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BuzzFeed raises $50M from Andreessen Horowitz, valuing company at $850M; VC firm's Chris Dixon to join board; most revenues come from BuzzFeed Creative — A Move to Go Beyond Lists for Content at BuzzFeed — Here are three completely crazy insights about BuzzFeed, the viral content start-up: 1.
chris dixon's blog, The Wrap, Capital New York,, MediaWire Daily, Street Fight, Poynter, @pmarca, Wall Street Journal, Hollywood Reporter, @pmarca, @detailsliz, @hblodget, SocialTimes, @dubois, @jamesrbuk, @borthwick, @polemitis, @surekamhunga, @brianstelter, TechCrunch, @chrisgeidner, @paul_framp, Re/code, @pmarca, @christopherjm, @jonrussell, @stevekandell, @doreeshafrir, @edmundlee, @thatrebecca, @rafat, @summeranne, @peretti, @peretti, @mikeisaac, @davidgrann, @cdixon, @kantrowitz, @ravisomaiya, @jameshaycock, @pkafka, @rafat, @buzzfeedben, @kenvogel, @mattrosoff, Business Insider, VentureBeat, @digidave, @fionaspruill, @cindyroyal, Guardian, @jamesrbuk, @bankoff, @mccollumashley and Mashable

Why BuzzFeed Is Launching Its Own Hollywood Studio — VC firm Andreesen Horowitz invests $50 million in Internet-media company — Are you ready for “Listicle: The Movie”? — BuzzFeed, the Internet-media company best known for its shareable list-based articles, is expanding across multiple vectors …
Media & Entertainment, FishbowlNY, @jesseredniss and The Wrap

BuzzFeed's Founding Editor Peggy Wang on the future of digital media and how she consumes it — BuzzFeed's Founding Editor Peggy Wang: On Japanese Snacks And The Future Of Digital Media — BuzzFeed's founding editor - Peggy Wang - is a rockstar (quite literally) on all platforms.
@s_m_i, Wall Street Journal, @peretti, @mccollumashley, @niemanlab, @nomizeichner, @twelveoclocke, @emilydreyfuss, @danoshinsky, @millie, @iam486, @s_m_i, @jessmisener and @thenewpotato

Media Companies Spin Off Newspapers, to Uncertain Futures — A year ago last week, it seemed as if print newspapers might be on the verge of a comeback, or at least on the brink of, well, survival. — Jeff Bezos, an avatar of digital innovation as the founder of Amazon …
Nieman Journalism Lab, USA Today, BuzzMachine, @michaelwolffnyc, @nxthompson, @mattgallowaycbc, @cnutsmith, @chashomans, American Press Institute, @justinjm1, @bobbymacreports, @antloewenstein, @mrmattwilley, @jonathanmahler, @jimtankersley, @dylanbyers, @aoscott, @t_mcconnell, @jayrosen_nyu, @mhess4, @raju, @cschweitz, @journotopia, @jmitchellnews, @qhardy, @dabeard, @adamnagourney, @blakehounshell, @johnjharwood, @miriamelder, @stephanfaris, @nytonit, @bobbymacreports and @add

Harper's Publisher Standing Firm in His Defense of Print and Paywall — When John R. MacArthur, the publisher of Harper's Magazine and a zealous promoter of the virtues of print journalism, sits down at his desk to write, he has three options — a typewriter, an ancient beige PC and a modern Apple desktop computer.
@jamestylerespn, @yappelbaum, @dkthomp, @tomgara, @jimray, @mathewi, @clarajeffery and @harrymccracken

Hachette CEO replies to Amazon fans: ‘These punitive actions are not necessary’ — Amazon this weekend took the unusual step of asking authors and readers to send a message to Hachette Book Group CEO Michael Pietsch, appealing to the publisher to support Amazon's push for lower e-book prices.
Digital Book World

Amazon misrepresents George Orwell in attempt to argue Hachette is against the future of books
Guardian, @cookierubyshoes, @foresmac,, @mims, @john_karr, @laurieabkemeier, @pernillet, @pgourevitch, @mikeisaac, @digiphile, @irisblasi, @jcstearns, Gigaom and VentureBeat
Amazon Books Team:
Amazon responds to “Authors United” with letter encouraging authors to email Hachette's CEO
Amazon responds to “Authors United” with letter encouraging authors to email Hachette's CEO
Whatever, Associated Press, ZDNet, Authors United, Guardian, TechCrunch, Softpedia News, Gigaom, Publishing Perspectives, Wall Street Journal, Bookseller news, 24/7 Wall St., Publishers Weekly, Re/code, @benhammersley, @joannauk, @medriscoll, @tealtan, @tcarmody, @tcarmody, Forbes, @beep, Electronista, The Verge, Gawker, VentureBeat, Tom Merritt .com, Digital Book World, GeekWire, Business Insider, @jamesgleick, Forbes, Daring Fireball, @ftrain, Wall Street Journal, @lessig, @mathewi, @kissane, @robinsloan, @johnaugust, MediaNama, Engadget, Mashable, TIME, Bookmarks and Publishers Lunch

“Wrong side of your Orwell, mister editor.” The New York Times falls down on the word torture. — These are my discussions notes to The Executive Editor on the Word ‘Torture.’ A letter to Times readers from Dean Baquet, August 7, 2014. — “It's time to celebrate that the newspaper …
New York Times, The Dish, @jayrosen_nyu, @davidc7, @johnmcquaid, American Press Institute, The Raw Story and Freedom of the Press …

Ann Arbor Chronicle, local news site run by one couple, to cease publication after six years — Ending It: 6 of 1, Half-Dozen of The Chronicle — On Sept. 2, 2014, The Ann Arbor Chronicle will observe the sixth anniversary of its launch. — Chronicle carton.
@andyfowler, @jayrosen_nyu and @judell

Why Are There So Many Women in Public Relations? — The field is nearly two-thirds female. Is it because of a lack of better options—or is it, in fact, the best possible option? — About a decade ago, Adriana Sol was helping design ads in Miami Beach when she realized …

News Corp slams Australian Press Council and its chairman — The Australian says it has lost confidence in the self-regulatory body over a column about late Labor senator Arthur Gietzelt — News Corp's The Australian has attacked the Australian Press Council and its chairman, Julian Disney …
@maureen_walton, @meadea and @theyrlying2us
Tanveer Ali / Columbia Journalism Review:
Local news outlets are joining the data journalism bandwagon — Available resources don't always match the desire to analyze regional issues — A few years ago, Gene Balk noticed that numbers and statistics were increasingly becoming more available and compelling as a central subject in news stories.

Amazon halts disc preorders of some Disney titles in an apparent contract dispute — Disney Disc Preorders Disappear From Amazon — The preorder option for almost every title from Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment has been removed on Amazon, in an apparent repeat of what Warner Home Video went through earlier this summer.
Associated Press, Variety, @scotteweinberg, GeekWire, The Wrap, Re/code, New York Times and Engadget

Former Vanity Fair star writer Kevin Sessums tries comeback as editor of FourTwoNine magazine — Former Vanity Fair Celebrity Journalist Looks for a Comeback — SAN FRANCISCO — For a time, in the 1980s, there were few celebrity journalists who lived quite as large as Vanity Fair's Kevin Sessums.
@jonfriedman, @goldman, @nytstyles and FishbowlNY