Top News:
Steve Myers / Poynter:
Departure of Disney exec sparks Twitter spat over crediting scoops — Reuters' Peter Lauria complained today that his company wasn't credited with breaking news that Rich Ross was stepping down as head of The Disney Co.'s movie studio. Do seconds divide the best and the rest?
Slate, Forbes, @editorialiste, Adweek, @peterlauria3, @bobbymacreports, @jbflint, @peterlauria3, @peterlauria3, @bobbymacreports, @ckrewson, @eriqgardner, @davidfolkenflik, @editorialiste and @rafat
Jay Rosen:
Four Types of Scoops — Journalists tend to be obsessed with scoops, meaning: the first to break the news, and being seen as the first, which means getting credit for it among peers. — But not all scoops are created equal. I see four main types. The politics of credit-claiming vary …

Nick Denton wants to turn the online media world on its head — Over the past couple of months, Gawker Media founder Nick Denton has made it clear that he doesn't like blog comments very much, and that includes the ones on his own sites such as Gizmodo and Jezebel.
The Corsair, @sheamus, @jamiemottram and @nsolis, Thanks:@mathewi
David Goetzl / MediaPost:
Research On iPad's TV Usage Needs New Direction — The iPad may soon join the remote control and DVR in the pantheon of transformative TV devices, if it hasn't already. Thanks to that prospect, its influence has stretched deeply into media research. — Never-ending wonder about how iPads …

Tablets the second most popular way to watch TV, says Viacom study — The second most popular way to watch TV is now on a tablet, with iPads leading the way, according to a study by US media giant Viacom. The survey questioned 2,500 on where and how they watched full-length TV shows …
Ryan Chittum / CJR:
The NYT Goes Backward on Digital Ads — The New York Times Company's first quarter earnings, reported yesterday, left a lot to be desired. —, the company's web-only content farm, continues to crater, weighing down the newspapers. It lost nearly a a quarter of its revenue …
Andrew Beaujon / Poynter:
Boston Globe raises prices on 7-day delivery, but protects Sunday circulation
Boston Globe raises prices on 7-day delivery, but protects Sunday circulation
AdAge and Boston Herald

NY tabloid's new South Asian section shows ‘local’ is cultural not geographic — What do local New Yorkers really want to read about? Well, cricket and Bollywood, of course. — One of New York's longtime tabloids The Daily News has added a news section to its website called Desi that targets the city's large South Asian community.

Pay Walls and Social Media Could Shift the Public Agenda — If conversations around digital journalism have been dominated by anything in the first quarter of 2012, it's probably been about subscriptions, also known as pay walls. Walls are going up at the L.A. Times and Gannett papers, and getting higher at The New York Times.
The Huffington Post:
Limbaugh Battles New Campaign To Get Him Off Airwaves — Rush Limbaugh has a new headache on his hands: the National Organization of Women is launching another campaign to get him off the air. — The advocacy group announced its renewed efforts in an initiative called “Enough Rush” on Thursday.
The Daily Caller

Has The Fox Mole Really Been Blackballed from Media Jobs? — Just a few days after Gawker introduced their recent and short-lived foray into corporate espionage-cum-pranksterism in the form of The Fox News Mole, one Joe Muto found himself on CNN, speaking with Howard Kurtz on Reliable Sources about the week he'd just had.

Meet the Media Companies Lobbying Against Transparency — News organizations cultivate a reputation for demanding transparency, whether by suing for access to government documents, dispatching camera crews to the doorsteps of recalcitrant politicians, or editorializing in favor of open government.
@romenesko and @davidfolkenflik

Sebastian Junger is done with war reporting, but convenes journalists in the Bronx to learn to save each other's lives mid-combat — Sebastian Junger, the famous author-reporter, emerged from the 5-train station at the corner of Third Avenue and 149th Street in the Bronx at around 7:45 …