Top News:

The Independent seeks buyer — The Independent is up for sale. The paper's founder, and current chairman of its publishing company, Andreas Whittam Smith, has been authorised to seek out a buyer. — The owners, Alexander Lebedev and his son, Evgeny, have been indicating …
@samirashackle, Management Today, @adambienkov, @raju, @bounder, @scottygb and The Drum

Independent owners decline to comment on report that title is again up for sale — The publishers of The Independent declined to comment this morning on a report that the title is again up for sale - nearly four years after it was sold by Independent News and Media to Alexander Lebedev.

He Was Fired: Here's Marissa Mayer's De Castro Buh-Bye Memo to Yahoo Staff — Here it is, the internal memo to Yahoo staff about the sudden — though it was not sudden, by any means — leave-taking today of its COO, Henrique De Castro, courtesy of one of my 10,563 sources left at Yahoo!
Capital New York, Softpedia News, AdAge, @alexia, VentureBeat, Business Insider, @danprimack, @moorehn and @ashleymayer

Yahoo COO Henrique De Castro, Mayer's No. 2, to depart after failing to move lagging ad business — “Dead Man Walking” Walks: COO Henrique De Castro Out at Yahoo — As has long been rumored, Yahoo COO Henrique De Castro is departing Yahoo. — I had reported last week that he was in big trouble …
Forbes, TechCrunch, Adweek, Los Angeles Times, Media Wire Daily, GeekWire, CNET, Wall Street Journal, Valleywag, Fortune, Business Insider, The Wrap and Quartz
Ravi Somaiya / New York Times:
Top editors at Washington Post, Politico talk after Wemple scrutinizes Mike Allen's Playbook — Washington Post and Politico Talk About a Rift — Top editors at The Washington Post and Politico tried on Wednesday to mend a rift between the two news organizations.
The Huffington Post, @jayrosen_nyu, @buzzfeedandrew, @romenesko, @ravisomaiya, @ericboehlert, @erik_hayden, Poynter, The Dish and Politico

FCC's Wheeler can preserve net neutrality by taking back its authority over broadband — Closing Time for the Open Internet — Since 1970 or so, carriers like A. T. & T. and Verizon have been barred from blocking or degrading whatever is transported over their lines.
Gigaom, The Switch, @somebadideas, The Huffington Post, Crikey, Forbes, Globe and Mail, The New Republic, Free Press Blog, TheHill, Ars Technica, @superwuster, NYT Bits, @mathewi, Salon, Home Media Magazine, ABC and Official FCC Blog
Josh Stearns / Free Press Blog:
Net Neutrality and the Future of Journalism
Net Neutrality and the Future of Journalism
Gigaom and Consumerist

Will Beats Music trump Spotify with its artist charm offensive? — Dr Dre and Trent Reznor are launching a US streaming service - but artists are likely to lose out again due to labels' royalty deals — The music streaming market is becoming a crowded place, but that hasn't stopped Beats Music getting in on the game.
Casey Newton / The Verge:
Spotify introduces unlimited free music on the web just days before Beats Music launch
Spotify introduces unlimited free music on the web just days before Beats Music launch
Spotify Blog, TechCrunch, @vanessa_lgd, @gighub_, Gizmodo and The Next Web

Capital New York to Introduce Monthly Print Magazine — Capital New York, the Politico sibling that covers politics and media in New York, is rolling out a small monthly print magazine starting this month, according to parent company Allbritton Communications.

AOL hands over control of Patch to investment fund Hale Global, keeps small stake — AOL Finds a Home — Off Its Books — For Patch — Patch isn't dead, and AOL isn't officially done with it. But Tim Armstrong's big bet on local news has come to an end: The AOL CEO is handing over Patch …
New York Times, Bloomberg, TechCrunch, Forbes, Poynter, Business Wire, Capital New York, @pkafka, @poynter, AdExchanger, @edmundlee, CNET, Reuters and Wall Street Journal
Nicholas Carlson / Business Insider:
THE END OF AN ERROR: AOL Just Disposed Of Controlling Interest In Patch
THE END OF AN ERROR: AOL Just Disposed Of Controlling Interest In Patch

Former Siberian Official Given Probation for Journalist's Killing — A court in the Irkutsk region has sentenced a former local official to a 22-month probation for killing a journalist who had published critical reports about corruption in the local government.

John Humphrys: BBC is too big and should be slimmed down — Veteran broadcaster joins calls for change despite warning from BBC chief to stop attacking corporation — JOHN HUMPHRYS believes the BBC is too big and suffers from a surfeit of executives who tie people up in meetings.
Guardian, Daily Mail, The Times, and
Publishers Weekly:
Simon & Schuster Expands Library E-Book Program — After jumping into the library e-book market last April with a limited pilot, Simon & Schuster is expanding its program to more libraries, and adding OverDrive to its list of vendors. The publisher and OverDrive today announced …
Digital Book World

WAN-IFRA press freedom mission to UK: What no mention of the 61 UK journalists arrested since 2011? — The World Association of Newspapers' first press freedom mission to the UK is in the midst of a round of top-level meetings today to discuss the Royal Charter on press regulation …
Press Gazette

A Tale of Two Daily Mails — Online readers of the Charleston Daily Mail received a bit of a surprise this week when they went to the West Virginia paper's homepage. The paper's address,, took readers to a letter announcing that the Daily Mail had changed its Web address to the somewhat clunkier

Academic Research Platform Sciencescape Raises $2.5M, Partners With Educational Publisher Elsevier — Canadian startup Sciencescape has just closed a $2.5 million round of funding, and is considering extending it into a $3 million round since it was oversubscribed, co-founder Sam Molyneux revealed …

Digital Technology Remodels Women's Magazines — Women's magazines are full of fashion, beauty and relationship tips. However, studying them has also taught one researcher a lot about their future, and about the future of the magazine industry as a whole.
@brookeerinduffy and @pbsmediashift

How Kevin Reilly Is Changing Up Fox's Game, and What That May Mean for the TV Industry — As the broadcast net moves away from pilot season, its decisions are really and truly about quality. — Fox's Kevin Reilly — Whenever change comes to the resistant television industry, it comes slow.
@bastardmachine, @miavonglitz and Forbes

How a free email newsletter turned a computer programmer into a Newsweek columnist — Being on Twitter can sometimes feel a little like being in a high school cafeteria. — There's chatter all around you, and there's always a joke you're not in on. On Twitter, everyone's always mad about something …
The New York Observer, @nitashatiku, @mattbuchanan, Business Insider and Fast Company

The New York Times' R&D Lab is building a quantified-self, semantic-analysis tool to track web browsing — Let's say you work in a modern digital newsroom. Your colleagues are looking at interesting stuff online all day long — reading stimulating news stories, searching down rabbit holes you've never thought of.

News Corp. freezes pensions in cost-control measure — News Corp. employees were told Wednesday that their pensions are being frozen, Capital has learned. — The change in the company's retirement-plan contribution scheme applies to certain employees at the New York Post …

TheWrap Beats Deadline Hollywood and Variety's Web Traffic in December — TheWrap is pleased to announce that it has achieved its highest traffic month in the history of the site, surpassing both industry trades Variety and Deadline. — According to comScore, TheWrap scored 3.4 million unique visitors …