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Guardian launching community events and voluntary membership programs from £15-£60 per month — Guardian Space & Guardian Membership, playing the physical/digital continuum — Can it be that the solution to newspaper companies' digital woes lies in the physical world?
Guardian, @akshatrathi, @lloydshep, @michaelfredman, @mattlearmouth, @gallaghereditor, TheMediaBriefing and @jayrosen_nyu

welcome to Guardian Membership — The Guardian is much more than a business - for almost 200 years we have dedicated our resources to the kind of public service journalism that recently won a Pulitzer prize. By becoming a member you'll help support that ideal and, no doubt, have a great time in doing so
Poynter, @gunnar40, @cathomahony, @julieposetti, @vivian, @arusbridger and @jcstearns

Celebrity gossip site TMZ extends reach and earns some credibility with scoops on NFL scandals — TMZ Broke Ray Rice, Donald Sterling and Jameis Winston Stories in 10-Month Span — Last November, TMZ broke the news that the Heisman Trophy candidate Jameis Winston was being investigated …

Google Seeks Views in Europe on Right to be Forgotten — Company Seeking Balance in Handling of “Complicated Issue” — Google Inc. executives embarked Tuesday on a seven-city tour of European capitals to discuss Europe's “right to be forgotten,” one of several fronts in which the U.S. search firm faces …

Google Right-to-Be-Forgotten Roadshow Rebuffs Questions — Google Chairman Eric Schmidt speaks during an advisory council about The Right to be Forgotten at Casa de America on Sep. 9, 2014 in Madrid — Google Inc. (GOOG:US) promised a “robust” debate on a European Union court ruling …

N.Y.T. reporter: U.S. needs to pressure Europe on journalist ransoms — New York Times foreign correspondent Rukmini Callimachi told a crowd last night that the U.S. should be pressuring European countries to stop paying ransom to terrorist kidnappers. — The U.S. generally refuses to pay ransoms …

Hacked Celeb Pics Made Reddit Enough Cash to Run Its Servers for a Month — If you saw Kate Upton or Jennifer Lawrence naked last week, there's a good chance you saw them on the social news site Reddit. The self-proclaimed “front page of the Internet” was one of the main hosts …
T.C. Sottek / The Verge:
Reddit uses “free speech” to defend the site's unsavory uses while ignoring the victims
Reddit uses “free speech” to defend the site's unsavory uses while ignoring the victims
The Awl and @ma_franks

U2, Apple and the Deal Behind Getting ‘Songs of Innocence’ Free of Charge — A decade after releasing “How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb,” U2 was front and center in a presentation that could have been called “how to hype a new tech product.” — Along with Apple's announcement …
Forbes, Billboard, Adweek, Showbiz411, Apple, MediaNama, Quartz, Billboard, AppleInsider and TIME

Viacom Closes $725 Million Acquisition of U.K.'s Channel 5 — It will start airing “SpongeBob” and the “Turtles” and send contestants of a new show back to the Stone Age — Viacom said Wednesday that it has closed its $725 million (£450 million) acquisition of British broadcaster Channel 5.
Broadcasting & Cable, Broadcast, Deadline, Guardian, Re/code,, TVWise, MediaTel, ATV Today, Variety and MarketWatch

Grooveshark no longer supports Chromecast following RIAA claim it infringes artists' copyright — Grooveshark's streaming music and radio service no longer supports casting to the big screen via Google's Chromecast dongle. — While support to cast “content licensed from thousands of artists …
Complete Music Update, Softpedia News, TorrentFreak, RAIN News and hypebot

Why Peter Wright should not be sitting on Ipso's complaints body — Is it not truly amazing that Peter Wright, the former Mail on Sunday editor, has been named as a member of the complaints committee at the Independent Press Standards Organisation (Ipso)? — This is the man who …
Daily Mail and @stevenjbarnett

New chair of BBC Trust to continue roles at HSBC and Pepsi — Rona Fairhead said she would ‘prioritise’ the BBC in her expected new role as the head of the BBC's governing body — Rona Fairhead, the government's preferred choice to chair the BBC Trust, is to continue her lucrative non-executive roles …
Axel Springer CEO Mathias Doepfner wants to double profits, seeks to buy new assets — Axel Springer CEO aspires to more than double profits — (Reuters) - German publisher Axel Springer's chief executive Mathias Doepfner aspires to more than double the publisher's core profit to 1 billion euros …

In high-tech battle, Washington and Islamic State compete over hearts and minds — Yahoo News 4 hrs ago — While President Obama prepares to lay out his military strategy on Wednesday to bomb, “degrade” and ultimately “defeat” the Islamic State, U.S. government officials are already locked in an intense …