Top News:

Supreme Court Judges Worry About Scope of Aereo Decision, Say It Could Affect Cloud Computing — Several of the Supreme Court justices who heard arguments in the broadcast networks case against the online TV site Aereo expressed concern Tuesday that any decision they pass down would also affect cloud computing.

Supreme Court quizzes Aereo: Do TV streams break the law? — In high-stakes arguments on Tuesday, the Supreme Court's justices challenged an attorney for Aereo to explain why the startup isn't violating copyright law by providing streams of local television stations to paying subscribers without a license.
Mediaite, TVNewser, Globe and Mail, Poynter, Hollywood Reporter, @laurenweinstein, @samgustin, Washington Post, Re/code, Mashable, @samgustin, @antderosa, @jbflint, @eggerton and SCOTUSblog

American Journalist With Vice News Captured in Eastern Ukraine — Vice journalist Simon Ostrovsky has been taken by militia in Eastern Ukraine, Mashable has learned. — The reporter for Vice News, who has been filing a series of compelling video dispatches from Ukraine since early March …

Comcast Close to Subscriber Deal With Charter Communications — First-Quarter Profit Up 30%, Helped by Olympics — Comcast Corp. plans to sell nearly four million subscribers in a two-staged deal with Charter Communications Inc., in what would represent a consolation prize for Charter's eight month pursuit of Time Warner Cable.
New York Times

NBCUniversal First-Quarter Financials Rise Amid Profitable Sochi Olympics
Variety, FierceCable, International Business Times, The Wrap and
Michael Sokolove / New York Times:
David Cohen: the Comcast EVP in charge of avoiding antitrust questions raised by TWC merger
David Cohen: the Comcast EVP in charge of avoiding antitrust questions raised by TWC merger
BGR, @cs_palmer, @miriamgottfried, @kimmasters, @brianstelter, Los Angeles Times and Washington Post

New York Times launches The Upshot, aims to make data journalism part of “daily news cycle” — Navigate News With The Upshot — You have no shortage of excellent news sources — sources that expertly report and analyze news as it happens. Like you, those of us at The Upshot rely on those sources every day.
VentureBeat, The Wrap, The Awl, Gigaom, PandoDaily, FishbowlDC, New York Times, USA Today, @rdmurphy, @robneyer, @pamelapaulnyt, @digiphile,, @jayrosen_nyu, @lpolgreen, @rafat, FishbowlNY, @craigsilverman, @tcarmody, @gallaghereditor, Mediaite and The New York Observer
Mathew Ingram / Gigaom:
Here comes The Upshot, the new explanatory journalism effort from the New York Times
Here comes The Upshot, the new explanatory journalism effort from the New York Times
Guardian, Om Malik, @upshotnyt, Digiday, @dleonhardt, Capital New York, @neil_irwin, MediaWire Daily and The FJP
Craig Silverman / Nieman Journalism Lab:
Why Vox (and other news orgs) could use a librarian — The facts of the present won't sit still for a portrait. They are constantly vibrating, full of clutter and confusion. —William Macneile Dixon — Every 45 years, roughly half of the medical knowledge about cirrhosis and hepatitis is disproven or becomes out of date.
@craigsilverman, @mapgoblin, @saralerner, @losowsky and @antderosa

Richard Turley, Businessweek's creative director, leaving for MTV — Businessweek's creative director leaves — Richard Turley, the creative director of Bloomberg Businessweek, is leaving the publication for MTV. “[I]t's time for me to learn something new and work with different content …
Richard Turley, Capital New York, AdAge, Politico, MediaWire Daily, FishbowlNY and Talking Biz News
Jeremy Barr / Capital New York:
Jonah Lehrer quietly launches new blog, gets Gladwell boost — On March 28, disgraced ex-New Yorker writer Jonah Lehrer quietly launched a blog under his own name. — On Thursday, he got a Twitter boost from an unlikely source. — “Jonah Lehrer is back with a new blog. It is well worth reading.
Alexandra Steigrad / WWD: staffing up; site to be relaunched in September during NY Fashion Week — in Expansion Mode — Vogue is in the process of expanding its Web site, WWD has learned. The magazine, which redesigned its site in 2010, is amassing a bigger staff comprised of a mix of new hires …
MediaWire Daily, @laureni and @womensweardaily
Adam Satariano / Bloomberg:
Study: households spent 10% less at Amazon in states where online sales tax introduced — Amazon Sales Take a Hit in States With Online Tax — Inc. (AMZN) is taking a hit in states that are collecting an online sales tax. — In one of the first efforts to quantify the impact …
The Daily Caller, SlashGear, Washington Post, Business Insider, USA Today, Marketing Land, @maudnewton, @puiwingtam and The Loop

Media Matters Chief Tells Sharyl Attkisson To Put Up Or Shut Up — The head of Media Matters for America challenged former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson on Monday to produce evidence that the liberal media watchdog has been paid to target her. — “Professional journalists …
Mediaite, The Daily Caller, @davidbrockdc and @tpm

Journalists Kicked Out Of Al Jazeera Trial In Egypt — The trial of three Al Jazeera journalists in Egypt resumed on Tuesday, as their supporters grew more frustrated over the journalists' continued detention. — Peter Greste, Mohammed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed appeared in court for the sixth time since they were arrested in December.
TVNewser, Guardian, Al Jazeera English and BBC

17 projects receive funding through Knight Prototype Fund — Photo credit: Chris Barr. — Sometimes you have a great idea, and you just need time, space and some capital to test it. Seventeen projects will get that chance as the latest recipients of Prototype Fund grants from Knight Foundation.
Nieman Journalism Lab, @jskstanford, @ultracasual, @mtdukes, @mterenzio, Poynter and
Andrew Beaujon / Poynter:
OC Register strikes content-sharing deal with news nonprofit — The Orange County Register has formed a content-sharing deal with the news nonprofit Voice of OC, OC Weekly Editor Gustavo Arellano reported Monday. — Reached by email Monday, Voice of OC Editor-in-Chief Norberto Santana Jr …
Navel Gazing