Top News:

Owner of Twitter parody account @GSElevator is John Lefevre, a former bond executive who has never worked at Goldman Sachs — @GSElevator Tattletale Exposed (He Was Not in the Goldman Elevator) — A three-year parlor game has been taking place on Wall Street to identify …
@rupertmyers, New York Magazine, TIME, @joshualyman, @pkedrosky, Gawker, @abeaujon, @clarajeffery, @matthewkeyslive, The Wire, @elanazak, @andrewrsorkin, @nytfridge, @buzzfeedben, @saramorrison, @antderosa, @moorehn, @epicureandeal, @evanchill, @atotalmonet, @trevortimm, Business Insider and The Next Web

AT&T, Verizon may join Comcast in Netflix streaming deal — AT&T and Verizon Communications may be the next big Internet service providers to strike a deal with Netflix to provide a direct connection from the video service to broadband customers. — On Monday, a day after Netflix announced …
Featured stories, CNBC, Reuters, @pkafka, @lessien, Digiday, Re/code, Engadget, Radio & Television …, Mashable, Free Press, @kateaurthur, The Verge, Talking Biz News and Gigaom

Why Netflix Is Actually the Big Winner in the Comcast Bandwidth Deal — Despite the spin you may have read, Netflix is not getting screwed by Comcast, the biggest broadband provider in the U.S. — In fact, through the interconnection deal with Comcast, Netflix will cost-effectively reinforce …
Nieman Journalism Lab, Gigaom, Guardian,, Home Media Magazine, Engadget, @xpangler and Dan Rayburn
Dylan Byers / Politico:
Josh Barro to join The New York Times — Josh Barro, the outgoing Business Insider political editor, is joining The New York Times to take part in David Leonhardt's new policy venture, sources familiar with his plans told POLITICO on Monday. — Barro, a former Bloomberg View blogger …
The Daily Caller, @benjysarlin, @buzzfeedandrew, @mccanner, @mattyglesias, @jeffjarvis and @jonathancohn

Forbes' sale will reveal the true value of newer low-cost publishing models — What is ‘Forbes’ worth? — Now more a digital than a print product, its sales price will tell us a lot about publishing economics. — CONNECT — Forbes magazine has put itself up for sale …

Seth Meyers' ‘Late Night’ debut an understated affair — Despite guests Vice President Joe Biden and Amy Poehler, Seth Meyers strikes a subdued note in taking over as ‘Late Night’ host for Jimmy Fallon. — CAPTIONS — NEW YORK — Making his debut as host of “Late Night” on Monday …
The Daily Beast, USA Today, Mediaite, Hollywood Reporter, Associated Press, Newsday, TIME, Hollywood Reporter, PopWatch and Hollywood Life
Thomas Rose / J-Source:
Journalists As Agents of State Surveillance — They're called ‘production orders’ and they signal what may be a growing trend among law enforcement agencies to co-opt journalists into becoming agents of state surveillance. — Production orders occur when a judge agrees to a police request …
Alex Weprin / Capital New York:
If Aereo wins, broadcasters could be forced to end free TV, networks tell Supreme Court in new brief — Broadcasters file brief to SCOTUS on Aereo's ‘direct assault’ — The broadcast networks have filed a 65-page brief to the U.S. Supreme Court, outlining their case against streaming startup Aereo.
Variety, Broadcasting & Cable, Hollywood Reporter, Wall Street Journal, Re/code and

Facebook Hires Ryan Seacrest's Digital Chief as Head of Entertainment Partnerships (Exclusive) — Sibyl Goldman tapped to lead Hollywood outreach efforts — Facebook has recruited Ryan Seacrest's digital guru for a new role leading an expanded effort to court Hollywood.
@mikeisaac and Tubefilter

News Media Revenue Matrix: The Bird's Eye View — Publishers struggle with newer and more complex business models. Some appear stronger than others but, above all, a broad palette is a must. It is a means to capture emerging opportunities and to compensate for the drying up of older revenue sources.
@mattmcalister, @bthewirz, @stephenoleary and @el_startupero

A new ‘micro-publication’ for deep environmental and tech reporting — Climate Confidential needs 800 subscribers by March 6 to come to fruition — A group of freelance reporters are on a mission to produce a new kind of science journalism. Called Climate Confidential …
@arnoharris, @mathewi, @aahearn and @carlzimmer

Why Is Academic Writing So Academic? — A few years ago, when I was a graduate student in English, I presented a paper at my department's American Literature Colloquium. (A colloquium is a sort of writing workshop for graduate students.) The essay was about Thomas Kuhn, the science historian.
Talking Points Memo, @alimattu, @bloomsburypress, @damonayoung, @stanfordpress, @aldaily, @deandad, @davewiner and @chanders

Conde Nast brings a glossier feel to lower Manhattan as it relocates to 1 World Trade Center — Downtown goes glossy — In New York, it's hard to find sights as breathtaking as the ones you can enjoy from the vertiginous heights of 1 World Trade Center, the tallest building in America.
@joepompeo, @tmcgev and Bloomberg
BBC head defends licence fee as critical for quality — The head of the BBC, Tony Hall, will defend the British broadcaster's use of a licence fee paid by the public this week as a debate over funding escalates following a spate of scandals over mismanagement and waste at the corporation.
The Independent, BBC, Guardian, The Independent, and C21Media
Craig Silverman / Poynter:
Upworthy details why it fact-checks every post (and why it used GIFs in a correction) — In the battle for viral shares and views, Upworthy believes it has an advantage over other sites such as ViralNova: a team of fact-checkers. — Ironically, this group's existence is today better known …
Upworthy Insider, @poynter, @craigsilverman and @abeaujon

Forbes Licenses Brand Name to Mobile Payment Provider — Deal could turn into an investment down the road. — In a licensing agreement, Forbes has lent its name to a new group managed by payment solutions provider Lotaris. Called Forbes Digital Commerce, the entity will enable payment solutions for the mobile platform.
NetNewsCheck Latest and Forbes

Surprise: men still greatly outnumber women in US and UK arts publications — Sexism is real and it spills over to our most influential cultural publications. How many times do we have to call for change? — Today, as they have every year since 2009, VIDA: Women in The Literary Arts …
VIDA, @guardianus, @schemaly and Poynter