Top News:

Leveson report to be published - live coverage — Live coverage as Lord Justice Leveson publishes his long-awaited report into the culture and ethics of the press
Telegraph, New York Times, BBC, @skynewsbreak, Telegraph, Jon Slattery, Fast Company, @welsh_gas_doc, @edmundlee, @jayrosen_nyu, @nickcohen4, Daily Mail, @jamesrbuk, @jeffjarvis, @jeffjarvis, @joshhalliday, @sheikholeslamia, @methelahaque, @stephenmossgdn, @guidofawkes, @saptarshi_ray, @michaelrundle, @tara_hewitt, @chrisrickett, @queen_uk, @jerometaylor and @davidcollinsmir

Leveson says journalists need whistleblowing hotline and conscience clause — Leveson backs calls for NUJ-style conscience clause Recommends scrapping the term ‘off-the-record briefing’ between police and journalists Increased snetences for data protection breaches in wake of Operation Motorman press …

Leveson report: key points — Lord Justice Leveson's central findings, from the powers of a new watchdog to the possibility of a UK ‘First Amendment’ and the media's treatment of footballers' wives — Recommendations — • New watchdog independent of MPs and newspapers, with statutory underpinning
The Huffington Post and New York Times

Leveson report calls for new press law — Lord Justice Leveson has recommended the introduction of the first press law in Britain since the 17th century - proposing that a statutory body such as Ofcom should take responsibility for monitoring an overhauled Press Complaints Commission.
The Huffington Post

Bad news for the press? Leveson calls for laws to enforce standards — A powerful new regulator supported by legislation and with the power to fine newspapers up to £1 million should be set as part of a “clear and unambiguous” plan to clean up in the press in the wake of the phone hacking scandal …

The Leveson inquiry is irrelevant to 21st-century journalism — The judge's findings will address the nefarious behaviour of newspapers but not the vast array of media on the internet — Just as nature abhors a vacuum, the internet abhors geo-specific regulation.
Jon Slattery, Poynter, Charlie Beckett, Spectator, TheMediaBriefing, Hollywood Reporter, Big News and BBC

Leveson Wants Ex-Brown Adviser to Regulate the Press — The Leveson Report suggests Ofcom could soon wield considerable power over the press. It is recommended that the new regulatory body will be ‘validated’ by Ofcom, the government is to consider allowing Ofcom to regulate newspapers …
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers:

Jeff Bewkes Has No Comment On Zucker, But Says CNN Will Be ‘One Of The Fastest Growing Networks’
Business Insider, FishbowlNY and New York Times
John Cook / Gawker:
Jeff Zucker Says Jeff Zucker Is Top Candidate to Take Over CNN
Jeff Zucker Says Jeff Zucker Is Top Candidate to Take Over CNN
The Wrap, CNET and Los Angeles Times
Margaret Sullivan / The Public Editor's Journal:
Problems With a Reporter's Facebook Posts, and a Possible Solution — Start with a reporter who likes to be responsive to readers, is spontaneous and impressionistic in her personal writing style, and not especially attuned to how casual comments may be received in a highly politicized setting.

Could Yahoo's move away from media be AOL's big chance? — Jon Miller, ex-CEO of AOL, and Ross Levinsohn, Yahoo's former interim CEO, think Yahoo's new direction under Marissa Mayer could open up an opportunity for AOL. — NEW YORK—Yahoo's new direction under CEO Marissa Mayer …
NetNewsCheck Latest

Researchers mine 2.5M news articles to prove what we already know — A group of British researchers has published the results of a data mining experiment that analyzed nearly 2.5 million articles from 498 newspapers on criteria such as topic selection, writing style and sensationalism …

Barnes & Noble Beats Fiscal Q2 2013 Estimates, Reports $1.9 Billion In Revenue And Losses Of $0.04 Per Share — Literary retailer Barnes & Noble reported its fiscal Q2 2013 earnings this morning, and they're just a bit stronger than some had forecasted in the days leading up to the release.
Business Wire and CNET

Atavist begins offering in-app subscriptions to its stories — Atavist, publisher of both technology and ebook-esque stories, is taking a cue from the world of magazines and newspapers by getting into the subscription business. — Starting today, readers can sign up for a three-month subscription …

Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks appear in court over conspiring to bribe public officials — Andy Coulson, the Prime Minister's former director of communications, and Rebekah Brooks, the ex-News International Chief Executive, have appeared in court charged with conspiring to bribe public officials.
Kevin J. O'Brien / New York Times:
Google Fires a Rare Public Salvo Over Aggregators — BERLIN — Google's imprint on daily life is hard to ignore in Europe, where it reportedly has 93 percent of the Internet search market, more than in the United States. Yet when it comes to its lobbying of lawmakers, Google prefers a low profile.
Madeline Chambers / Reuters:
German lawmakers condemn Google campaign against copyright law

Citizen news: A democratic addition to political journalism — Journalism and the news media are supposed to be a bulwark for democracy. But through their history, they have more often served as messengers for the high-level public officials whose actions and pronouncements they report regularly.

MPAA's Chris Dodd Says Facebook Rumor Illustrates Need For Copyright Protection — If you're on Facebook, you've probably seen a statement loaded with legalese that users post hoping to create a copyright protection for their content. It's based on a belief that the social network company changed …
Anil Dash, Plagiarism Today and The Huffington Post

How can we build a future of post-industrial journalism? — There's been a lot written over the past few years about the future of the news industry — how the rise of the web and social media have disrupted it, and how traditional players like the New York Times and others can recover …
Freedom of the Prez and Poynter

‘Innocence of Muslims’ filmmaker sentenced to death in Egypt — The California man behind the “Innocence of Muslims” movie that triggered violence in the Middle East was sentenced to death Wednesday in absentia in an Egyptian court. — Mark Basseley Youssef was among the seven Egyptian Coptic Christians …
Discussion:, Mediaite, L.A. NOW, Hollywood Reporter, E! Online, Media Law Prof Blog, The Wrap, Associated Press and Boing Boing