other Networks — Joe Muto, the “Fox News Mole,” sat down for an appearance with Howard Kurtz that aired on CNN's Reliable Sources today to recount his tales of working at Fox and explain why he went rogue.
TVNewser, Reliable Sources, Chickaboomer and JIMROMENESKO.COM

1.5 million pages of ancient texts to be made accessible online — This week the University of Oxford and the Vatican announced a plan to collaborate in digitizing 1.5 million pages of rare and ancient texts, most dating from the 16th century or earlier. The project is expected to span …
The Verge

Can the Computers at Narrative Science Replace Paid Writers? — A look at new software that could transform journalism — In a few short years, we've learned to delegate all manner of tasks to computers. For music recommendations or driving directions or academic scouring, we readily turn to our clever machines.

BBC has thrown in the towel over live sport, claims former executive — Sir Paul Fox says sport is seen as ‘below the salt’ as he voices fears 2012 will be the last Olympics the corporation covers — Former BBC managing director Sir Paul Fox has accused the corporation of losing …
MediaTel and The Daily Record