Top News:

With $50 million, BuzzFeed growth calls for sharper lines between news and the other stuff — The New York Times' Mike Isaac was the first to report late Sunday night that BuzzFeed had raised $50 million in new venture funding from Andreessen Horowitz. … The story was followed by a chorus of blog posts and press releases.
The Awl, Nieman Journalism Lab, Mashable, USA Today, PandoDaily, @natematias, @mikeisaac, @mathewi, @cdirusso, @ceodonovan, @jbenton, Guardian, Business Insider, SocialTimes, Hollywood Reporter and @buzzfeedben
Felix Salmon / Medium:
Don't compare BuzzFeed to newspapers; compare it to agencies, reaching young, mobile audiences — Normally, when some big deal is announced in the business world, a rah-rah press release goes out and then smart journalists start explaining what's really going on.
BuzzFeed, @pkafka, @nxthompson, @mathewi, @dkthomp, @cdixon, @lpolgreen, @riceid, @riceid, @espiers, @felixsalmon, @gaberivera, @mattzeitlin, Tubefilter, The New York Observer, The Hill and Wall Street Journal

A16Z's Chris Dixon: BuzzFeed, which could reach 10X-100X the audience of past media empires, is a bargain at $850M valuation — How Jonah Peretti and BuzzFeed Got to $850 Million — We passed the billion dollar mark awhile ago. Today a hot tech company is worth multiple billions of dollars, easily.
Valleywag, BuzzMachine, Guardian, Gigaom, @edmundlee, @timkiladze, @nbj914, @riceid, The FJP, Om Malik, BBC, @weegee, Gawker and New York Magazine
Todd Spangler / Variety:
Why BuzzFeed Is Launching Its Own Hollywood Studio
Why BuzzFeed Is Launching Its Own Hollywood Studio
chris dixon's blog, Hollywood Reporter, Latest News & Headlines, Daily Dot, AdAge, The Wrap, Crain's New York, Lost Remote, FishbowlNY and @jesseredniss

Producer Michael Shamberg and comedian Jordan Peele join BuzzFeed's new movie unit as advisers
@alexweprin and New York Times
Laura Kosann / The New Potato:
BuzzFeed's Founding Editor Peggy Wang on the future of digital media and how she consumes it
BuzzFeed's Founding Editor Peggy Wang on the future of digital media and how she consumes it
@twelveoclocke, @thenewpotato, @peretti, @millie, @mccollumashley, @s_m_i, @iam486, @niemanlab, @s_m_i, @jessmisener, @nomizeichner, @emilydreyfuss and @danoshinsky

Jezebel staff accuse Gawker of not dealing with trolls posting violent porn images in comments — We Have a Rape Gif Problem and Gawker Media Won't Do Anything About It — Working at Gawker Media is a dream job for many of the women on staff here at Jezebel.
@joeljohnson, Nieman Journalism Lab, Business Insider, @jeffjohnroberts, @jessieflux, @cormier_ht, The Wrap, @juliachanb, @zimman223, @nixie, The Huffington Post, @emilyslist, @jessicacoen, @glassresistor, @glennf, PandoDaily, @kateharding, @americasbaby1, @tieguy, Capital New York, @allisonkilkenny, @monikabauerlein, Mashable, FishbowlNY, @nathanjurgenson, @michellesnarks, @boyreporter, @taramurtha, @ronhogan, Talking Points Memo, @csoghoian, @adrianchen, @codinghorror, @digg, @ishaaran, @abeaujon, @justinnxt, @nbj914, @sarahjeong, @rgay, @cl_kitchens, @morisy, @mzhemingway and @codybrown
Kristen Hare / Poynter:
Jezebel staffers wanted to 'light a fire under management's collective ass' — On Monday, Jezebel staff filed a post entitled “We Have a Rape Gif Problem and Gawker Media Won't Do Anything About It.” The post shared that “For months, an individual or individuals has been using anonymous …
Gigaom, The New York Observer, Mediaite and @mathewi

If you like everything on Facebook, brands and content mills like Upworthy dominate News Feed — I Liked Everything I Saw on Facebook for Two Days. Here's What It Did to Me — There's this great Andy Warhol quote you've probably seen before: “I think everybody should like everybody.”
PandoDaily, The FJP, @matthewteller, AdAge, @mnik, @bobmcmillan, @jeffchu, @stevesilberman, @numeson, @brad_frost and Mother Jones

BeachMint Gets Lucky In Joint Venture With Conde Nast — E-commerce platform BeachMint announced it will take over all operations for Lucky Magazine today. The takeover is part of a newly formed joint venture between BeachMint and magazine publishing giant Conde Nast.
Adweek, Fashionista, MediaWire Daily, AdAge, PandoDaily, FishbowlNY, Jezebel, @lapresmidi, @benparr, WWD Media Headlines, VentureBeat, The Huffington Post and New York Magazine
Greg Gilman / The Wrap:
Los Angeles Times Names Austin Beutner New CEO and Publisher — Beutner succeeds Eddy W. Hartenstein, who was the Times publisher for six years — Austin Beutner, the civic leader and former Wall Street investment banker, has been named the new publisher and chief executive officer …
LA Observed, Los Angeles Times, @latimesrainey, Variety, The Daily Caller, Poynter and FishbowlNY

A Year After Its Disastrous Launch, Bustle Is Doing Better Than OK — It would be hard to make a less auspicious entrance than the one Bustle, the women's general interest site started by Bleacher Report co-founder Bryan Goldberg, managed for itself one year ago.

Ghost gives its blogging platform a huge upgrade before moving to a 2-4 week release cycle — Ghost has updated its open-source blogging platform with a bevy of technical improvements that should help it to compete with established competitors such as WordPress, Tumblr and Medium.
James Poniewozik / TIME:
Hashtag activism after a fatal police shooting serves as grassroots media criticism — IfTheyGunnedMeDown and What Hashtag Activism Does Right — Social media protests have their limits, but one thing they're very, very good at is grassroots media criticism. — The injury, a deadly one, came first.
The Root, @tropicloner, The Verge, New York Times, @mtdukes, @jrphillips5, @wendi_c_thomas, @kellyosullivan, Race, On The Media and Daily Dot

Yahoo Finance reboots with unpaid contributor network on Tumblr — Yahoo Finance tries to reboot with a platform publishing model — Can Yahoo Finance get its groove back? The once-dominant online finance publisher is leaning on fellow Yahoo property Tumblr to power a revamped contributor network …