Top News:

A former news exec looks back at Yahoo News: algorithms defining coverage, blogs that never launched, and PR as journalism — Purple Reign — When the great granddaddy of opinion journals, The New Republic, abruptly vanished in a sad, squalid burst of pixel dust and management theory last winter …
@tayhatmaker, @davidsirota, @mariabustillos, @jamiemottram, @thecajunboy, @samfbiddle and @pakhead

Reuters websites become inaccessible in China — (Reuters) - The news websites of Reuters, including those in English and Chinese, were inaccessible in China on Friday, after users first experienced difficulties accessing them late on Thursday. — The websites of Bloomberg News …
@andrewjacobsnyt, New York Times, The Next Web, Quartz, @greatfirechina, Tech in Asia, @jonlsullivan, Reuters, TechCrunch, Shanghaiist, @joshchin and @jenn1marsh
Dylan Byers / Politico:
New York Times ends contract with new columnist, geneticist Razib Khan, after Gawker writes about his earlier affiliation with far-right publications — New York Times drops Razib Khan — The New York Times has terminated its contract with one of its new online opinion writers …
Gawker, @mbeisen, @razibkhan, Gawker, @razibkhan,, @razibkhan, @herandrews, VDARE.COM, @s8mb and @charlesmurray

Guardian Labs alternative approach: 130 people building apps, giving reporters final say on content, and screening all sponsors — One year in: What The Guardian's content studio has learned — While most publishers' content studios are writing articles and filming videos for brands …

PBS NewsHour website makeover saw page views increase from 15.7M in Q1 2014 to 25.1M in Q4 — PBS NewsHour expands online audience with website makeover — A focus on audience engagement and social media has paid off for the PBS NewsHour website, which relaunched Feb. 1, 2014.
@drewhawkins and @honegger

UK Supreme Court to rule Thursday on whether Prince Charles' letters to government should be public — Supreme court to rule on Prince Charles letters — Judgment due on whether government illegally blocked publication of letters to ministers in which prince sought to change policies
Reuters, BBC, @mastermanmurray and @davidtpegg

Interview with NYT Now Editor Cliff Levy on the future of the app, mobile, and curation — New York Times Shifting Resources from ‘Every Division’ to Mobile — Conversation with Cliff Levy, Editor of NYT Now — is The New York Times' lower-priced subscription app.
FishbowlNY and @readmark

Four Sun journalists, including chief reporter John Kay and royal editor Duncan Larcombe cleared of bribery charges — Sun payments trial: Four journalists cleared of paying public officials — Sun journalists, including chief reporter John Kay and royal editor Duncan Larcombe …
Guardian, Guardian, Guardian Liberty Voice, Kent and Sussex Courier, Irish Examiner, @bbcbreaking and BBC

Apple opens iTunes Radio inventory to automated ad buying through iAd, includes granular targeting but emphasizes customer privacy — Apple Opens Up iTunes Radio Inventory to Automated Buying Through iAd — Advertisers Can Target Apple Listeners With Phone, Email Identifiers
9to5Mac, AppleInsider and RAIN News
Margaret Sullivan / New York Times:
Tech column by Nick Bilton exploring the research on cancer risks of wearable devices needed more vetting — A Tech Column on Wearable Gadgets Draws Fire as ‘Pseudoscience’ — Nick Bilton writes a tech-related column called Disruptions, but the name might have been changed to Eruptions this week …
New York Times, Slate, Wired, Washington Post, Respectful Insolence, @xeni, @reneritchie, Mediaite, Tech Times, @alterwired, JIMROMENESKO.COM, @ivanoransky, @charlesornstein, @paulfidalgo, Business Insider, @jswatz, @mhendr1cks, @badastronomer, @michaelsurtees, The Verge and Popular Science

MGM net income for 2014 hits $156M, up 27%; full-year revenues fell 5.4% to $1.44B — MGM Revenues Fall, but Profits Rise on TV Strength, ‘The Hobbit’ — The lack of a James Bond picture caused revenue to fall at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 2014 even as the studio managed to record record profits.

Study: 55% of podcast listeners use mobile; weekly listeners average six podcasts per week — Podcasts Reach Fans' Ears via Mobile — Weekly podcasters listen to an average of six podcasts per week — Digital audio consumption is moving to mobile. eMarketer estimates that this year …
American Press Institute