Top News:
Tom Wheeler / Official FCC Blog:
FCC chairman to have net neutrality “enforceable rules” by the end of the year, mandate that ISPs “not act in a commercially unreasonable manner” — Setting the Record Straight on the FCC's Open Internet Rules — There has been a great deal of misinformation …
Variety, Guardian, TechCrunch, Mediaite,, VentureBeat, Washington Post, TheHill, @tonyromm, Business Insider, Techdirt, ZDNet, Mashable, @acedtect, @jeffjarvis, @mathewi, @samgustin, The Verge, @ceciliakang and WebProNews

Barack Obama's Flip-Flop and the End of Net Neutrality — In 2007, at a public forum at Coe College, in Iowa, Presidential candidate Barack Obama was asked about net neutrality. Specifically, “Would you make it a priority in your first year of office to reinstate net neutrality as the law of the land?
The Awl,, New York Magazine, Washington Post, @newyorker, The Dish, Business Insider and Gigaom

Net Neutrality Advocates Angered by FCC's Planned New Rules
The Wrap, VentureBeat, Guardian, The Huffington Post, New York Times, @digiphile, @pmarca, @billmcgev, @samgustin and @digiphile
Gautham Nagesh / Wall Street Journal:
FCC to propose letting broadband providers give some traffic preferential treatment
FCC to propose letting broadband providers give some traffic preferential treatment
New York Times, Gigaom, Free Press, Poynter, Gawker, Washington Post, The Week, Boing Boing,, Variety, Reuters, Business Insider, The Verge, Businessweek, Los Angeles Times, Light Reading, The Verge, PandoDaily, TechPresident, Talking Biz News, @fmanjoo, @susie_c, @samgustin, @hasanahmad80, @brendansasso, @gigastacey, Ars Technica, TechCrunch, Broadcasting & Cable, @zpower, @reckless, @tpdorsey, @jeffjarvis, @thedextriarchy, @geraldfseib, Ars Technica, Los Angeles Times, Softpedia News, PandoDaily, Re/code, Mediaite, Mashable, Mother Jones, ThinkProgress, Engadget, Joho the Blog, TechCrunch, ZDNet, Engadget, TheHill, @laurenweinstein and @scottthurm

Simon Ostrovsky Has Been Released — VICE News is delighted to confirm that our colleague and friend Simon Ostrovsky has been safely released and is in good health. We would like to thank everyone for their support during this difficult time. Out of respect for Simon and his family's privacy …
The New York Times Company:
NYT reports 2.6% increase in revenue, digital advertising revenue up 2.2% to $37.8M — The New York Times Company Reports 2014 First-Quarter Results — NEW YORK—(BUSINESS WIRE)— The New York Times Company (NYSE:NYT) announced today first-quarter 2014 diluted earnings per share …
New York Times, Columbia Journalism Review, Poynter, FishbowlNY, Capital New York, Bloomberg, @pkafka, @orskov, @edmundlee and The Huffington Post

NYT Up To Nearly 800K Paid Digital Subscribers, Plans New Food And Opinion Apps
Capital New York, Digiday, Mediaite and AdExchanger
Michael Sebastian / AdAge:
New York Times Reports First Ad Revenue Increase In Three Years
New York Times Reports First Ad Revenue Increase In Three Years
@printinthemix and @jmcduling

Hey Wonk Reporters, Liberate Your Data! — When it comes to data journalism, everyone's a critic. — The launch of three major data journalism operations in only a few weeks—the revamped 538, Vox, and the New York Times' The Upshot—have produced a slew of opinion pieces.
@smfrogers, @jayrosen_nyu, @albertocairo and @newswhip
Alexander Howard / Tow Center for Digital Journalism:
Publishers Can Afford Data Journalism, Says ProPublica's Scott Klein
Publishers Can Afford Data Journalism, Says ProPublica's Scott Klein
@macloo and @towcenter

Facebook partners with Storyful to launch FB Newswire, a news feed for journalists on Facebook and Twitter — Announcing FB Newswire, Powered by Storyful — Every day, news is made on Facebook. More than one billion people use our platform to discover, explore and participate in news-making events around the world.
Nieman Journalism Lab, Poynter,, Politico, Gigaom, Fast Company, Wall Street Journal, News Corp, Guardian, VentureBeat, Lost Remote, TechCrunch, PC Magazine, RTÉ, AllFacebook, The Irish Times, ReadWrite, Engadget, PandoDaily, @journalistslike, The Verge, @andyrmitchell, @digidaycs, @taylorbuley and NewscastStudio

