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How WaPo published “The Afghanistan Papers”, which includes interviews with key figures critiquing the US war in Afghanistan, after years of legal battles — The path to The Afghanistan Papers started with Michael Flynn. — In the summer of 2016, as the retired Army general became renowned …
@jkeefe, Quartz, @postbaron, CNN, Fox News, Washington Post, @roxanecoche, @howardfineman, @sensanders, @itspbrooks, @itspbrooks, @judywoodruff, @dlboardman, @jmartnyt, @qz, @mitchellreports, New York Times, Longreads, Techdirt,, The Atlantic, @abtran, The Guardian, @brianstelter, @danlamothe, @ggreenwald, The Guardian, Columbia Journalism Review, @karolcummins, @tomdreisbach, @bbcsanasafi, @alicdonaldson, @journogeoffz, Slate and Mediaite

Berkeleyside to launch a journalism venture in Oakland in spring 2020 with $3.12M in funding from the Google News Initiative and the American Journalism Project — A new Oakland, California-based journalism venture will launch next spring with $1.56 million in funding from the Google News Initiative (GNI), executives tell Axios.
Oakland Newsroom, Nieman Lab, @lknobel, The Keyword, @googlenewsinit, @coryweinberg, @nat_orenstein, @ucbsoj, @niemanlab, @idothethinking, @mmcphate, @ljfernandez, @ramonagiwargis, @bedwardstiek, @tasneemraja, @berkeleyside, @jaconi, @tasneemraja, @tasneemraja, @berkeleyside, MediaPost, @emilybell and Berkeleyside

American Journalism Project announces its first 11 recipients, with $8.5M distributed among them, comprising 15-30% of their 2020 budgets; AJP has raised $46M — “The grants will fund an organization's first dedicated revenue positions, or grow an existing revenue team.

Facebook confirms that a bug caused tens of thousands of now restored ads to disappear from its political ad library, days before UK's general election — London (CNN Business)Tens of thousands of political ads went missing from Facebook's archive this week, according to researchers …
Sky News, @rowlsmanthorpe, @millieqed, @wiczipedia, @hadas_gold, @hadas_gold, @edbott, @rowlsmanthorpe, @slpng_giants, @nathalienahai, @rowlsmanthorpe and @imbadatlife

How Recode's Open Sourced, a just-launched, Omidyar Network-funded project, aims to explain the consequences of tech using reader questions to guide coverage — Yes, social media companies are irrevocably altering our way of life, our information streams are more tainted than ever …
@voxdotcom, Vox, @rebeccaheilweil, @omidyarnetwork, @voxdotcom, @samoltman, @jcstearns, @amandablair, @terryparrisjr, @sarahdrinkwater and @saramorrison

Fox Nation host Britt McHenry sues Fox News and former co-host George Murdoch, alleging sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and retaliation — McHenry alleges she received multiple sexually explicit text messages from her ex-Un-PC cohost, Tyrus, and that the network did not adequately address the situation.
Poynter, Variety, New York Times, @palafo, Hollywood Reporter, Newser, @vanityfair, @gretchencarlson, @gretchencarlson, @vanityfair, @maggieserota, @ceehawk, HuffPost, @tamaraholder, TVNewser, Mediaite, The Wrap, Deadline, Axios and

Bloomberg has bought The Atlantic's CityLab, its first acquisition since Businessweek in 2009; CityLab will continue to operate as a standalone site and brand — The brand will continue to operate as a standalone entity — Another media acquisition is afoot.
@erikwemple, @joshpetri, @schadenfraade, @natbullard, @taylormundo, @tanvim, @ariellacohen, @brigidbergin, @richard_florida, @fimoculous, @fromedome, @patrickcsisson, @natbullard, @walthickey, @eacrunden, @justin_b_smith, @emilymbadger, @buttermilk1, @streetsblognyc, @sommermathis, Nieman Lab, MediaPost and The Wrap

Neither of the sources in credits for the Richard Jewell film mention any romantic tie between reporter Kathy Scruggs and the FBI agent thought to be her source — The newspaper reporter character in “Richard Jewell,” director Clint Eastwood's new movie about the 1996 Olympic bombing in Atlanta …
@factfreeh, @robyndoolittle, @nickconfessore, New York Post, @csheehanap, @dennisjromero, @mccrummenwapo, @sdkstl, @sdkstl, @farhip, @joannelipman, @caseynewton, VICE, Variety and The Guardian

Warner Bros. says AJC's claims of defamation in the film Richard Jewell are “baseless” and plans to defend against them, says the film already has a disclaimer
@marcatracy, American Press Institute, Washington Free Beacon, @zackstanton, @mjs_dc, @kaila_jm, Los Angeles Times, @xjackiehong, @beyerstein, @melissasantos1, @clarajeffery, @leah_sottile, @smclaughlin9, @dansaltzstein, @jamesgleick, @gcaw, @rcallimachi, Vanity Fair, @lindseyadler, @mattdpearce, @qhardy, @davidheinzmann, @andrewmarchand, @whitneym02, @robynelyse, @buzzfeedben, @loudmouthjulia, @timothypmurphy, @will_bunch, @daviduberti, Variety, Awful Announcing, The Wrap and Variety

CPJ 2019 prison census: 250+ journalists are imprisoned globally, and the top three countries putting reporters behind bars are China, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia — For the fourth consecutive year, at least 250 journalists are imprisoned globally as authoritarians like Xi Jinping …

RAND US survey: 44% believe news is as reliable as in the past, 41% say it's less so; white and male respondents more likely to believe news is less reliable — Different groups of Americans perceive news very differently: It depends on your race, gender, age, education level …
@cgthatcherpr, @millie and RAND

In Q&A, Gannett execs say digital innovation can make classifieds relevant again and that investments from shareholders demanding returns lead to new approaches — In this Aug. 13, 2019, photo Gannett CEO Paul Bascobert poses for a photo in McLean, Va. The Associated Press spoke recently …
@spj_tweets and @bgrueskin

Fortune to launch a paywall in Jan., with a three tier membership program from $5/month, but will offer news, second-day takes, and sponsored content for free — In January 2020, Fortune will finally launch a paywall it has wanted to build for more than two years.

Source: Verizon Media Group, which includes Yahoo, AOL, TechCrunch, and HuffPost, is laying off 150 staffers this week, or about 1.4% of its workforce — New York (CNN Business)Verizon Media Group is laying off 150 staffers this week, which means the telecom company's 2019 is ending much in the same way it started.
@huffpostunion, @entirelyamelia, @ckrewson, @kerrymflynn, @benparr, @yahoonoise and VICE