Top News:
Robert Graham / Errata Security:
NBC story on visitors to Sochi Olympics getting hacked is misleading — That NBC story 100% fraudulent — Yesterday (Feb 5 2014) NBC News ran a story claiming that if you bring your mobile phone or laptop to the Sochi Olympics, it'll immediately be hacked the moment you turn it on.
Businessweek, Paul Proctor, CNET, Business Insider, The Switch, Softpedia News, The Huffington Post, @briankrebs, @a_greenberg, @mikko, @agelastic, @lowcalspam, @ivorcrotty, @lorenzofb, @webjournalist, @diminish7, @dejan_kovacevic, @jesskw_, @redsteeze, Silicon Republic, @peard33, @helenrazer, @wideasleepnima, Engadget, @alexweprin, @androidcentral, @jandrade, @iliablinderman, @tapbot_paul, @inthisdimension, @grasswire, @stilgherrian and Daring Fireball
Brett LoGiurato / Business Insider:
NBC Blasts Claims That Richard Engel's Terrifying Sochi Hacking Report Was ‘Fraudulent’
NBC Blasts Claims That Richard Engel's Terrifying Sochi Hacking Report Was ‘Fraudulent’
Gigaom and @brettlogiurato

Time Inc. lays off workers as boss rakes in $1.4 million signing bonus — Magazine monolith Time Inc. on Tuesday began laying off workers as the company gets ready to be spun off from TV/entertainment company Time Warner. According to the New York Times, as many as 500 jobs may be lost as a result of the reductions.

News Corp Aussie newspapers lose 17 per cent of revenues — Australian newspaper revenues for News Corp dipped further in the final three months of last year, losing 17 per cent year-on-year with CEO Robert Thompson blaming a “challenging advertising market” for the global company's revenues …
Media & Entertainment, NetNewsCheck Latest, Variety, The Wrap, Forbes and Business Wire
William Launder / Wall Street Journal:
Advertising Declines Weigh On News Corp, Times Co.
Advertising Declines Weigh On News Corp, Times Co.
Columbia Journalism Review and @yahoofinance
Joe Pompeo / Capital New York:
Dow Jones to set ‘more flexible’ subscription prices for DJX
Dow Jones to set ‘more flexible’ subscription prices for DJX
Talking Biz News

CNN's transformation says a lot about what is working today in television — CNN's transformation says a lot about what is working today in television — JEFF ZUCKER, boss of CNN Worldwide, a cable-news firm, likes to start his morning with a shot of numbers.
@econbizfin, @sambrook and @alexandrasuich

Canadian film, music producers look for protection as media landscape changes. — Canadian film, music producers look for protection as media landscape changes. … Millions of Canadians now subscribe to Netflix, raising concerns from Canadian film and TV producers.
Tamara Baluja / J-Source:
Memo: Ottawa Citizen offering buyouts; five laid off at Postmedia's parliamentary bureau — Today the Citizen is announcing a new Voluntary Buy-Out offering for the newsroom. You will find details of the offering in the attached document, as well as posted on a board outside the HR office.
Discussion:, @katemalloy379 and Guardian

Rise of the Platishers — What should we call a publisher — like Gawker — that provides a tech platform on which anybody, not just its staff, can create content? What should we call a tech platform — like Medium — that has a team of editors and pays some contributors to create content?
Gawker, @alexremington, @evanatmedium, @tcarmody, @peterrojas, @pkafka, @marathonpacks and @caseynewton

How The Wall Street Journal owns social media through Facebook and Twitter — The venerable financial news institution achieved over 4m Twitter followers last weekend and its Facebook page is edging closer to achieving 2m Likes. — For what could be considered a niche publication, this is an incredible achievement.
@lheron and Talking Biz News

How The Guardian Uses “Attention Analytics” To Track Rising Stories — A day after Philip Seymour Hoffman had died of a drug overdose, a year-old article by comedian and actor Russell Brand on why he gave up drugs suddenly burst into the Guardian's top 10 most read list.
10,000 Words, @kimchy, @richjm, @gdndevelopers, @cri and @raju

The media in Saudi Arabia: Beating the censor — The kingdom's press and its social media are livelier than ever — FOR a country reputed to be dry and dull, Saudi Arabia is surprisingly awash with news. The good old broadsheet newspaper, dying out elsewhere, thrives.
Kirk LaPointe's …

British spies developed technique to manipulate non-British journalists for feeding information to targets — Snowden Docs: British Spies Used Sex and ‘Dirty Tricks’ - NBC News — British spies have developed
Techdirt, @puellavulnerata, @thegrugq, @propublica, @kgosztola, @tsimonite, The Raw Story, @tomwatson, @ashk4n, @biellacoleman and @ggreenwald

Spotify Premium membership offer for Times subscribers — News UK strikes deal for year's membership to digital music service for all subscribers to newspapers' digital pack — Subscribers to the Times and Sunday Times will be offered a free year's membership to Spotify Premium as part …
Gigaom, Reuters, @zseward, @raju and

Waxman says he's still concerned about Tribune newspaper spinoff — The congressman says a meeting with Tribune executives fails to ease his worries that the L.A. Times and other papers would be hobbled financially after the spinoff. — The entrance to the Los Angeles Times building …

To Grow, Netflix Must Learn From the Quietly Brilliant UI of Regular TVs — “Smart” TVs have failed because they've always assumed more is better. Instead of evolving the television experience, TV makers have simply added to it, heaping more streams, more services, and more content onto …

Warner Bros.' Homevideo Exec Mark Horak to Join Redbox as President — Mark Horak, most recently president of the Americas at Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, will join DVD kiosk company Redbox as its new president on March 17. — Horak's appointment comes after Redbox president Anne Saunders ankled …
The Wrap, CNET, Bloomberg, Associated Press, Reuters, PR Newswire, Engadget,, GeekWire and Home Media Magazine
First Look Media:
First Look launches its first digital magazine — Last week, First Look Media announced that it will publish a family of new digital magazines - each with its own editorial voice, its own look and feel, and each led by veteran journalists with deep expertise in their fields.
CNET, Capital New York, @emptywheel, @astepanovich, The Huffington Post, @brianstelter,, Softpedia News, Mashable, New York Magazine, Politico, Guardian, @maassp and @pierre

AOL's Armstrong Responds to 401(K) Controversy in Internal Memo to Employees — Earlier today, a controversy arose over changes to AOL's 401(k) plan that some employees chafed at. When AOL CEO Tim Armstrong used an example of the rising costs of all benefits by using the example …
Wonkblog, New York Magazine, Capital New York, @gawker, Mother Jones,, Gawker and ThinkProgress