Top News:
Chris Elliott / Guardian:
Open door: Why an article on Lisa Bonchek Adams was removed from the Guardian site — I don't think it is wrong to frame a question about how those with incurable illnesses use social media, but the Guardian was wrong in the way it went about it — Lisa Bonchek Adams is a woman …

The Independent seeks buyer — The Independent is up for sale. The paper's founder, and current chairman of its publishing company, Andreas Whittam Smith, has been authorised to seek out a buyer. — The owners, Alexander Lebedev and his son, Evgeny, have been indicating …
BuzzFeed, @raju, @bounder, @adambienkov, @samirashackle, @scottygb, Management Today and The Drum

Independent owners decline to comment on report that title is again up for sale — The publishers of The Independent declined to comment this morning on a report that the title is again up for sale - nearly four years after it was sold by Independent News and Media to Alexander Lebedev.

Net Neutrality and the Future of Journalism — Tuesday's court decision, which struck down the FCC's Open Internet Order and threatened the future of Net Neutrality, has huge implications for the future of journalism and press freedom. — According to the Pew Research Center …
@jcstearns, Gigaom and Consumerist

He Was Fired: Here's Marissa Mayer's De Castro Buh-Bye Memo to Yahoo Staff — Here it is, the internal memo to Yahoo staff about the sudden — though it was not sudden, by any means — leave-taking today of its COO, Henrique De Castro, courtesy of one of my 10,563 sources left at Yahoo!
Capital New York, @alexia, Softpedia News, AdAge, VentureBeat, Business Insider, @danprimack, @moorehn and @ashleymayer

Tech reporter Brian Krebs hacks it on his own, one scoop at a time … Few news stories in the past month landed on homepages and front pages with a louder thud than the theft of credit and debit card information from millions of Target customers. — The Target break-in was the latest scoop …
@amzam, @ktoughill, @ezraklein, @poynter, @jayrosen_nyu and Talking Biz News
Joan E. Solsman / CNET:
Netflix ‘original’ documentary lands Oscar nomination — “The Square,” a Netflix-backed film about the Egyptian revolution, secured an Oscar nomination for documentary feature Thursday, fulfilling the Academy Awards buzz it drummed up at film festivals. — “The Square,” which profiles …
FishbowlNY, Forbes, The Next Web, The Verge and UPROXX
Ravi Somaiya / New York Times:
Top editors at Washington Post, Politico talk after Wemple scrutinizes Mike Allen's Playbook — Washington Post and Politico Talk About a Rift — Top editors at The Washington Post and Politico tried on Wednesday to mend a rift between the two news organizations.
The Huffington Post, @jayrosen_nyu, @buzzfeedandrew, @romenesko, @ravisomaiya, @ericboehlert, @erik_hayden, Poynter and The Dish

Digital Technology Remodels Women's Magazines — Women's magazines are full of fashion, beauty and relationship tips. However, studying them has also taught one researcher a lot about their future, and about the future of the magazine industry as a whole.
@pbsmediashift and @brookeerinduffy

Will Beats Music trump Spotify with its artist charm offensive? — Dr Dre and Trent Reznor are launching a US streaming service - but artists are likely to lose out again due to labels' royalty deals — The music streaming market is becoming a crowded place, but that hasn't stopped Beats Music getting in on the game.
Casey Newton / The Verge:
Spotify introduces unlimited free music on the web just days before Beats Music launch
Spotify introduces unlimited free music on the web just days before Beats Music launch
Gigaom, Spotify Blog, TechCrunch, Mashable, @gighub_, @vanessa_lgd, Gizmodo and The Next Web
Pew Internet:
E-Reading Rises as Device Ownership Jumps — The proportion of Americans who read e-books is growing, but few have completely replaced print books for electronic versions. — The percentage of adults who read an e-book in the past year has risen to 28%, up from 23% at the end of 2012.
@geoffreyfowler, @lrainie, The Next Web and @pewresearch

Capital New York to Introduce Monthly Print Magazine — Capital New York, the Politico sibling that covers politics and media in New York, is rolling out a small monthly print magazine starting this month, according to parent company Allbritton Communications.

Iraq bans local printing and distribution of Saudi daily — Reporters Without Borders condemns the Iraqi government's decision to ban the printing and distribution in Iraq of Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, a Saudi-owned pan-Arab daily newspaper. — On 14 January, Iraqi security forces raided …

A Tale of Two Daily Mails — Online readers of the Charleston Daily Mail received a bit of a surprise this week when they went to the West Virginia paper's homepage. The paper's address,, took readers to a letter announcing that the Daily Mail had changed its Web address to the somewhat clunkier
Publishers Weekly:
Simon & Schuster Expands Library E-Book Program — After jumping into the library e-book market last April with a limited pilot, Simon & Schuster is expanding its program to more libraries, and adding OverDrive to its list of vendors. The publisher and OverDrive today announced …
GalleyCat and Digital Book World
Lauren Kirchner / Columbia Journalism Review:
FOIA fight for NSA documents continues — The government has released some heavily-redacted legal opinions, but ProPublica, the ACLU, and others say that's not enough — This past November, ProPublica attempted to open up “the smallest nesting doll” of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance …
Charter's Time Warner Cable Bid Puts Rutledge in Dealmaker Role — For Tom Rutledge, the man orchestrating a $61 billion takeover battle for Time Warner Cable Inc. (TWC), the role of dealmaker came late in his career. — In his almost four decades in the cable business …

FCC Shelves Pandora's Bid For South Dakota Radio Station … Questions? Comments? Let us know: @billboardbiz
Radio Ink Magazine, Billboard and Music Week

AOL hands over control of Patch to investment fund Hale Global, keeps small stake — AOL Finds a Home — Off Its Books — For Patch — Patch isn't dead, and AOL isn't officially done with it. But Tim Armstrong's big bet on local news has come to an end: The AOL CEO is handing over Patch …
Nieman Journalism Lab, New York Times, Bloomberg, TechCrunch, Forbes, Poynter, Business Wire, AdExchanger, @pkafka, @poynter, @edmundlee, Capital New York, CNET, Reuters and Wall Street Journal
Nicholas Carlson / Business Insider:
THE END OF AN ERROR: AOL Just Disposed Of Controlling Interest In Patch
THE END OF AN ERROR: AOL Just Disposed Of Controlling Interest In Patch

Academic Research Platform Sciencescape Raises $2.5M, Partners With Educational Publisher Elsevier — Canadian startup Sciencescape has just closed a $2.5 million round of funding, and is considering extending it into a $3 million round since it was oversubscribed, co-founder Sam Molyneux revealed …

Instafax: The BBC's experiment with short-form video news delivered by Instagram — The BBC is testing a new way of distributing short news items via a new service called Instafax which uses Instagram to share videos and other information about news events, in a bid that they can be easily consumed by people on the go.