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Edward Snowden, after months of NSA revelations, says his mission's accomplished — MOSCOW — The familiar voice on the hotel room phone did not waste words. — “What time does your clock say, exactly?” he asked. — He checked the reply against his watch and described a place to meet.
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Edward Snowden calls for a restoration of privacy in Channel 4′s Alternative Christmas Message — Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who leaked intelligence about the security agency's surveillance activities, has broadcast a Christmas message to the world.
The Verge, The Register and Mashable

Prominent journalist, civic activist Chornovol beaten near Kyiv (UPDATED) — Prominent Ukrainian journalist and civic activist Tetyana Chornovol was brutally beaten outside Kyiv just after midnight on Dec. 25. — hornovol is in reconstructive surgery now, opposition Batkivshchyna Party member of parliament Serhiy Pasynsky said.
@christopherjm, and @nycjim

How the Media Would Have Covered the Birth of Jesus — Tomorrow, billions of people across the world will commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ 2000-ish years ago. The arrival of the messiah would have been a huge media event at the time had there actually been any media aside from the guy …
@bethfertig, @danamira, @michaelbd, @keligoff and Mother Jones

White House's Jay Carney and ABC News' Jon Karl butt heads in press room — It doesn't take long, or take very much, for the Jon and Jay show to get rolling at the daily briefing — the ritual meet-the-media sessions in the White House press room. — “But, Jay,” starts Jonathan Karl …
@itsdavidford, @dylanbyers, @laura_nelson, @jimryan015, @tvnewslab, @jayrosen_nyu, and TVNewser

Are You Qualified to Be a Journalist in China? Take the Test — What is the essence of the Chinese Dream? What did Marx and Engels ask of newspaper reporters? How do Chinese and Western views on journalism differ? — Those are some of the questions Chinese journalists can expect …
@raju, @markmackinnon, @mountainrunner and @macloo

Lyrics site Rap Genius admits to SEO chicanery in an open letter to Google — All of the lyrics — but at what cost? — One of the more popular sites for finding lyrics to that song you can't get out of your head is Rap Genius. However, the company came under fire from Google recently …
Valleywag, SEO Book and TechCrunch

What can't you say on Twitter? Thanks to Courtney Love, Americans may soon find out — When do you defame someone on Twitter? Despite the platform's reputation for outrageous insults, American courts have yet to say when — if ever — users cross the line.
Starpulse, antiMusic, Billboard, @gigaom, @sfiegerman, @zimbalist and NME
Peter Sterne / Capital New York:
Gawker lease foiled by potential building-mates — Gawker was close to signing a lease on a new office until other tenants in the building objected, Capital has learned. — Some of the tenants in the building were tech start-ups who apparently feared that Gawker reporters would overhear …
@davewiner, @petersterne and Capital New York

U.S. Will Spend $3.35M to ‘Improve the Quality of Media Content’—In Armenia — ( - The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is planning to spend $3.35 million to “improve the quality of media content and strengthen the media's capacity to meet professional standards” … hits 1m users for its on-demand movie and TV streaming service, 125k from the UK alone — has surpassed one million subscribers for its on-demand movie and TV streaming service, in part because of 125,000 new users in the UK that have signed on since it launched on the island in September. relaunch delayed until New Year — delay — Time magazine's web relaunch, initially slated for 2013, has been pushed back into the New Year. — Capital has learned that January is the latest target for the highly anticipated revamp of, which has been in the works for much of the past 10 months.

Insight: AOL banks on HuffPost to turn profitable next year — (Reuters) - It's the holiday season and Arianna Huffington, the influential woman behind the popular news website that bears her name, is busy buying sweaters - some 700 of them - as gifts to her employees.
@skidder, @kirabind, @joepompeo and Capital New York