Top News:

Sources: Rebekah Brooks set to return as News Corp UK chief executive as soon as September — Rebekah Brooks returns as News Corp's UK chief executive — Rebekah Brooks is to make a stunning return to News Corp as chief executive of its UK division, a year after being cleared …
New York Times, The Huffington Post, @joepompeo, Hollywood Reporter, @dansabbagh, Poynter, Politico, Gawker, Variety, @joepompeo and Fortune

Crown Prosecution Service considering corporate charges against News Corp over phone hacking — Phone hacking: CPS may bring corporate charges against Murdoch publisher — Metropolitan police hands over file of evidence on Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper arm to Crown Prosecution Service
Financial Times, Telegraph, USA Today, @lisaocarroll, @davidfolkenflik, @lisaocarroll, Inforrm's Blog and @davidfolkenflik

Twitter lawyers fight effort to impel disclosure of a user's real name in James Woods defamation suit — Twitter Sends James Woods a Scathing Letter Over Attempt to Unmask Anonymous User — Twitter tells the politically-outspoken actor that calling him a “cocaine addict” appears to be hyperbole.
Committee to Protect Journalists:
CPJ calls for the release of VICE News reporters, fixer, in Diyarbakir, Turkey — New York, August 28, 2015—The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on authorities in the southeastern Turkish province of Diyarbakir to release British journalists Jake Hanrahan and Philip Pendlebury immediately.

Al Jazeera America Senior Vice President of News Output Mary Caraccioli leaves, the fifth female executive to depart the network in recent months — Al Jazeera America loses another female executive — Al Jazeera America has parted ways with another top female executive …
The Huffington Post

European publishers are actively lobbying to strengthen copyright rules and limit Google's advertising power — European Publishers Play Lobbying Role Against Google — BERLIN — In private sessions this summer, giant publishers and media companies from Germany, France and elsewhere …
Lucia Moses / Digiday:
Traffic from LinkedIn to SimpleReach's 1,000 publisher base drops 44% in first eight months of 2015 — The traffic LinkedIn drives to publishers has dropped 44 percent this year — LinkedIn used to be a steady referral source for many publishers. But that's changed as the social network …

Mobile Gaming Live-Streaming Service Mobcrush Has Raised Around $10M — We've heard from sources that Mobcrush, a live-streaming service centered around mobile games much in the same way Twitch is known for streaming popular eSports desktop games, has raised around $10 million in new financing …

Afghanistan's spy agency has questioned six journalists in connection with Kabul Taxi, a Facebook page that satirizes politicians and bureaucrats — The government of Afghanistan seems weirdly obsessed with this Facebook page — KABUL - The Afghan government has a new enemy.
Khaama Press (KP), The Nation News and Reporters Without Borders

Crowdfunded journalism site Contributoria folds — The site provided a platform for freelance writers to publish articles. — LONDON — An experiment in collaborative online journalism backed by The Guardian is closing, its founders announced in a letter to members Friday.

President and vice-president of Chinese Communist Party's news website ‘taken away by investigators’ — Chief editor was under pressure for stance on environmental documentary Under the Dome, sources say
New York Times, Quartz and Reuters

Apple loses Ian Rogers, ex-CEO of Beats Music and architect of the Beats1 radio service, two months after its launch — Apple loses key music streaming executive — The architect of Apple's online radio strategy has resigned two months after the launch of its Beats1 radio service, according to people familiar with the matter.
Re/code, BuzzFeed, App Advice, Yahoo! Finance, Billboard, International Business Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, RAIN News, Variety, New York Times, CNET, Fast Company, Quartz, CNNMoney, Mashable,, Business Insider Australia, Patently Apple, Fortune, 9to5Mac, MacRumors, The Verge, Music Ally and AppleInsider

Sources: YouTube to launch Music Key and its unnamed video subscription service this year — YouTube as you know it is about to change dramatically — The way you experience YouTube may be dramatically different before the end of the year. According to multiple sources …