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Medium says it raised $57M in a round led by Andreessen Horowitz, at a $400M valuation according to sources — Ev Williams's Medium Raises $57 Million for the ‘Best Stories and Ideas on the Internet’ — Medium, the publishing platform hatched by Twitter co-founder Ev Williams …
Business Insider, @pmarca, VentureBeat, TechCrunch, Fortune, @pkafka, @mccarthyryanj, The Next Web and @producthunt

The Daily News Layoffs and Digital Shift May Signal the Tabloid Era's End — When it was over and the feature page was gone, dozens of reporters had been fired and the morning assignment editor was shown the door only minutes after handing out the morning's first assignments, The Daily News …
The Awl,, The Wrap, Adweek, @nycjamescobb, @jonlemire, @jayrosen_nyu, @lauradimon and @juliamanhattan

BuzzFeed news app to launch interview series with Presidential candidates at US colleges, will share video clips via Snapchat instead of TV — BuzzFeed college tour to feature Hillary Clinton — BuzzFeed is launching an interview series with 2016 presidential candidates …
American Press Institute

Tribune Publishing CEO Jack Griffin says mobile devices are used mainly as search tools, are not suitable replacements for newspapers — Trib Publishing's Griffin plays digital catch-up … For a man leading a digital revolution, Tribune Publishing CEO Jack Griffin is surprisingly sanguine about the enduring value of newspapers.
Yahoo! Finance, @mathewi, LA Observed, @sarahw, @pkafka, @kevinroose, @rustyk5 and Re/code

App Store removes app with push notifications for drone strikes due to “excessively crude or objectionable content” — Apple: Drone Strikes Are Offensive, Farts and Poop Are Cool — Apple has for many years attempted to project its incoherent definition of decency onto iPhone users, typically when it comes to sex.
@damjanski, @headhntr, @ryantate and WebProNews

Over 200 Financial Times journalists sign a letter calling for Nikkei to formalize guarantee of editorial independence — Financial Times staff back call for Nikkei guarantee of independence — More than 200 journalists sign letter asking paper's new owners to meet senior staff and NUJ representatives to discuss concerns
Talking Biz News

Slate is taking steps to reduce its page load time by 75 percent — About two months ago, Slate began an ambitious project: It wanted to reduce the load time of its website by 75 percent by the end of the year. — On average, it took about 16 seconds for Slate's entire site to load …

Reader's Digest Association changes name to Trusted Media Brands to reflect its ownership of 52 websites — Reader's Digest Association Drops Reader's Digest From the Company Name — Bonnie Kintzer was running her own marketing agency in 2013 when she got a call from her old boss …
Folio, FishbowlNY, @benmullin and Media Wire Daily

Nexstar Offers to Acquire Media General in $4.1 Billion Deal to Create TV Station Giant — Nexstar Broadcasting Group said Monday it has offered to acquire fellow local TV station owner Media General in a $4.1 billion deal in an attempt to stop the latter from buying Meredith Corp.

Politico memo spells out expansion goals: in every state and country “of consequence” by 2020, plans boot camps to teach Politico approach to reporting — Politico Plans Expansion To 50 States And Major World Capitals By 2020 — NEW YORK — Politico is planning a significant domestic …
Fortune, Nieman Lab, @rafat, FishbowlNY, @hunterschwarz, @danmcgowan, @antonvuljaj and @mlcalderone

Discontent is an iOS content blocker that finally rids the world of content — For years now, people on the web have complained about content. Too often it is biased, it's clickbait, or worst of all, it's supported by invasive advertisements, which learn your most private desires …
@reckless, @caseynewton and @joemfbrown

Pocket FM portable transmitter spreads FM signal over 6 km radius for people in crisis areas — This portable FM transmitter brings information to people in crisis — “When there is no existing infrastructure that is stable for any kind of media, we thought, let's come back to good old radio …