Forbes Sale Said to Founder With Axel Springer Not Bidding — Forbes Media LLC's effort to find a buyer is running into trouble, with one potential bidder officially out of the running and two others no longer in active talks, people with knowledge of the matter said.
FishbowlNY, Capital New York, @sherman4949, @pkafka and @danprimack

Columbia student paper plans to drop daily print edition — The Columbia Daily Spectator, the student newspaper distributed daily at Columbia University and in surrounding Morningside Heights, plans to switch to a weekly edition starting in the fall, editor-in-chief Abby Abrams told staff earlier this evening.
@juliamkern, @jimmyvielkind, @miriamkrule, @charlesornstein, College Media Matters, @niemanlab and New York Magazine

What does the fight over mean for the future of Philly journalism? — “Two writers say stuffed Bigfoot is legit” and “I've never had sex with my husband” are the sort of headlines on that fill Philadelphia Inquirer reporters with dread and despair.
@jmikelyons and @jasonnark

Tribeca Film Festival Is Showing Online-Only Productions for First Time — Works Range From Documentaries to Comedies — Not every work spotlighted at the Tribeca Film Festival plays in a theater. — For the first time this year, the festival features online-only productions …

Time Warner Cable Spent $62 Million in Q1 Prepping for Comcast Merger — Time Warner Cable incurred $62 million in costs for the first three months of 2014 to lay the groundwork for Comcast's $45 billion acquisition bid, which is pending regulatory approval.
Lost Remote and Home Media Magazine
Soham Chatterjee / Reuters:
Time Warner Cable profit rises 19.5 pct
Time Warner Cable profit rises 19.5 pct
Reuters, Hollywood Reporter and Wall Street Journal
Neil Midgley / Forbes:
London Live's Disastrous TV Ratings: 2,400 Watch Breakfast Show In City Of 9million — Last month, I wrote for about the imminent arrival in London of a media first - a local TV channel devoted solely to the UK's capital city. I'd already been behind the scenes at the channel …
Guardian and @adambienkov

FremantleMedia Claims Rights to YouTube User-Uploaded Clips — FremantleMedia is turning thousands of fan-uploaded YouTube clips of “American Idol” — and dozens of other shows it produces — into cash. — In a partnership pairing two corporate cousins, TV production firm FremantleMedia …
The Wrap, FierceOnlineVideo News, Tubefilter and Globe and Mail

Felix Salmon's reasons for leaving Reuters and the limitations of page-based media — Felix Salmon may just be one (very well respected) writer, but the reasons he gives for his decision to leave Reuters for an online job at youth-focused cable TV channel Fusion should give everyone in online publishing pause for thought.
@thestalwart, @sathnam and @lpolgreen
Ravi Somaiya / New York Times:
Felix Salmon to Take on Web-Based Role at Fusion
Felix Salmon to Take on Web-Based Role at Fusion
Medium, @dylanbyers, Capital New York, The Wrap, Gigaom, @deilemberg, @isaacleep, @dkthomp, @moorehn, @jledbetter and @felixsalmon

Telegraph ‘encouraged’ by performance of online paywall one year on — Just over a year after the Telegraph became the first mainstream UK national newspaper website to go behind a metered paywall insiders say they are “encouraged” by the way it has gone. — The Telegraph has declined …

Meredith Corp to End Regular Monthly Publication Of Ladies' Home Journal — One of Nation's Oldest Magazines Is Victim of Declining Ad Revenue — Meredith Corp.'s “Ladies' Home Journal,” one of the country's oldest women's magazines, will end regular monthly publication this July, the victim of declining ad revenue.

Why America Is Looking to UK for Help Fighting Piracy — Politicians, film studios and record labels have a new reason for hope in their floundering fight against piracy: England. — Mike Weatherley, a top advisor to British Prime Minister David Cameron, spent the last week pitching …
Mike Masnick / Techdirt:
Why Do So Many People Describe Aereo ‘Complying’ With Copyright Law As The Company ‘Circumventing’ Copyright Law? — We mentioned this briefly in our writeup of the oral arguments at the Supreme Court in the Aereo case, but I wanted to focus in on one particularly annoying issue that has come …
New York Magazine and Radio & Television …