Top News:

Right-wing bloggers falsely accuse an editor of taking photos of Cabinet candidate Rex Tillerson's notes during a hearing break; editor wasn't there — What it's like to be a the center of a fake-news conspiracy theory. — There's a joke among Asian Americans that people think we all look the same.
@comradewong, @sykescharlie, The Huffington Post, @charlesarthur, @breanne_dep, @rhodes_dawn, @sarallana, @petersgoodman, @sharonpianchan, @doualyx, @mikemadden, @erinmcunningham, @karaswisher, @moelleithee, @dgoold, @kfile, @mattblaze, @dangillmor, Media Matters for America, @repjudychu, @markberman, @dannyoneil, @jamilsmith, @adamserwer, @domjoly, @maggienyt, Mediaite, BuzzFeed, Journalism News, @anthony, @edmundlee, @jfdulac and @doristruong

YouTube launches Super Chat in beta, letting viewers pay to pin comments on live streams, with a broad rollout on January 31 — But you'll have to do your own troll patrol — YouTube today is announcing a new feature to help creators monetize when they go live.
YouTube Blog, Droid Life, the Econsultancy blog, @samsheffer, Pocket-lint, BetaNews, Engadget, Digital Trends, hypebot, The Drum and SocialTimes

Research says Americans' bias against the political party they oppose is so strong that it acts as a partisan prism for facts, which fuels the rise of fake news — In his farewell address as president Tuesday, Barack Obama warned of the dangers of uncontrolled partisanship.
@tomeblen, @dancow, @mollycastelloe, @ognyanova, @adriennelaf, @leedrutman, @sapinker, @larrydiamond, @dgardner, @max_fisher, @upshotnyt and @mrjakeabel

WSJ says a libel lawsuit brought by Sheldon Adelson against one of its reporters, Kate O'Keefe, has been settled; no money is being paid to settle the suit — The Wall Street Journal said a libel lawsuit brought by casino magnate Sheldon Adelson against one of its reporters has been settled.

BBC commits a team to debunk false stories masquerading as real news and being shared on social media — Permanent Reality Check team will target false stories or facts being shared on social media — The BBC is to assemble a team to fact check and debunk deliberately misleading and false stories masquerading as real news.
@marklittlenews, @louisa_compton, @bpopken, @dw_innovation, @emilybell, @paulbradshaw and Mashable

The tabloid press, whose bogus stories are amplified by Drudge, Hannity, and Breitbart, is poised to become a chief propaganda arm of the Trump administration — First Donald Trump got an endorsement from the tabloids. Now he's getting a mouthpiece. — The 2016 campaign hadn't even begun …
@politico, @brendannyhan, @mlcalderone, @craigwinneker, @abeaujon, @blakehounshell, @mikelevinca, @jackshafer, @ajreid, @politico and @markdery

Amazon rolls out its first branded VOD subscription service, Anime Strike, with 1K+ titles, available for $4.99/month for Prime members — Ecommerce giant plans additional subscription VOD channels — Amazon is rolling out its first branded on-demand subscription service for Amazon Channels …
@richbtig, The Next Web, The Verge, Forbes, Engadget, Digital Trends, RAIN News and TechCrunch

Pandora announces it's laying off 7% of its US workforce, excluding Ticketfly group, in Q1 2017 in a bid to reduce costs — Music streaming service Pandora is going to reduce its workforce by 7% in Q1 of 2017, the company announced Thursday after the close of the markets.
TechCrunch, Pandora, AppleInsider, Engadget and The Wrap

CIR announces Glassbreaker Films to support female documentarians and provide training in journalism to high schoolers in San Francisco — The Center for Investigative Reporting is launching Glassbreaker Films as an initiative to support women in documentary filmmaking, Variety has learned exclusively.
@variety_dmcnary, @torystarr3, @kvox, @docforumccny, @danielleiat, @elainemsheldon, @fiosalvo, @gijn and @cironline

First Draft launches NewsCheck Chrome extension allowing users to investigate authenticity of online images or videos — Today we're launching First Draft's NewsCheck Chrome extension. A year ago, I was incredibly fortunate to receive a flash grant from the Shuttleworth Foundation …
@earleyedition, @darrenwaters, @stephanekoch, @grovesprof, @firstdraftnews, @mathewi and @cward1e

High Times magazine to leave Manhattan after 43 years for Los Angeles — The bible of pot, founded in a Greenwich Village basement in 1974, is pulling up its Manhattan roots and heading for the giant grow house that is California — High Times magazine is moving to friendlier—and, arguably, higher—ground.
@stevekandell, @louchelarue, @mattdrange, @audevwhite and FishbowlNY
Teddy Amenabar / Washington Post:
The Washington Post will launch a weekly Friday afternoon newsletter, Read These Comments, dedicated to the best reader comments — On Friday, we're launching a weekly newsletter dedicated to the best conversations and comments on The Washington Post. And I can't wait to get started.
@scottnover, @shelbyblackley, @deniselaw_, @torstenbeeck, @jweb, @abeaujon, and @ejpfauth