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8:40 AM ET, December 16, 2016


 Top News: 
Mike Isaac / New York Times:
To fight fake news, Facebook tests easier hoax reporting, uses third-party fact checkers to flag stories, punishes stories shared less after being read, more  —  For weeks, Facebook has faced questions about its role in spreading fake news.  The intense scrutiny has caused internal divisions …
Lauren Easton / The Definitive Source:
The Associated Press will label stories dispelling false news as “AP Fact Check”, touts its code for accuracy and ethics amid Facebook partnership  —  As part of its broader fact-checking efforts, The Associated Press announced Thursday that it will work with Facebook to help identify …
Josh Constine / TechCrunch:
Fake stories flagged by two or more unpaid third-parties like Snopes and AP will get warning labels, lower ranking on News Feed, but will remain shareable  —  Snopes,, Politifact, ABC News, and AP will help Facebook make good on four of the six promises Mark Zuckerberg …
Oliver Darcy / Business Insider:
Prominent conservatives express alarm at Facebook's move against fake news, worrying their voices will be suppressed and fact checking won't be applied evenly  —  Conservatives reacted with alarm to Facebook's announcement that it will partner with fact-checkers to combat so-called fake news …
Discussion: @urbanophile and @hadas_gold
Shan Wang / Nieman Lab:
Slate builds Chrome extension, “This Is Fake”, that puts warning label on fake news stories and sites and lets users flag suspicious Facebook posts  —  “This is Fake,” a project that emerged from a post-election hack day at Slate, defines “fake” news as “something intentionally misleading, intentionally false.”
Dylan Byers / CNNMoney:
Pew report: 64% of American adults believe fake news is sowing confusion about basic facts, while 23% of Americans say they've shared a made-up story  —  All that fake news has taken its toll.  —  Nearly two-thirds of American adults (64%) believe that fabricated news stories have caused …
Bloomberg News:
Source: Verizon is looking to get a price cut or exit the $4.8B Yahoo deal after company discloses 1B accounts hacked in 2013; Yahoo stock down 5%  —  Verizon Communications Inc. is exploring a price cut or possible exit from its $4.83 billion pending acquisition of Yahoo! Inc. …
Rebecca Savransky / The Hill:
Trump attacks Vanity Fair and its editor Graydon Carter on Twitter, after the magazine published a negative review of Trump Grill, a steakhouse in Trump Tower  —  on Thursday blasted Vanity Fair, claiming the magazine was in “big trouble.”  —  “Has anyone looked at the really poor numbers …
Hamza Shaban / BuzzFeed:
Lawmakers and legal experts oppose government intervention, agree internal policies to improve social platforms are the best way to curb fake news  —  Regulating Facebook would invite Constitutional challenges, legal experts say, while lawmakers call for better internal policies to curb misinformation.
Discussion: First Draft News
David Giambusso / Politico:
NJ publishers say Christie's bill to end print legal ads could cause revenue at newspapers across the state to fall by 15%, resulting in the loss of 300 jobs  —  TRENTON — Debate in the statehouse veered from philosophical discussions over the role of a free press to dark assertions …
Discussion: @giambusso
April Glaser / Recode:
The departure of FCC chairman Tom Wheeler likely signals the end of net neutrality, as Donald Trump has publicly opposed the rules  —  The FCC will now have a Republican majority.  —  U.S. Federal Communications Commission chairman Tom Wheeler announced this morning that he will leave …
Lloyd Grove / The Daily Beast:
Interview with CNN Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter, who believes that media reporters have a duty to cover threats against journalism  —  Practicing journalism in the Age of Trump can be a risky business.  —  For instance, Brian Stelter, CNN's lead media correspondent and the host …
Discussion: Mediaite
Khari Johnson / VentureBeat:
30+ companies including news sources NPR, NBC, HuffPo, WSJ, and CNBC add Google Home support  —  More than 30 startups and companies like Domino's Pizza, Food Network, and Product Hunt launched new actions for Google Home today.  —  Actions, like Amazon Alexa skills, give a user control and command of Google Assistant.
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 More News: 
Colin Campbell / Raleigh News & Observer:
NC Policy Watch reporter Joe Killian arrested for trespassing after refusing to leave gallery being cleared of protesters amid legislature's debate
Russell Brandom / The Verge:
Under pressure from the ACLU in California, Twitter cuts off geospatial intelligence data being sold by Dataminr to police, prohibiting its use for surveillance
Jackie Kucinich / The Daily Beast:
Sources: Monica Crowley, conservative radio host and Fox News analyst, is expected to join the Trump administration as a deputy national security advisor
 Earlier Picks: 
New York Times:
The New York Times launches a confidential tips page with secure communication channels for sources, including SecureDrop, Signal, and WhatsApp