Top News:

Rolling Stone expects Columbia University's review of its controversial campus rape article in about two weeks, will publish in full — Rolling Stone to publish review of campus rape article soon — Columbia University's review of Rolling Stone's disputed article about a college gang rape …
New York Times, Mediaite, Poynter, Business Insider, The Daily Caller, Talking Points Memo,, WBAA, FishbowlNY, NPR and Charlottesville
Associated Press:
Police unable to confirm gang rape at University of Virginia — CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (AP) — Police say they cannot confirm that the gang rape described in a Rolling Stone article last year occurred at the University of Virginia. — Police Chief Timothy Longo said during a news conference Monday …
@ap, New York Times, ABC News,, @jessicavalenti, @mlcalderone and @mlcalderone
Margaret Sullivan / New York Times:
Power of NYT print subscribers: provide more than 70% of revenue, very engaged in digital offerings too — The Curious (and Vital) Power of Print — WHO buys the print edition of the newspaper? Just a few Luddites who wouldn't know a smartphone if their horse-drawn buggy crushed it on the cobblestones?
@sarahlaitner, @nxthompson, @doctorsyntax, @antderosa, @sub8u, @carlazanoni, @mirandareporter, @mgsiegler, @nbj914, @jbenton, @jswatz, @sulliview, @veitdengler, @mediadissector and @mathewi

‘Netflix for Magazines’ Services Explain Why They're Not Doomed — It must be depressing to hear so many people say that your company's business model has no future. — Some magazine industry observers have recently said that the “all-you-can-read” or “Netflix for magazines” subscription model is doomed.

Market saturation, rising monthly fees, lack of innovation, and broadband expansion make cable TV's decline inevitable in the US — Peak Cable — Paying for TV has been a curious consumer phenomenon. There was a time when TV was free to consumers. It was delivered as a broadcast …
@jayrosen_nyu, Mashable, @cisco_mobile, Beyond Search, TechCrunch and Medium

Cable networks invest more in documentaries, driven by ratings successes like PBS's “The Roosevelts” and HBO's Monday programming — TV is giving documentaries their due — You'll be forgiven if you've felt rather glum about televised nonfiction in the past 15 years.
New York Times

Netflix Launch in Australia Gets Qualified Welcome From Producers Organization — The launch this week of movie subscription service Netflix in Australia and New Zealand got a qualified welcome from Australian producers. — Consumers will find that the service launches (Tuesday …
Mashable, Associated Press,, Associated Press, Sydney Morning Herald, ZDNet, Guardian,, Business Insider Australia, TechGeek and CNET

Brian Williams Makes First Public Appearance Since NBC Suspension — NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams made an appearance this weekend at a prep school fundraiser at New Jersey casino, his first since starting a six-month suspension for embellishing or fabricating a variety of tales …
The Two River Times, New Jersey Online, NY Daily News, Washington Post, Mashable, The Wrap, Newsday, Daily Mail, ABC News, Page Six, Asbury Park Press and FOX News Radio

Solana Pyne joins Quartz as head of video from Global Post — Quartz Taps New Head of Video — Maybe it's just us. But we take extra delight in the fact that the initials of the person who will soon be reporting to Xana Antunes at Quartz as head of video are S.P.
@kevinjdelaney and @niemanlab

BBC relaunches website, moving from desktop to fully responsive — BBC News switches PC users to responsive site — Users will be automatically switched at around 1400 GMT — The desktop version of the BBC News website will be switched off on Monday and all visitors will be directed to a newer, responsive design.
Daily Express and @nycjim

The shortcomings of digital audio: no sharing, saving, or playlist creation, but plenty of ads — Where is the Instagram for Audio? — An invested listener envisions an upgraded podcast sharing experience — When I listen to a really excellent episode of a podcast, I rarely share it with anyone.

Mydio integrates Spotify with stories from Der Spiegel and Axel Springer, creating curated playlist of music and news — Meet Mydio: Personalised radio for music and news mix — The stand-out entry for news at the Media Hack Day in Berlin yesterday lets users combine their Spotify account with automated news articles