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Fox Business condemns rhetoric of Chris Farrell, who referred to the “Soros-occupied State Department” on Lou Dobbs' show, says it won't book Farrell in future — Fox Business Network will no longer book a guest who blamed the latest migrant caravan on the “Soros-occupied State Department.”
@joshtpm, The Atlantic, Washington Post, @oliverdarcy, @billkristol, @ianbremmer, @rschooley, @oliverdarcy, @maxboot, @oliverdarcy, @mikel_jollett, @normornstein, @natesilver538, Variety, TVNewser, Deadline, Talking Biz News, @joshtpm, @oliverdarcy, @oliverdarcy, @_almaqah, @theatlantic, CNN, @natesilver538, @oliverdarcy, ThinkProgress, @rvawonk, Washington Examiner, Mediaite and Slate

After Pittsburgh shooting, Gab has been suspended by PayPal, Stripe, and hosting provider Joyent; Microsoft had terminated Azure agreement with Gab last month — Stripe and cloud host Joyent have indicated that they will suspend Gab's accounts — Hours after Paypal confirmed …
The Atlantic, NBC News, Gab, New York Times, Washington Post, Slate, Fortune, CNN, The Daily Caller, Gizmodo, ThinkProgress, Engadget, Mashable, @adamgoldmannyt, Engadget, @justin_ling, @carolecadwalla, @miketokes, @kylegriffin1, @andrewfeinberg, The Daily Beast, Media Matters for America and @getongab, more at Techmeme »
RELATED: takes its service offline after GoDaddy informed the company they had violated terms of service and had 24 hours to move the domain to another provider — Gab, the controversial social network with a far-right following, has pulled its website offline after domain provider GoDaddy gave it 24 hours to move to another service.
The Verge and New York Times, more at Techmeme »

NBC announces Megyn Kelly Today will not return; the 9am hour will be hosted by other Today's co-anchors — NBC News made the announcement Friday. — NBC News has announced it is ending Megyn Kelly TODAY. — “Megyn Kelly TODAY is not returning. Next week, the 9am hour will be hosted …
New York Times, Politico, Hollywood Reporter, Variety, The Wrap, @wajahatali, @ericboehlert, Longreads, Ad Age, NBC News, CNN, Women in the World, ScreenRant, USA Today, The Wrap, Washington Post, The A.V. Club, Vulture, USA Today, Fast Company, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Newsday, TIME, Mediaite, Deadline and The A.V. Club

A look back at 15 months of projects supported by News Integrity Initiative, including work on civic dialogue, building trust, and fighting disinformation — Notes from 15 Months of Leading the News Integrity Initiative — In one of the many notebooks I filled since joining the News Integrity Initiative …
@nationhahn, @mebane_rash, @sojcagora, @membershippzzle, @mollydeaguiar and @mathewi

AT&T to shut down WarnerMedia's FilmStruck, its two-year-old streaming video service for indie, arthouse, and classic films, on November 29 — The FilmStruck indie, arthouse and classic film subscription-streaming service will shut down next month, Turner and Warner Bros. Digital Networks announced Friday.
Birth.Movies.Death, MacRumors, @criterion, ScreenRant, The Criterion Collection, @elizaskinner, @filmadelphia, @pareene, @markharrisnyc, The Verge, Slate, Vox, New York Times, Fortune, Gizmodo, Polygon, UPROXX, Broadcasting & Cable, The Wrap, /Film, Engadget, MediaPost, The A.V. Club and FierceVideo

A look at the tough anti-piracy approach taken by powerful companies in Canada, who are suing TVAddons, a site hosting unofficial apps for the Kodi media player — Adam Lackman ran TVAddons, a site hosting unofficial addons for Kodi media player. A legal team representing powerful telecom …
@motherboard and @lorenzofb

Ofcom BBC report: despite wide reach and audience satisfaction, it must work on transparency, appeal to 16-34 year olds, and maintain representative programming — This is Ofcom's first Annual Report on the BBC, covering April 2017 to March 2018. The Royal Charter requires Ofcom to publish …
Press Gazette, Digital TV Europe, Screen, PressTV and Ofcom

Sources: Condé Nast is shutting down its Vogue, Wired, and GQ channels on Snapchat, and letting go of employees it brought in to work on them — - Third-quarter revenue gained 43%, topping analysts' estimates — Profit forecast for current period in line with projections
Nieman Lab, @seangriffey, The Drum, @sarahfrier and @business

Inside Indonesia's “war room”, a government-run hub with 70 engineers monitoring online news and social media for fake news, ahead of April 2019 elections — By By Tassia Sipahutar and By Karlis Salna — President Widodo being targeted by false claims, minister says

A look at the challenges facing the CBS inquiry that will determine Moonves' severance: nondisclosure agreements, distrust, and a potential conflict of interest — The #MeToo movement may have affected the CBS Corporation more than any other mass media company over the past year.
@nytmedia and @jimwindolf

Amazon cancelled some ads on Bloomberg's properties, sources say due to China spy chips story; sources: Apple did not invite Bloomberg to fall product event — Amazon pulled its fourth quarter advertisements on Bloomberg's website, a move some within the media giant think is retribution …
@mathewi, Business Insider and Fortune