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BuzzFeed raises $50M from Andreessen Horowitz, valuing company at $850M; VC firm's Chris Dixon to join board; most revenues come from BuzzFeed Creative — A Move to Go Beyond Lists for Content at BuzzFeed — Here are three completely crazy insights about BuzzFeed, the viral content start-up: 1.
chris dixon's blog, BuzzFeed, The Wrap, Poynter, Hollywood Reporter, The Awl, Gawker, Guardian,, Mashable, The New York Observer, Gigaom, Business Insider, New York Magazine, Re/code, The FJP, @pmarca, @espiers, @pmarca, @morisy, Capital New York, @mallarytenore, @maxdkaplan, MediaWire Daily, @chrisjohanesen, @jperras, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, @jamesrbuk, @borthwick, @surekamhunga, @brianstelter, TechCrunch, @paul_framp, @pmarca, @jbruin, @christopherjm, @stevekandell, @hblodget, @dubois, @rafat, @peretti, @peretti, @cdixon, Tubefilter, @jameshaycock, @pkafka, @elanazak, @marksluckie, SocialTimes, @rafat, @buzzfeedben, @mathewi, @mattrosoff, @detailsliz, @jamesrbuk, Street Fight, @bankoff, @morsels, @samir, @polemitis, @digidave, @thatrebecca, @jonrussell, @edmundlee, @summeranne, @doreeshafrir, @chrisgeidner, @cindyroyal, @fionaspruill, @kantrowitz, @davidgrann, @mikeisaac, @kenvogel, @ravisomaiya, @mccollumashley, VentureBeat, Re/code, Business Insider and The Hill

Why BuzzFeed Is Launching Its Own Hollywood Studio — VC firm Andreesen Horowitz invests $50 million in Internet-media company — Are you ready for “Listicle: The Movie”? — BuzzFeed, the Internet-media company best known for its shareable list-based articles, is expanding across multiple vectors …
AdAge, Crain's New York, Lost Remote, FishbowlNY and @jesseredniss

BuzzFeed's Founding Editor Peggy Wang on the future of digital media and how she consumes it — BuzzFeed's Founding Editor Peggy Wang: On Japanese Snacks And The Future Of Digital Media — BuzzFeed's founding editor - Peggy Wang - is a rockstar (quite literally) on all platforms.
@s_m_i, Wall Street Journal, @peretti, @mccollumashley, @nomizeichner, @twelveoclocke, @emilydreyfuss, @danoshinsky, @millie, @iam486, @s_m_i, @jessmisener, @thenewpotato and @niemanlab

Jezebel staff accuse Gawker of not dealing with trolls posting violent porn images in comments — We Have a Rape Gif Problem and Gawker Media Won't Do Anything About It — Working at Gawker Media is a dream job for many of the women on staff here at Jezebel.
@ishaaran, @boyreporter, @jeffjohnroberts, @abeaujon, @nixie, @justinnxt, @nbj914, @taramurtha, @michellesnarks, @mzhemingway, @cl_kitchens, @ronhogan, @codybrown, @sarahjeong, @morisy, @joeljohnson, @espiers and @rgay

Media Companies Spin Off Newspapers, to Uncertain Futures — A year ago last week, it seemed as if print newspapers might be on the verge of a comeback, or at least on the brink of, well, survival. — Jeff Bezos, an avatar of digital innovation as the founder of Amazon …
BuzzMachine, Nieman Journalism Lab, USA Today, @michaelwolffnyc, @adamwestbrook, @mjenkins, FishbowlNY, @howardkurtz, Wall Street Journal, @bobbymacreports, @nxthompson, @mrmattwilley, @t_mcconnell, @mattgallowaycbc, @journotopia, @cnutsmith, @stephanfaris, @chashomans, @aburnspolitico, @add, @bobbymacreports, @jmitchellnews, @johnjharwood, @mhess4, @nytonit, @jayrosen_nyu, @blakehounshell, @jonathanmahler, @aoscott, @dylanbyers, @miriamelder, @justinjm1, American Press Institute, @qhardy, @adamnagourney, @raju, @antloewenstein, @jimtankersley, @dabeard and @cschweitz

Harper's Publisher Standing Firm in His Defense of Print and Paywall — When John R. MacArthur, the publisher of Harper's Magazine and a zealous promoter of the virtues of print journalism, sits down at his desk to write, he has three options — a typewriter, an ancient beige PC and a modern Apple desktop computer.
Gawker, FishbowlNY, @peterfhart, New York Magazine, @tomgara, @yappelbaum, @jimray, @darthur62, @dkthomp, @mathewi, @clarajeffery, @jamilsmith, @harrymccracken and @jamestylerespn
Greg Gilman / The Wrap:
Los Angeles Times Names Austin Beutner New CEO and Publisher — Beutner succeeds Eddy W. Hartenstein, who was the Times publisher for six years — Austin Beutner, the civic leader and former Wall Street investment banker, has been named the new publisher and chief executive officer …
LA Observed, Los Angeles Times, @latimesrainey, Poynter, FishbowlNY and Variety

Why Are There So Many Women in Public Relations? — The field is nearly two-thirds female. Is it because of a lack of better options—or is it, in fact, the best possible option? — About a decade ago, Adriana Sol was helping design ads in Miami Beach when she realized …
@familyunequal and @jayrosen_nyu

News Corp slams Australian Press Council and its chairman — The Australian says it has lost confidence in the self-regulatory body over a column about late Labor senator Arthur Gietzelt — News Corp's The Australian has attacked the Australian Press Council and its chairman, Julian Disney …
@maureen_walton, @meadea and @theyrlying2us
Joe Pompeo / Capital New York:
Maureen Dowd joins N.Y.T. Magazine ahead of ‘major redesign’ — Maureen Dowd is joining the staff of The New York Times Magazine in a move that brings some fresh star power to the glossy Sunday supplement. — The Times also announced this morning that the magazine, helmed since …
The New York Observer, The Wrap, Politico and Mediaite
Tanveer Ali / Columbia Journalism Review:
Local news outlets are joining the data journalism bandwagon — Available resources don't always match the desire to analyze regional issues — A few years ago, Gene Balk noticed that numbers and statistics were increasingly becoming more available and compelling as a central subject in news stories.

Guardian publisher defends decision to publish anti-Hamas advertisement — Full-page letter by Nobel peace laureate called on British people and political leaders to ‘stand firmly with the people of Israel’ — The publisher of the Guardian has defended its decision to run a newspaper advertisement …
@palfreedom and @medialens